Scientists are researching poisoning of ancient Americans that paved their localities with bitumen-an asphalt like substance that may have poisoned them.
Americans use a lot of toxic substances and blow it off-fundamentally because they are stupid and don't really give a hoot about those non-immediate problems. Maybe humanity is more wired to respond to immediate threats and actual injuries much faster than invisible empire threats like cell phones, toxic asphalt highways, air pollutants, ground water contamination, global warming and so forth. Perhaps that's why the nation spends 4 trillion dollars more or less to track down the box cutter hijacker-crashers-a disproportionate response that may beditto'd in the trust in Wall Street gadgets and frauds that are too abstract to consider dangers.
Americans are over-specialized and collectively stupid perhaps, and that may be hazardous to our health. What if a generation cooks their challenged brains with cell phones glued to their ears? I was generally too poor to afford a phone and have used them for only aboput 500 hours total. I recall watching raw shrimp cook on the seat of a skiff in some water in a baggy. I believe that the tight microwave beam emitted from cells phones could explain the stupidity of the U.S. Congress and the national debt as well as a host of other idiotic policies. Well, the best reply is denial, so they shall rave about that until its annihilated.
For the rest of this essay I shall put my phone on speaker phone aqnd keep that little brain cooker away from my head! You should do the same-or put some tin foil over your head as you walk around the city streets to keep all those stray microwave beams from frying your circuits. Wait-psychologists have already said that won't work-it makes sparks fly in the microwave oven or something.
A Thought to Consider On What A Thawed Arctic Would Be Like
With global warming increasing and U.S. Government plans to add to it by supporting high Arctic development of ports and other facilities in Northern Alaska and offshore in the Beaufort Sea-optimal locations to emit carbon monoxide and other warm gases to increase anthropogenic climate change- I wonder what the future Arctic coastal environment will be like.
Coastal plains with much permafrost-sometimes frozen year around to one thousand feet or more below the surface-may thaw and melt.
Ice expands when it freezes, so if the permafrost melts the ground may shrink and subside. The question is how much will frozen permafrost subside as it thaws out per ten feet or per one thousand feet?
A rise in sea level added to a subsidence of the ground level above sea level might move the Arctic ocean shore a good distance south onto the coastal plain.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
The Legislation of Pigs With Wings ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)
Motivated to liberate the world
with disposable wrappers, boundaries and security diapers
forests for Boothia Felix
and democracy for Adolph's enthusiasts
grown so much bigger than thee
outsourced with the innocence of greed
Raved on politics of insiders
tattooed temporal recombinant headlines
ranted gems across the Marquee de Sade
Pigs with wings
beaming microwaves to brains
flinging foreign policy boogers
through crenalleted derivative chicanes
Lyrics of wiggle sloppers
driving dust clouds compiling work
networking mobs of border hoppers
small worlds networks clumping snirked
Enviro-flies buzz baft blippers bout
whip froth filters for each single snout
in sleepy wallows of that princely domain
ruled over by powerful winged pigs
in marmalade skies acid rain.
with disposable wrappers, boundaries and security diapers
forests for Boothia Felix
and democracy for Adolph's enthusiasts
grown so much bigger than thee
outsourced with the innocence of greed
Raved on politics of insiders
tattooed temporal recombinant headlines
ranted gems across the Marquee de Sade
Pigs with wings
beaming microwaves to brains
flinging foreign policy boogers
through crenalleted derivative chicanes
Lyrics of wiggle sloppers
driving dust clouds compiling work
networking mobs of border hoppers
small worlds networks clumping snirked
Enviro-flies buzz baft blippers bout
whip froth filters for each single snout
in sleepy wallows of that princely domain
ruled over by powerful winged pigs
in marmalade skies acid rain.
Patriotism vs. Nationalism?
The historian John Lukacs wrote on interesting history book on the subject of 80 days of intellectual, tactical military leadership dueling between Churchill and Hitler in 1940 that fundamentally decided the future of the world. In his particular history investigations Mr. Lukacs is quite a good author.
I wish to examine two or three philosophical topics Mr. Lukacs raised that I take exception to. It is almost always useful when someone writes well enough to suggest a topic of philosophical interest, even if the topic is within the philosophy of history.
Mr. Lukacs seems to have felt that nationalism is a bad thing. Perhaps that is a consequence of his generation of scholars and their bad experience with one or two particularly bad and aggressive nations that prosecuted world wars. Nations are simply political districts though-even if one nation were to encompass the entire world. If a nation works badly it is because of the people in them-not the nation paradigm of political boundaries intrinsically.
I disagree that nationalism is a bad thing. A nation is just a particular polity that is ‘owned’ by its citizens. Nations are necessary for the existence of democracy. A democracy without a nation is like a subject without a predicate; meaningless for conveying meaning.
Winston Churchill was half American. Winston Churchill was also simultaneously 100% British and we Americans wouldn't have wanted a half-American in the White House to implement policy entirely of advantage to the Brits even during the war lest we be required to genuflect on her majesty (even if the present queen of England is quite a nice individual). That sort of thing is for the beknighted Elton Johns of teh world.
Citizens must have some land to control; not just their own, but the public lands too. Human beings all require air and land space to travel through and would be unhappy with a lifetime of house arrest. For the public democracy to have any meaning it requires a specific, real land or ocean to live within that it controls through its elections and representatives-and through laws the public supports.
Patriotism may be a kind of male shepherding of a people that may also be a nation. Mr. Lukacs interpreted Dr. Johnson’s famous phrase as ‘patriotism being the last refuge of the scoundrel’ as instead applying to nationalism. Though historical times change and meanings and concepts do change it is difficult to imagine that citizens of a representative democracy advocating for their well being through elections are scoundrels.
