
Libyan Deminstrators Inducted into Rebellion-A Reasoned Transition?

Morphing a non-violent, non-military street protest movement into a violent rebel army must take some time. It seems unreasonable to believe that all people believed the Libyan government of Moamar Khadafy would just throw in the towel and flee off-world for refuge.


Khadafy might have no planetary refuge if he ran, and inevitably world banks would seize his foreign accounts and the broke former dictator would be summoned before some court. These sorts of things are well-known historical characteristics of modern time.

So the peaceful protestors are expected to form a rebel army and begin a long, bloody war against the Libyan government forces. At least former Presidential candidate Wesley Clarke has patience as he mentioned on CNN that even if it takes a year to get Khadafy out, that's o.k. President Obama says the 'noose is drawing tighter' around Khadafy, so we can discern that neutrality is not an option for the administration.

The residue of political fact is that the United States seems committed to some sort of a new war with covert and overt military support for an ill-prepared insurgency in Libya. I am all for democracy, free enterprise and freedom from government radio intimidation, bullets, economic destruction and so forth. Yet I believe that the President should have gone to the congress before starting a war that make take a year or more to wrap up with the dictator's head brought to the President of the United States in a basket. It costs a lot of money if nothing else.

The United States fails to lead in sufficient radical energy change to comprise leadership. Like Winston Churchill who changed the entire British navy to run on oil instead of coal 'just like that', so must the United States give up oil-gasoline for cars instantly and finally like an alcoholic kicking the booze. Entire, nation-wide mass transit and personal transit new technologies must be constructed-and not just choo-choo and corn gasohol repackaging of the 2oth century. Instead, the President invests in the same old solutions to intractable foreign political friction without using new methods of problem solving. I suppose that’s what the nation deserves in leadership since the Presidency isn't that well compensated considering the problems it causes for the candidates and the winner.

Postulation of Time (poem) version 1.1

Flowing straight as an arrow, time itself
unwinds around non-Euclidean geometry
like parallel lines meeting at singularities
polar regions of infinitesimal points
drawn in theories, concepts, information
to close the stanza

The plans for all seasons
like an infrastructure of mathematical points
set into group arrays with literal parameters
relativistic metrics of nomes demarcations
infusing ideas of explanation into the physics
variables of powerful premises
time and space shaped
to say what is
what it is
the ontology of what things are

Cycles and metacycles in eternity
God may have been creative before
with a chance to practice infinite Universe constructions already
simplicity flows to complexity
non-being yields to being
from omniscient will
arises infinite, ordered structures
contemplating time
linear spacing of intervals
constant coordinates morphing subjectively
within basic wave transformations
packed artfully into memories.

Theories vs. Observable Facts of the Metaverse/Universe

This is a comment about contemporary cosmological topics. I enjoy reading cosmology books by physicists or astronomers occasionally-popular books written for the general public. Over time one gets unanswered ideas. As in language use or about any other kind of learning, synthetic recombination of concepts is a normal experience.

So a few of the most basic concepts of cosmology such as the big bang, the nature of space, gravity and so forth can present some new ideas unanswered by the information in the cosmology publications that one remembers. Following are a few basic questions about the big bang legend that were investigated a long time ago I am sure, yet I can’t recollect reading the answers recently…

Space-time theories such as loop quantum cosmology, string theory and membrane theory tend to draw upon Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and its equations to construct mathematical models of the history of the Universe backwards in a reduction in size and increase of mass density and energy to a singularity.

The General Theory, I believe, allows an infinite amount of mass and energy to form at the singularity that equations indicate are the precursor of the big bang and inflation of the Universe, yet obviously an infinite amount of energy or mass at any point in the history of the Universe is inconsistent with just a finite amount of energy in the Universe as its sum at any time.

Philosophically I am brought to wonder if physicists have calculated the values for the total quantity of mass-energy in the Universe today based on a 13.7 billion year old start time, and determined how much force all of that mass-energy would have if compacted to a point of any given area-even a very small singular condition. What kind of speed of expansion would it provide if given to expand at that instant long ago?