Nations do not require aggression or injustice to survive. Maybe the alternative though is a kind of imperialism and globalism over democratic, national particularism.
In some small nations with unsustainable economic methods it is easy to understand that some political leaders have sought to invade other nations to gain economic resources. Human leaders also have invaded simple to gain more power. Napoleon invaded Europe and Africa to expand France’s political power as the new Imperial Realm in contest with the Russian, Hapsburg and British Imperial powers.
Mr. Lukacs also wrote that parliamentary democracy was in decline and unpopular in the 20 years after the end of the first world war, yet I felt he misunderstood the reasons why the Balkan countries, Greece, Albania and Turkey were less than democratic Utopias; it is difficult to imagine the Sublime Porte as having set a stage for peaceful democracy in the region, and neither was China’s Imperial Empire, the Nationalist Leadership and organized crime in Shanghai supporters of traditional civil rights based democracy. Nationalism was not the essential agent for military and political conflict in the 20th century; instead it was as Ortega y Gasset wrote ‘The Revolt of the Masses’ prevalently against imperial rule, and of rule by aristocracy.
World War Two was the last battle of the Second World War. Hitler was a new proxy for the defeated aristocrats of Germany that had to give up power to the Weimar Republic. Germany narrowly avoided becoming socialist at the close of the First World War and the military leadership appointed Hitler to infiltrate and lead the way through the German National Socialist Worker’s Party to a new synthetic state corporatism in which aristocrats with capital might unify with the Nazi authority thus protecting their assets against the Bolsheviks in Russia and Germany. Because Henry Ford, Prescott Bush and others took that as better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick for trade, Germany advanced under Hitler to the inexorable drive to dominate Europe.
Of course there is more to it than that. Yet the contest between imperialism in various forms and democracy with strong individual rights based in a real nation is fundamental in western civilization. Nationalism does not require aggression at all-it requires good ecological economic leadership, full employment, justice, security from illegal entry and mutually beneficial trade relationships. The United States can be a strong, independent nation and have a sustainable, self-reliant economy and ecology or it can become part of some global imperialism in which elections nationally are basically sham votes for items from a one party ruling class.
The last point I wanted to mention was Mr. Lukac’s statement that it isn’t idealism and realism that are antithetical, but idealism and materialism that are. That is quite a useful point to make.
Realism has a couple of meanings philosophically speaking (or more) as does idealism. Today we might be more accustomed to talking about realism vs. nominalism than idealism. I believe that Prof. Lukac’s meanings are of that of history and common sense, although he does mention Hegel, German idealism and determinism.
Realism has historically been a descendent of Plato’s realm of forms. Philosophically realism was a belief in the reality of perfect archetypes in a transcending realm of which all things in this world are replicas albeit imperfect forms.
Common sense is the other meaning of realism we may consider now. Realism in politics is the pragmatic, the functional and the actual-the way things are. Realism tends to thus be associated with materialism and it is simple to clarify matters and pose materialism as the fundamental antithesis to idealism.
There is a funny thing about idealism that makes its meaning somewhat equivalent to the amount and quality of ideas that one has. It is easy to ossify idealism and say that it is Hegel’s world spirit evolving to actualize itself. We can even throw Darwin’s evolution theory along with Telhard Desjardin’s noosphere into such an evolution of idealism comprehensive of materialism, quarks, space-time and all-potential universes. That is, one may place that sort of idealist paradigm within the neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus’ criterion of the non-static manifestation of temporality through various emanations from The One and transcend or bridge the gap between idealism and realism, so it is useful to allow realism and materialism to be equivalents and substitute the one for the other in our linguistic thesis vs. anti-thesis comparison.
Idealism has another meaning besides that of Hegel that I ought to mention. Bishop Berkeley developed a philosophy of idealism-or pure idealism that let the world of perceptions be a phenomenon of mind acceptable in a sense to Jean Paul Sartre’s approach to rationalism named existentialism. Basically Berkeley let the world of experience have no foundation objectively that could be greater than any world that could be created directly for our minds to experience.
If the world and Universe could be a kind of Matrix or virtual reality-an idea for Berkeley, Lukacs wrote that Hitler had the other sort of Hegelian idealism in mind. If one remembers reading Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Mind’ one recalls that G.W.F. Hegel believed the German state was the highest form that the world spirit had yet evolved mankind to. Thus Hitler might have had a similar historical misunderstanding and belief in determinism equal to that of Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin. I was unaware of that, and am a little skeptical that Hitler had much depth in reading philosophy. It is more credible to believe he had read Nietzsche.
At any rate, Mr. Lukac’s interesting point does stimulate one to consider a little how materialism might be the antithesis of idealism. I suppose I must upgrade a little the meaning of idealism and also that of materialism.
Idealism will mean that thought and design in a world-a kind of anthropic idealism, leads one’s way. Materialism shall mean that matter prevails over thought, and irrationalism is acceptable as it conforms to given material mass, energy and space-time.
With that clarification it is easy to see that idealism and materialism are antithetical. Because the only realms where anyone much cares about such a contest are philosophy and the philosophy of economics we must consider the salient point in the business environment in the ecosystem today; does capitalism work best to manage the world’s environment with faith in Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’?
We might wonder if blind faith in material irrational evolution of parallel environmental reconstruction that may encapsulate the prevailing Wall Street approach to the world ecosphere that regards the ecosphere as n externality is opposed to an idealism that takes responsibility for human interaction within the world ecosphere. I believe the answer is yes.
Adam Smith’s invisible hand was a mechanism for economic determinism. It meant no more than let free enterprisers run their affairs without royalty (or large corporations) oppressing us. It was not in anthropomorphic sink for all social responsibility regarding the environment.
In building designs people think before building if they can. Usually the results turn out better than letting the blind forces of nature evolve an office tower. Materialism must be helped along by idealism if it is to work-yet the ideal world; a world of pure mind in which human beings construct any reality they like is equally absurd. Real limits exist in any era to what human beings may do to change the environment and world or even universe. Politically the challenge is to understand those limits and make of them not points of crisis and conflict, chaos and catastrophe but opportunities for progress, construction of new worlds, restoration of healthy ecosystems, sustainable habitations for all life forms.
God got all of that better of course. The Universe is a kind of tree of life sprung from a mustard seed of infinitesimally small size (or perhaps it is that small anyway comparatively). I appreciated the concept of materialism being the antithesis that Mr. Lukacs raised in his book about Hitler versus Churchill. Materialism without thought and vice versa tends to be incomplete, ineffective political philosophies.
I wish to examine two or three philosophical topics Mr. Lukacs raised that I take exception to. It is almost always useful when someone writes well enough to suggest a topic of philosophical interest, even if the topic is within the philosophy of history.
Mr. Lukacs seems to have felt that nationalism is a bad thing. Perhaps that is a consequence of his generation of scholars and their bad experience with one or two particularly bad and aggressive nations that prosecuted world wars. Nations are simply political districts though-even if one nation were to encompass the entire world. If a nation works badly it is because of the people in them-not the nation paradigm of political boundaries intrinsically.
I disagree that nationalism is a bad thing. A nation is just a particular polity that is ‘owned’ by its citizens. Nations are necessary for the existence of democracy. A democracy without a nation is like a subject without a predicate; meaningless for conveying meaning.
Winston Churchill was half American. Winston Churchill was also simultaneously 100% British and we Americans wouldn't have wanted a half-American in the White House to implement policy entirely of advantage to the Brits even during the war lest we be required to genuflect on her majesty (even if the present queen of England is quite a nice individual). That sort of thing is for the beknighted Elton Johns of teh world.
Citizens must have some land to control; not just their own, but the public lands too. Human beings all require air and land space to travel through and would be unhappy with a lifetime of house arrest. For the public democracy to have any meaning it requires a specific, real land or ocean to live within that it controls through its elections and representatives-and through laws the public supports.
Patriotism may be a kind of male shepherding of a people that may also be a nation. Mr. Lukacs interpreted Dr. Johnson’s famous phrase as ‘patriotism being the last refuge of the scoundrel’ as instead applying to nationalism. Though historical times change and meanings and concepts do change it is difficult to imagine that citizens of a representative democracy advocating for their well being through elections are scoundrels.
Nations do not require aggression or injustice to survive. Maybe the alternative though is a kind of imperialism and globalism over democratic, national particularism.
In some small nations with unsustainable economic methods it is easy to understand that some political leaders have sought to invade other nations to gain economic resources. Human leaders also have invaded simple to gain more power. Napoleon invaded Europe and Africa to expand France’s political power as the new Imperial Realm in contest with the Russian, Hapsburg and British Imperial powers.
Mr. Lukacs also wrote that parliamentary democracy was in decline and unpopular in the 20 years after the end of the first world war, yet I felt he misunderstood the reasons why the Balkan countries, Greece, Albania and Turkey were less than democratic Utopias; it is difficult to imagine the Sublime Porte as having set a stage for peaceful democracy in the region, and neither was China’s Imperial Empire, the Nationalist Leadership and organized crime in Shanghai supporters of traditional civil rights based democracy. Nationalism was not the essential agent for military and political conflict in the 20th century; instead it was as Ortega y Gasset wrote ‘The Revolt of the Masses’ prevalently against imperial rule, and of rule by aristocracy.
World War Two was the last battle of the Second World War. Hitler was a new proxy for the defeated aristocrats of Germany that had to give up power to the Weimar Republic. Germany narrowly avoided becoming socialist at the close of the First World War and the military leadership appointed Hitler to infiltrate and lead the way through the German National Socialist Worker’s Party to a new synthetic state corporatism in which aristocrats with capital might unify with the Nazi authority thus protecting their assets against the Bolsheviks in Russia and Germany. Because Henry Ford, Prescott Bush and others took that as better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick for trade, Germany advanced under Hitler to the inexorable drive to dominate Europe.
Of course there is more to it than that. Yet the contest between imperialism in various forms and democracy with strong individual rights based in a real nation is fundamental in western civilization. Nationalism does not require aggression at all-it requires good ecological economic leadership, full employment, justice, security from illegal entry and mutually beneficial trade relationships. The United States can be a strong, independent nation and have a sustainable, self-reliant economy and ecology or it can become part of some global imperialism in which elections nationally are basically sham votes for items from a one party ruling class.
The last point I wanted to mention was Mr. Lukac’s statement that it isn’t idealism and realism that are antithetical, but idealism and materialism that are. That is quite a useful point to make.
Realism has a couple of meanings philosophically speaking (or more) as does idealism. Today we might be more accustomed to talking about realism vs. nominalism than idealism. I believe that Prof. Lukac’s meanings are of that of history and common sense, although he does mention Hegel, German idealism and determinism.
Realism has historically been a descendent of Plato’s realm of forms. Philosophically realism was a belief in the reality of perfect archetypes in a transcending realm of which all things in this world are replicas albeit imperfect forms.
Common sense is the other meaning of realism we may consider now. Realism in politics is the pragmatic, the functional and the actual-the way things are. Realism tends to thus be associated with materialism and it is simple to clarify matters and pose materialism as the fundamental antithesis to idealism.