Reading a book about the research area of loop quantum gravity I realized that the physical theorists make cosmological models at the big bang that are something of yo-yo like recurrent mirror images of the theory of expansion of the Universe on this side (pervasively based on Einstein’s general theory criteria). One actually has no valid reason to assume that the laws of physics on this side of the alleged expansion/inflation are the same as those on the other side with reversed positive or negative signs.

I have read of string theory cosmological explanations of field instability and quantum fluctuations that might have generated a Higgs field to expand, compacted space-atom lattices that would repel themselves given near singularity conditions, and the formation of a white hole and near singularity from a perturbative vacuum, yet I do not recollect reading about the values that a finite singularity with only so much energy and mass to start would have. How large of a Universe of mass and energy could be made consistent with the known speed of expansion and other observable facts of the material of the Universe? What would the size and velocity of the initial explosion need to be in order to be consistent with observations?

There are several ‘fudge factors’ today in cosmology to make theoretical, mathematical criteria work. A cosmological constant, an inflation faster than light, dark energy and dark matter-even anti-matter perhaps, might be considered as fudge factors.

The facts of observations of the Universe are quite excellent today; are there good ‘common sense’ calculations about what size of a singularity the general theory would need to stop at in order to be consistent with the calculated amount of mass-energy of the Universe? Would such comparative calculations help if applied to formulating theories about the mechanics of black holes?

Sure, I realize that it’s said that the Universe did not start from an ordinary a-bomb like explosion. Expansions provide sophisticated parameters with inflation, membranes, quantum instability and etc. Yet if it is regarded as a detonation (perhaps in some kind of a containment medium- (a shaped space field?)) of a finite amount of mass-energy, what kind of values can physicists get, and would they fit the facts of the observable Universe at all?

If there was an infinite amount of mass and energy at a singularity and it exploded, expanded or was repelled then we would never see the end of its expansion I would think, and its power values might be inferred from the observed facts of the mass-energy of the Universe. Instead of treating the infinities of General Relativity as incompleteness or errors, can’t they be regarded as temporal terminus vectors like the summit of mountains? Such places are good places to expand from along the slope of gravity to a broader base.

Promote Change; Get Rid of College Sports

College sports today detract from the necessary academic supremacy of mind over matter on campus. Time and money that go into college sports are used to create a value system of brawn over brains the nation is dumb enough already.

In serving as the minor leagues for pro sports, Americans of athletic skill but lesser academic abilities are left out of the play for pay ladder. Conversely, colleges award degrees to athletes that have no use for the sheepskin except as a prestige item, the club membership presenting an opportunity to provide the wrong role models for a nation in need of intellectual vigor to rectify the environment for long range human survival and biodiversity and space colonization.

Colleges should lose their football, basketball and baseball programs and allow the market to field semi-pro teams to serve as for-pay minor leagues for the pro sports franchises. College sports programs create a socialist training academy for sports that is harmful to honest individual citizens and the true self-employment work ethic in the U.S.A.

Specially gifted college students with outstanding intellectual skills, work ethic and athletic ability could attend classes and then play at sports on a semi-pro team for cash. A vast number of private sector semi-pro sports teams and private sector sports training schools might arise to prepare athletes for athletic careers independently of the academic route thus freeing up classrooms programs for intellectuals.

If baseball players had to go through college to become pro players as they virtually must n football and basketball, it is unlikely that Pete Rose would have made the major leagues, as all he skipped school all he could to practice baseball.


Postulates of Time (poem)

Flowing straight as an arrow, time itself
unwinds around non-Euclidean geometry
like parallel lines meeting at singularities
polar regions of infinitesimal points
drawn in theories, concepts, information
to close the stanza

The plans for all seasons
like an infrastructure of mathematical points
set into group arrays with literal parameters
relativistic metrics of nomes demarcations
infusing ideas of explanation into the physics
variables of powerful premises
time and space shaped
to say what is
what it is
the ontology of what things are

Cycles and metacycles in eternity
God may have been creative before
with a chance to practice infinite Universe constructions already
simplicity flows to complexity

Poverty Lives of Free Quintic Radicals ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

Of all the lines parallel to another
the best are those running through time
circling past themselves around a black hole
while the magpie calls
raven laughter echoes

Born on the calm ocean
without a storm inn sight
dreaming of troubling notions
on a dark and stormy winter night

These paper clips of poetry fasten
clippings of ancient editorials
printouts from deleted Internet pages
suffused in cyberspace noise of politically incorrect being

For human life is electronic
activated through an Originator’s energy plan
deciphering frozen forms of temporality
basic forces bind recombinations
of atomic clocked spacing.