There is a funny thing about idealism that makes its meaning somewhat equivalent to the amount and quality of ideas that one has. It is easy to ossify idealism and say that it is Hegel’s world spirit evolving to actualize itself. We can even throw Darwin’s evolution theory along with Telhard Desjardin’s noosphere into such an evolution of idealism comprehensive of materialism, quarks, space-time and all-potential universes. That is, one may place that sort of idealist paradigm within the neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus’ criterion of the non-static manifestation of temporality through various emanations from The One and transcend or bridge the gap between idealism and realism, so it is useful to allow realism and materialism to be equivalents and substitute the one for the other in our linguistic thesis vs. anti-thesis comparison.
Idealism has another meaning besides that of Hegel that I ought to mention. Bishop Berkeley developed a philosophy of idealism-or pure idealism that let the world of perceptions be a phenomenon of mind acceptable in a sense to Jean Paul Sartre’s approach to rationalism named existentialism. Basically Berkeley let the world of experience have no foundation objectively that could be greater than any world that could be created directly for our minds to experience.
If the world and Universe could be a kind of Matrix or virtual reality-an idea for Berkeley, Lukacs wrote that Hitler had the other sort of Hegelian idealism in mind. If one remembers reading Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Mind’ one recalls that G.W.F. Hegel believed the German state was the highest form that the world spirit had yet evolved mankind to. Thus Hitler might have had a similar historical misunderstanding and belief in determinism equal to that of Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin. I was unaware of that, and am a little skeptical that Hitler had much depth in reading philosophy. It is more credible to believe he had read Nietzsche.
At any rate, Mr. Lukac’s interesting point does stimulate one to consider a little how materialism might be the antithesis of idealism. I suppose I must upgrade a little the meaning of idealism and also that of materialism.
Idealism will mean that thought and design in a world-a kind of anthropic idealism, leads one’s way. Materialism shall mean that matter prevails over thought, and irrationalism is acceptable as it conforms to given material mass, energy and space-time.
With that clarification it is easy to see that idealism and materialism are antithetical. Because the only realms where anyone much cares about such a contest are philosophy and the philosophy of economics we must consider the salient point in the business environment in the ecosystem today; does capitalism work best to manage the world’s environment with faith in Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’?
We might wonder if blind faith in material irrational evolution of parallel environmental reconstruction that may encapsulate the prevailing Wall Street approach to the world ecosphere that regards the ecosphere as n externality is opposed to an idealism that takes responsibility for human interaction within the world ecosphere. I believe the answer is yes.
Adam Smith’s invisible hand was a mechanism for economic determinism. It meant no more than let free enterprisers run their affairs without royalty (or large corporations) oppressing us. It was not in anthropomorphic sink for all social responsibility regarding the environment.
In building designs people think before building if they can. Usually the results turn out better than letting the blind forces of nature evolve an office tower. Materialism must be helped along by idealism if it is to work-yet the ideal world; a world of pure mind in which human beings construct any reality they like is equally absurd. Real limits exist in any era to what human beings may do to change the environment and world or even universe. Politically the challenge is to understand those limits and make of them not points of crisis and conflict, chaos and catastrophe but opportunities for progress, construction of new worlds, restoration of healthy ecosystems, sustainable habitations for all life forms.
God got all of that better of course. The Universe is a kind of tree of life sprung from a mustard seed of infinitesimally small size (or perhaps it is that small anyway comparatively). I appreciated the concept of materialism being the antithesis that Mr. Lukacs raised in his book about Hitler versus Churchill. Materialism without thought and vice versa tends to be incomplete, ineffective political philosophies.
My Reading list January-May 2011
My Reading list January-May 2011...
1) The Balkan Wars
2) The Persian Night; Iran Under the Khomeinist Revolution-Amir Teheri
3) Age of Fracture- Daniel Rogers
4) Once Before Time: A Whole Story of the Universe- Martin Bojowald
5) Infinite Ascent- David Berlinski
6) Freefall- Joseph Stiglitz
7) Unknown Shore- Robert Ruby
8) The Constants of Nature- John D. Barrow
9) The New Vichy Europe- Theodore Dalrymple
10) The Greatest Day in History- Best
11) The Philosopher and the Druids- Freeman
12) Maya Conquistador- Restall
13) Writing Mysteries- Sue Grafton editor
14) How to Write a Damn Good Novel- Frey
15) Crude World- Peter Maass
16) Dance of the Photons- Zeilinger
17) Just Six Numbers- Martin Rees
18) The Shadow Factory- Bamford
19) The Duel- Lukacs
1) The Balkan Wars
2) The Persian Night; Iran Under the Khomeinist Revolution-Amir Teheri
3) Age of Fracture- Daniel Rogers
4) Once Before Time: A Whole Story of the Universe- Martin Bojowald
5) Infinite Ascent- David Berlinski
6) Freefall- Joseph Stiglitz
7) Unknown Shore- Robert Ruby
8) The Constants of Nature- John D. Barrow
9) The New Vichy Europe- Theodore Dalrymple
10) The Greatest Day in History- Best
11) The Philosopher and the Druids- Freeman
12) Maya Conquistador- Restall
13) Writing Mysteries- Sue Grafton editor
14) How to Write a Damn Good Novel- Frey
15) Crude World- Peter Maass
16) Dance of the Photons- Zeilinger
17) Just Six Numbers- Martin Rees
18) The Shadow Factory- Bamford
19) The Duel- Lukacs
Will Humanity Overcome Itself and Build A Sustainable Ecological Economy?
This time of year one wonders if U.S. political leadership will arise to lead humanity to full employment and a robust ecology that are sustainable facts of biodiversity-it seems unlikely.
Instead a feminized corporate global sprawl of organismic faithless amorality seems to be flowing to all regions of the globe to replace the local human life forms and culture. Sure one can argue that there are poitical cretins that need replacing. Yet degrading humanity to an amoebic form of acquiesing yes blobs seems a way to reduce human propects for sustainable life generally.
Corporate machines producing wealth unsustainable distributed to trained minions without an incorrect brain wave in their mind politically speaking sur won't work to keep strong U.S. nationalism or civil liberties much less a vigorous non-corporate free enterprise.
One might ask if great buildings are designed by Adam Smith's invisible hand-if non-sentient anthropomorphism is expected to design a better freedom tower or a wandering hollow mountain range housing a 100 million people? If the answer is no, then why should we accept the premise that irrational anthropomorphism will best design the world's ecology?
The world's ecology does require design today as much as any office building. The health of the ocean and all its fishes requires intentional design for health, as does biodiversity, a wild habitat and enough food to provide for every single human being adequately.
Instead a feminized corporate global sprawl of organismic faithless amorality seems to be flowing to all regions of the globe to replace the local human life forms and culture. Sure one can argue that there are poitical cretins that need replacing. Yet degrading humanity to an amoebic form of acquiesing yes blobs seems a way to reduce human propects for sustainable life generally.
Corporate machines producing wealth unsustainable distributed to trained minions without an incorrect brain wave in their mind politically speaking sur won't work to keep strong U.S. nationalism or civil liberties much less a vigorous non-corporate free enterprise.
One might ask if great buildings are designed by Adam Smith's invisible hand-if non-sentient anthropomorphism is expected to design a better freedom tower or a wandering hollow mountain range housing a 100 million people? If the answer is no, then why should we accept the premise that irrational anthropomorphism will best design the world's ecology?
The world's ecology does require design today as much as any office building. The health of the ocean and all its fishes requires intentional design for health, as does biodiversity, a wild habitat and enough food to provide for every single human being adequately.
N.S.A. Mission & Priorities on a Tangent
The National Security Agency has built a constellation of computer processing facilities and supported development of super-computers to process telecommunications and Internet data at a speed faster than a quadrillion calculations per second with a goal of processing a quintillion operations per second (an exaflop). The rationale is to discover terrorist communications existentially by sorting through all of the world's telecommunications. Hundreds of billions of tax dollars are spent to locate a few Arabs with boxcutters-not to design an electromagnetic off-world linear space vehicle launcher, design a super-conducting interstate highway system or model economic full employment conditions for Americans. Needless to say no amount of computer processing capacity will inform the U.S. Government how to prevent illegal entry through its national borders.
One may guess that although modern urban structures have been enfiladed as flimsy and unable to withstand significant extra-normal stress in order to save construction cost and increase proplits, and no building plans for foliage covered buildings shaped as small, tough mountain ranges are scheduled for construction, the N.S.A. is neither set to discover encrypted messages written atom by atom or time-restructuring nano-bit messages placed in Fedex envelopes that might carry messages from the frontier of seriously evil applications of science to meglomaniacal conspirators.
The N.S.A. is building over-kill into reading the planet's email and listening to cell phones in order to defeat comparatively primitive perps that might be halted by other means such as competent physical defenses and a new national construction and agronomic ecological economic infrastructure could bring.
Because much of the invasive data acquired by the N.S.A. is outsourced to private and foreign corporations the information is distributed globally as well helping to build a new Orwellian evil empire. The Government should rethink some of its priorities and intentionally invest in economic and environmentally constructive construction and computation too.
One may guess that although modern urban structures have been enfiladed as flimsy and unable to withstand significant extra-normal stress in order to save construction cost and increase proplits, and no building plans for foliage covered buildings shaped as small, tough mountain ranges are scheduled for construction, the N.S.A. is neither set to discover encrypted messages written atom by atom or time-restructuring nano-bit messages placed in Fedex envelopes that might carry messages from the frontier of seriously evil applications of science to meglomaniacal conspirators.
The N.S.A. is building over-kill into reading the planet's email and listening to cell phones in order to defeat comparatively primitive perps that might be halted by other means such as competent physical defenses and a new national construction and agronomic ecological economic infrastructure could bring.
Because much of the invasive data acquired by the N.S.A. is outsourced to private and foreign corporations the information is distributed globally as well helping to build a new Orwellian evil empire. The Government should rethink some of its priorities and intentionally invest in economic and environmentally constructive construction and computation too.
President Obama's Disapproval Rating on U.S. Issues Climbs Scrimps Above 50%
While a majority of Americans disapprove of the President's management of eight key domestic issues the unanswered question of note is what potential candidate for the Presidency in 2012 does the electorate believe would do a good job on domestic issues?
I believe the correct answer is 'no one'. No potential candidate is thought to be competent enough to make the right changes to the nation to create full employment, a balanced budget, eliminate the federal debt, restore the nation's environment and restore security privacy in the telecom/Internet era.
No candidate is believed to have a realistic ability to provide no-problem free health care for the poor and veterans, to secure the nation's borders from illegal entry or even create a practical, efficient space transportation to a moon research base.
Writing from Wasilla Alaska I can say that I am glad Sarah Palin has gone on a bus tour of the nation's history sites-perhaps she will visit New Hampshire to learn more about the shot heard around the world, or New Jersey to see where Thomas Edison invented the Internet with his sidekick Dr. Watson.
Like the vast planet Jupiter clearing out the inner solar system of debris with its gravity that might reach other, Sarah Palin may enter Republican primaries to sweep and clear her male rivals with the automatic 50% gender vote as candidate Hillary Clinton cleared the field for Barrack Obama and the black advantage. If the Republican candidates for the 2012 election continue to fail at persuading the nation that they have the intelligence and the plans to make things right, a last minute October 2011 primary entry of Stanford President Condolizza Rice may be in demand-the nation has elected Woodrow Wilson like academics before.