Before a New Song ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

Black holes tie up mass in knots
punctuation points in space
far apart

Evenly distributed in infinity mass was
with no center of contingent space to draw nigh
not even the intervals in virtual particle spacing

A drop in the bucket to inflate
space and time together expanding
faster than light oil in water

The brilliant sheen of many colors
temperatures, order, reducing from The One
singular condition of proximal expansion

A wave of space-time concentricity directed
upon the placid, infinite space-time emptiness
mass-energy tumbling like detritus in an avalanche

Stretching forever within the infinite
temporality phenomenalized, past
unraveled quarks, strings returning to silence.

President Obama Defends Libyan Faith Based Revolution

The recent Libyan revolution began without more than a prayer that either Moamar Khadafy would flee at first street protest or President Obama would eventually blast Khadafy’s military to smithereens with cruise missile, bombers and etc. In a speech delivered about ten days after the main phase of the air war started providing close air support to route Khadafy’s forces, the President defended his humanitarian intervention that saved 'thousands of lives' and allowed the rebels to leave their Benghazi stronghold to advance toward Tripoli.

President Obama has plainly made the United States the 800 pound guerilla expressing a desire to throw Col. Khaddafi over the top rope one way or another.

It is useful to review a couple of points of the President’s logic for intervention.


1) President Obama could have asked Congress for permission to safeguard rebel controlled cities with U.S. air power before Col. khaddafi9 advanced Libya toward Benghazi slaughtering hundreds or thousands on the way; he might not have required piles of dead revolutionaries as a justification to enter the war via the U.N.

2) The United States could have provided relocation assistance for doomed rebels in Benghazi with air, land and seem evacuation to safety instead of militarily intervening.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mentioned three ambiguous points speaking to N.A.T.O. in Europe recently. Her third point of the Clinton corollaries to the Obama Doctrine of Protection for Revolutionaries was somewhat difficult to interpret. It was something like 'Revolutionary actions must be supported by change'. This point reminds me of an explanation for a justification for extending the general theory of relativity in a book on loop quantum gravity I have been reading recently.

Fundamentally, that book mentioned the metaphor of the singularity stopping the flow of a continuum such as occurs at a black hole theoretically. Such stoppage can happened when a faucet is turned off and just a drip of space-time or revolutionary change gets through. One must extend the space-time continuum of revolutionary paradigm in some what if organizing a revolutionary criterion.

That point was not well developed by Einstein or Hillary Clinton either. Fore we foresee a grab bag of revolutionary issues in the Middle East ahead that will distract from transitioning to a green, low entropy economy in the United States in addition to creating full employment or at least a minimum guaranteed income for the unemployed.

Where is the moral good, one might wonder, in failing to assassinate Moamar Khadafy if the United States administration is determined to have him go, with no place to go? Thousands of lives would have been saved and still could be with one bullet to the head of The Supreme Guide of Libya. It is difficult to understand why the promulgation of The Big Lie of public propaganda must go on, that the war machine and scores of spook agencies must have full employment and another region of conflict to engage in should be preferable, in addition to the failure to avoid loss of rebel life, failure to file comprehensive environmental impact statements for war activities-when the assassination of The Leader would be far more cost effective of lives, treasure and endangered Libyan species.

I would have preferred a peaceful transition over time as Moamar Khadafy faded away instead of a bloody, violent revolution. Technological progress would have made the dictatorship obsolete in due course it is possible.

If Moamar Khadafy seeks to flee, will the United States allow him to load up his truck convoy with 6 billion in gold and drive south perhaps to refuge in The Ivory Coast, Liberia or some other African nation? Realistically, when Hillary Clinton demands that Khadafy leave, she is demanding that he suicide, for like the former East German Leader Kurt Honaker, he has no where on Earth to go.