If the race narrows down to a basic Palin-Rice contest, former Sect. of State Rice will likely answer difficult debate questions such 'what year did Crispus Attucks C.E.O. of Crispy Creme?' best.
I believe the correct answer is 'no one'. No potential candidate is thought to be competent enough to make the right changes to the nation to create full employment, a balanced budget, eliminate the federal debt, restore the nation's environment and restore security privacy in the telecom/Internet era.
No candidate is believed to have a realistic ability to provide no-problem free health care for the poor and veterans, to secure the nation's borders from illegal entry or even create a practical, efficient space transportation to a moon research base.
Writing from Wasilla Alaska I can say that I am glad Sarah Palin has gone on a bus tour of the nation's history sites-perhaps she will visit New Hampshire to learn more about the shot heard around the world, or New Jersey to see where Thomas Edison invented the Internet with his sidekick Dr. Watson.
Like the vast planet Jupiter clearing out the inner solar system of debris with its gravity that might reach other, Sarah Palin may enter Republican primaries to sweep and clear her male rivals with the automatic 50% gender vote as candidate Hillary Clinton cleared the field for Barrack Obama and the black advantage. If the Republican candidates for the 2012 election continue to fail at persuading the nation that they have the intelligence and the plans to make things right, a last minute October 2011 primary entry of Stanford President Condolizza Rice may be in demand-the nation has elected Woodrow Wilson like academics before.
If the race narrows down to a basic Palin-Rice contest, former Sect. of State Rice will likely answer difficult debate questions such 'what year did Crispus Attucks C.E.O. of Crispy Creme?' best.
The National Security Agency May Simultaneously Decrease National Security
The N.S.A. following the end of the cold war was ordered to downsize it's personnel by about a third. After 9-11 it recovered and ramped up its budget considerably building new facilities, hiring new people and finding new ways to tap into fiber optic communications. Perhaps because of the Bush-Cheney crank ideas about economics and privatization the N.S.A. also outsourced much of its work surveilling foreign and domestic communications through private contractors: more than 4000 contractors.
Today the major world fiber optic cables for communications send data globally at the speed of light. Even local calls and Internet messages in Asia may pass through California. The content may be copied live to be fed into N.S.A. computers-all of it.
Because of the vast amount of data-exabytes in the surveillance-industrial complex processing require advanced artificial intelligence and sorting programs technology to find those very dangerous terrorists in some fetid foreign swamp or hanging out in a motel outside Ft. Meade-the foreign contractors scanning through the data work for not only the U.S. Government but also for more than 50 other governments providing the same services not uncommonly.
Privatizing intelligence and Medicare would tend to make select private sector corporations 'too big to fail' and distribute U.S. data to the globe for their analysis and use. Americans will have no firewalls on foreign intelligence and global corporate intelligence analysts from knowing who they call on the phone, where they shop, what they eat, and what their business plans and energy usage is.
National security should create serious boundary firewalls to intelligence to stop the contemporary Internet and telephone infrastructure of the private sector from annihilating U.S. national security. While some Americans just don't care about keeping their personal affairs private, many do, and others haven't foreseen any deleterious future consequences as a result of the hegemony of adverse global corporate intelligence activity.
The U.S. Congress has failed to adapt to build firewalls and amorphous opacity requirements into telecommunications that would prevent the Microsofts, Googles,Nices, Narus' China Unicoms and Verints from capturing data for analysis in vast data storage facilities. Internet and telephone transactions could be constructed with an innate emphemerality that would scramble electrons after use. Entire bureaucracies and corporate sectors have evolved to function as Orwell's vampires on individual civil liberty. Government should continually work to build new national defense infrastructure into technology that assaults national sovereignty at the same time as it innovates and improves technical virtuosity.
An American citizen might wonder how full employment, good wages and a healthy environment might ever be constructed when the U.S. Government has heavily invested in privatizing much of its intelligence functions to global corporations, allowed the communications data of Americans to be pervasively captured by foreign agencies and let its employment sector become controlled by foreign or transnational corporations that may in effect keep U.S. employment levels wherever they like.
A citizen should encourage the U.S. Government to invest in philosophical research and analysis about the overall effect global corporations have on U.S. economic development, signals intelligence, acquisition and security of private Internet and telecommunications data transactions. The U.S. Government should invest in social philosophy analysis so far as to consider if the weight of economic capitalization and technical advantages of global corporations are helping or harming U.S. national economic development and the actual standard of living of the citizens of the United States.
The National Security Agency should be encouraged to develop a systems analysis capacity for the conservation of data security in the high-tech telecommunications environment. While the N.S.A. presently seems to be based upon copying data from telecoms and Internet corporations and fiber optics lines and further to develop private contractors to analyze the data, it should also find technical means to scramble all private data going in to the Internet cloud or wireless and land phone networks through necessary encryption of data such that only the private citizen can put the data together meaningfully with his/her 'half' of the technology. The danger to national security and civil liberties especially in the realm of free enterprise appear to far greater from corporate and government data acquisition than from terrorist attack.
Terrorist attacks might be better defended against through increased border security (no illegal entries to the U.S.A.), better, less destructable building designs, more surveillance of biological developers and so forth.
Today the major world fiber optic cables for communications send data globally at the speed of light. Even local calls and Internet messages in Asia may pass through California. The content may be copied live to be fed into N.S.A. computers-all of it.
Because of the vast amount of data-exabytes in the surveillance-industrial complex processing require advanced artificial intelligence and sorting programs technology to find those very dangerous terrorists in some fetid foreign swamp or hanging out in a motel outside Ft. Meade-the foreign contractors scanning through the data work for not only the U.S. Government but also for more than 50 other governments providing the same services not uncommonly.
Privatizing intelligence and Medicare would tend to make select private sector corporations 'too big to fail' and distribute U.S. data to the globe for their analysis and use. Americans will have no firewalls on foreign intelligence and global corporate intelligence analysts from knowing who they call on the phone, where they shop, what they eat, and what their business plans and energy usage is.
National security should create serious boundary firewalls to intelligence to stop the contemporary Internet and telephone infrastructure of the private sector from annihilating U.S. national security. While some Americans just don't care about keeping their personal affairs private, many do, and others haven't foreseen any deleterious future consequences as a result of the hegemony of adverse global corporate intelligence activity.
The U.S. Congress has failed to adapt to build firewalls and amorphous opacity requirements into telecommunications that would prevent the Microsofts, Googles,Nices, Narus' China Unicoms and Verints from capturing data for analysis in vast data storage facilities. Internet and telephone transactions could be constructed with an innate emphemerality that would scramble electrons after use. Entire bureaucracies and corporate sectors have evolved to function as Orwell's vampires on individual civil liberty. Government should continually work to build new national defense infrastructure into technology that assaults national sovereignty at the same time as it innovates and improves technical virtuosity.
An American citizen might wonder how full employment, good wages and a healthy environment might ever be constructed when the U.S. Government has heavily invested in privatizing much of its intelligence functions to global corporations, allowed the communications data of Americans to be pervasively captured by foreign agencies and let its employment sector become controlled by foreign or transnational corporations that may in effect keep U.S. employment levels wherever they like.
A citizen should encourage the U.S. Government to invest in philosophical research and analysis about the overall effect global corporations have on U.S. economic development, signals intelligence, acquisition and security of private Internet and telecommunications data transactions. The U.S. Government should invest in social philosophy analysis so far as to consider if the weight of economic capitalization and technical advantages of global corporations are helping or harming U.S. national economic development and the actual standard of living of the citizens of the United States.
The National Security Agency should be encouraged to develop a systems analysis capacity for the conservation of data security in the high-tech telecommunications environment. While the N.S.A. presently seems to be based upon copying data from telecoms and Internet corporations and fiber optics lines and further to develop private contractors to analyze the data, it should also find technical means to scramble all private data going in to the Internet cloud or wireless and land phone networks through necessary encryption of data such that only the private citizen can put the data together meaningfully with his/her 'half' of the technology. The danger to national security and civil liberties especially in the realm of free enterprise appear to far greater from corporate and government data acquisition than from terrorist attack.
Terrorist attacks might be better defended against through increased border security (no illegal entries to the U.S.A.), better, less destructable building designs, more surveillance of biological developers and so forth.
.007% Hydrogen Fusion Conversion Efficiency Leaves Helium
.007% Hydrogen Fusion Conversion Efficiency Leaves Helium
I was interested in turning up double oh seven as a nuclear bond fusion conversion from mass efficiency rating in a book I found recently. Sure physicists know this sort of thing backwards and forwards, or extra-dimensionally and sideways with the future writing in the past, yet I am an unemployed house painter so it is new to me. Martin Reese writing in his book ‘Just Six Numbers’ published about a decade ago described a few of the constants of nature that enable the Universe to exist in the form it does.
One of the forces and derivative numerical value he selected was that of the strong force that binds atoms together and its energy efficiency rating converting mass during nuclear fusion. If the number was different it could have reshaped the course of the Universe.
We know that hydrogen is the most common element in the Universe, and the most simple-much of it ends up drawn together by gravity to form stars. Hydrogen atoms crushed together in atomic fusion-their nucleuses fused together- shrink down a little bit releasing the excess mass as heat.
There is of course an intermediate step in hydrogen fusion proceeding onward to yield helium that I’ll skip over. A helium atom ‘weighs just 99.3% as much as the two protons and neutrons that form it’-(a paraphrase from page 42 of ‘Just Six Numbers’). During the process of nuclear fusion the excess mass is .007%. The mass is given up as heat energy and thus we learn the interesting fact about the efficiency of that nuclear bond.
Helium itself is a comparatively inefficient fusion element converting mass to energy at just .001% efficiency. Compared to the hydrogen fusion that went to build up helium the energy conversion capacity of helium is quite low. The helium burning life of a star is shorter than that of hydrogen.
One must wonder if there are more efficient fusion methods that will be discovered one day-perhaps fusion of extra small dimensions together, or fusion of atoms of space to create time. Perhaps scientists will discover how to produce unlimited amounts of anti-matter through quantum teleportation of information.
Rees mentioned that the only 100% efficient conversion of matter into energy occurs when matter and anti-matter ‘fuses’ to annihilate mass and release just energy at the speed of light.
Obviously one wonders what pure energy is, and if there is pure anti-energy or anti-photons. One might think, if not a physicist, that energy could only manifest its existence in relation to mass-moving it or something, and that in an otherwise empty space-time vacuum it might effectively not exist.
The strong force bonds atomic nuclei together, and is therefore interesting to think about. Atomic orbits have the ability to carry a certain amount of energy or particles (electrons) before they must flip out to another level. Atomic nuclei have an implicitly stable structure permissible by nature.
So one wonders about the strong force-isn’t it just the actualization of a smaller particle/s? That might be quarks or strings in their actualization.