Melting Antarctic Icebergs Stimulate Phytoplankton Growth/Chlorophyll/CO2 Absorption

Global warming that may accelerate the loss of ice in Antarctic may be a last line of defense against global warming. Nature seems to have several built in elements to moderate global temperature. It would be wise not to overuse the last ecospheric reserves to absorb carbon dioxide and reduce atmospheric greenhouse gassing effects from human causation.


In the world's history the atmospheric temperature is believed to have risen significantly before. Also it is believed that high temperatures caused by greenhouse gassing from odd sources such as excessive volcanism or perhaps a thin planetary proto-crust moderated eventually. Temperatures would tend to reflect the primary relationship values of distance from Earth from the heat of the sun, and there may be other factors such as heat from the Earth's hot subsurface in effect too. Just because the melt water from Antarctic icebergs may promote sea plant or phytoplankton growth, it doesn't mean that it will compensate entirely or even mostly for the lowered albido (reflectivity) of vast land mass areas in the north as winter and snow cover decreases annually.

In fact, it seems unlikely that the increase absorption of CO2 caused by the loss of ice from Antarctica would even compensate for the increasing loss of coverage of the Arctic ice cap annually with the increasing heat absorption of the Arctic Ocean.

Square Roots of Minus Dimensions ©2011 GaryCGibson (poem) & Resurrection Points

The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus wrote about how The One might have emanated the Universe. Actually the creation of the Universe is a great mystery for finite minds. Cosmological physicists think about the topic all the time though, and sometimes irreverently regard the sketch of order of Genesis from the Bible. We trust in God though for creating Universes more than ourselves. Scientists regard its origin sometimes as a substance that just naturally arose from nothing and/or without cause in some cases finding mathematical logic to support a recycling perpetual recurrent universe.

I too wonder how the One might have created a Universe that arrives as a great tree of life. The idea of the unmoved mover seems best; the Creator of the Universe Himself has no cause as He always existed. Without the mathematics that provide so many excellent sets, infinite series, differential and integral fields to structure models of Universe from I am left to poetics and prose.

Jesus mentioned in John 11 some interesting points when he set about resurrecting his dead friend Lazarus. Before I write my poem below, let me point out what Jesus said about the light not being in man.

The friend of Jesus had died, and Jesus talked of the light not being in man hence he stumbles in the dark. Jesus was addressing four or five points simultaneously it appears. He was talking about the problem of sin in mankind (people had sought to stone him) and referring to those people as being in spiritual darkness who did not see the light of the world (God) Jesus Christ, and he was also referring to his dead friend Lazarus who had not life in himself any more (a lack of quarks or strings configured to produce life), furthermore, being dead, Lazarus could not negotiate in the world beyond without resurrection. That was a hint of the spiritual world to come in which actual spiritual resurrection occurs better than physical resurrection such as would be done for Lazarus soon.

John 11" 1Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha.
2(It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.)
3Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.
4When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.
5Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.
6When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was.
7Then after that saith he to his disciples, Let us go into Judaea again.
8His disciples say unto him, Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest thou thither again?
9Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.
10But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.
11These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.
12Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well.
13Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep.
14Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead."

Then we move to the scene of the resurrection of Lazarus. Jesus actually wept in this setting-the only time He is known to have done so as he felt so bad about losing His friend to death. This is good. It indicates that God took seriously the issue of the death of a human being, and knows that resurrection is important to us humans.

John 11"
33When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.
34And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see.
35Jesus wept.
36Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!
37And some of them said, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?
38Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it.
39Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.
40Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
41Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
42And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.
43And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.
44And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go."

Square Roots of Minus Dimensions
Seven dimensions
fully expanded with many screens
filtering waveforms travelling through
appearing in some places never dreams
providing anticipated shapes
regular material forms
unto shorelines of three dimensions
motion of space a forth norm
Mass hasn’t light within
Finding darkness forever he stumbles
-unless the light of the world resurrects
his life breath he fumbles
Many dimensions ever could be
groups and subgroups of infinite series
wavetrains journey an infinite sea
clumps of forms afloat temporally shine
Square roots of minus dimensions
multiply themselves by one
generating synthetic positives
from a mid-point of eternity
seeming like modal logic of The One.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...