The prospects for bonding atomic nuclei together with a greater release of energy than that of hydrogen may not be good. Hydrogen is the simplest element and as the complexity of atomic structure increases so does, apparently, the inefficiency of the release of energy in nuclear fusion. I guess there would be a difficulty in making synthetic elements that would readily fuse and release much energy as the protons and neutrons consolidated. Maybe the mass of a synthetic element and its potential energy released in fusion must be enough that it is like change from a dollar-and not enough to form new bills as one might get if it were change for a five. If change is the energy and bills are larger, more stable components of atoms, there may be an implicit categorical limit to the amount of energy that can be released through a fusion process outside an extreme gravitational field.
If God were to have said ‘let there be light’ in such a context with nothing including space-time existing he could have taken a matter-anti-matter concentrate of a few hundred pounds and set it off from a safe distance I guess to provide enough space-time, mass or pure energy to form a universe’s content.
I was interested in turning up double oh seven as a nuclear bond fusion conversion from mass efficiency rating in a book I found recently. Sure physicists know this sort of thing backwards and forwards, or extra-dimensionally and sideways with the future writing in the past, yet I am an unemployed house painter so it is new to me. Martin Reese writing in his book ‘Just Six Numbers’ published about a decade ago described a few of the constants of nature that enable the Universe to exist in the form it does.
One of the forces and derivative numerical value he selected was that of the strong force that binds atoms together and its energy efficiency rating converting mass during nuclear fusion. If the number was different it could have reshaped the course of the Universe.
We know that hydrogen is the most common element in the Universe, and the most simple-much of it ends up drawn together by gravity to form stars. Hydrogen atoms crushed together in atomic fusion-their nucleuses fused together- shrink down a little bit releasing the excess mass as heat.
There is of course an intermediate step in hydrogen fusion proceeding onward to yield helium that I’ll skip over. A helium atom ‘weighs just 99.3% as much as the two protons and neutrons that form it’-(a paraphrase from page 42 of ‘Just Six Numbers’). During the process of nuclear fusion the excess mass is .007%. The mass is given up as heat energy and thus we learn the interesting fact about the efficiency of that nuclear bond.
Helium itself is a comparatively inefficient fusion element converting mass to energy at just .001% efficiency. Compared to the hydrogen fusion that went to build up helium the energy conversion capacity of helium is quite low. The helium burning life of a star is shorter than that of hydrogen.
One must wonder if there are more efficient fusion methods that will be discovered one day-perhaps fusion of extra small dimensions together, or fusion of atoms of space to create time. Perhaps scientists will discover how to produce unlimited amounts of anti-matter through quantum teleportation of information.
Rees mentioned that the only 100% efficient conversion of matter into energy occurs when matter and anti-matter ‘fuses’ to annihilate mass and release just energy at the speed of light.
Obviously one wonders what pure energy is, and if there is pure anti-energy or anti-photons. One might think, if not a physicist, that energy could only manifest its existence in relation to mass-moving it or something, and that in an otherwise empty space-time vacuum it might effectively not exist.
The strong force bonds atomic nuclei together, and is therefore interesting to think about. Atomic orbits have the ability to carry a certain amount of energy or particles (electrons) before they must flip out to another level. Atomic nuclei have an implicitly stable structure permissible by nature.
So one wonders about the strong force-isn’t it just the actualization of a smaller particle/s? That might be quarks or strings in their actualization.
The prospects for bonding atomic nuclei together with a greater release of energy than that of hydrogen may not be good. Hydrogen is the simplest element and as the complexity of atomic structure increases so does, apparently, the inefficiency of the release of energy in nuclear fusion. I guess there would be a difficulty in making synthetic elements that would readily fuse and release much energy as the protons and neutrons consolidated. Maybe the mass of a synthetic element and its potential energy released in fusion must be enough that it is like change from a dollar-and not enough to form new bills as one might get if it were change for a five. If change is the energy and bills are larger, more stable components of atoms, there may be an implicit categorical limit to the amount of energy that can be released through a fusion process outside an extreme gravitational field.
If God were to have said ‘let there be light’ in such a context with nothing including space-time existing he could have taken a matter-anti-matter concentrate of a few hundred pounds and set it off from a safe distance I guess to provide enough space-time, mass or pure energy to form a universe’s content.
'The Shadow Factory'
James Bamford's excellent book on the National Security Agency's record of work between 1990 and 2007 or 2008 reads better than a novel. The Shadow Factory was published in 2008. I would have liked to have got to this book sooner since it has such a fine record of the trail of the 9-11 terrorists in the Unites States. It is surprising to learn that some of them lived their final days two miles away from the N.S.A. headquarters at Ft. Mead, Md. before driving over to board flight 77 at Dulles airport.
I opposed the confirmation of General Hayden to lead the N.S.A. in the blogosphere of the time, and wasn't too surprised to learn that he suppressed key evidence that would have alowed the F.B.I. , state department and the Oklahoma Highway Patrol amongst other agencies to arrest some of the hijackers and foil the plot. The General had an M.A. in history and not enough spookiness to his resume beyond air force intelligence to be able to lead the agency through some critical decisions optimally. Not the General's fault of course-just his nature, but another bad federal appointee at high level following the public's usual bad decisions about who to run for the top job since Ronald Reagan.
Anyway, the book is perhaps the best researched one might find and to the point.
I opposed the confirmation of General Hayden to lead the N.S.A. in the blogosphere of the time, and wasn't too surprised to learn that he suppressed key evidence that would have alowed the F.B.I. , state department and the Oklahoma Highway Patrol amongst other agencies to arrest some of the hijackers and foil the plot. The General had an M.A. in history and not enough spookiness to his resume beyond air force intelligence to be able to lead the agency through some critical decisions optimally. Not the General's fault of course-just his nature, but another bad federal appointee at high level following the public's usual bad decisions about who to run for the top job since Ronald Reagan.
Anyway, the book is perhaps the best researched one might find and to the point.
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