An article in the Scientific American blog mentioned a quantum cosmology theory of interest.The theory of a quantum field with supersymmetry goes deeper than quantum mechanics and the General Theory of Relativity too I would guess. The theory covers ground beyond M-Theory perhaps that would unify the hypothetical super-string theories.
It seems like a great idea since the quantification of all of the elements of mass and energy in space-time has been a project since Plank and Einstein got that ball rolling at the start of the 1900's.
I would guess that the trouble is that it is difficult to know what should be quantified as reference objects. The very small and the very large are part of a continuum, along with everything that existed before the start of the Universe obviously. Knowledge of anything such as hypothetical gravitons and strings, membranes of zero-dimension and fields of energy, in addition to 'dark energy' and the possible kinds of existing things besides matter and anti-matter are nominal reference objects. They could be spiritual monads as Leibniz wrote, yet the solidity of physical constants at least of a long-lasting temporal character in steady state physics of the Universe is evident at least so far as providing meaning structures comparable to the chords made sounding on a guitar...for residents of the strings they would be powerful frequencies of experience.
Physicists have much room for theoretical work in the years ahead.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Alaska Gov. & Exxon Mobile Agree on Gas Field Development
The development of a natural gas field with 8 trillion cubic feet of gas at Point Thompson on the North Slope with Exxon Mobile building a pipeline to bring 70,000 barrels of liquids per day into the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System has been agreed upon by the state's Governor and the Exxon-Mobile Corporation.The development of a natural gas field with 8 trillion cubic feet of gas at Point Thompson on the North Slope with Exxon Mobile building a pipeline to bring 70,000 barrels of liquids per day into the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System has been agreed upon by the state's Governor and the Exxon-Mobile Corporation. That might be oil from the field. Exxon-Mobile also agreed to produce 10,000 barrels per day of natural gas condensates by winter 2015-16.
Exxon-Mobile will be able to export gas in ships to Asia however a pipeline to a possible LNG plant on Cook inlet or Prince William Sound may be of more benefit to the state as it to can use natural gas for energy needs in the rail-belt and Anchorage.
With an abundance of natural gas in the contiguous 48 states the possibility of reducing the U.S. trade deficit a little with sale of Alaska natural gas abroad as well as on the spot market globally is possible.
Exxon-Mobile will be able to export gas in ships to Asia however a pipeline to a possible LNG plant on Cook inlet or Prince William Sound may be of more benefit to the state as it to can use natural gas for energy needs in the rail-belt and Anchorage.
With an abundance of natural gas in the contiguous 48 states the possibility of reducing the U.S. trade deficit a little with sale of Alaska natural gas abroad as well as on the spot market globally is possible.
Exxon-Mobile will be able to export gas in ships to Asia however a pipeline to a possible LNG plant on Cook inlet or Prince William Sound may be of more benefit to the state as it to can use natural gas for energy needs in the rail-belt and Anchorage.
With an abundance of natural gas in the contiguous 48 states the possibility of reducing the U.S. trade deficit a little with sale of Alaska natural gas abroad as well as on the spot market globally is possible.
Exxon-Mobile will be able to export gas in ships to Asia however a pipeline to a possible LNG plant on Cook inlet or Prince William Sound may be of more benefit to the state as it to can use natural gas for energy needs in the rail-belt and Anchorage.
With an abundance of natural gas in the contiguous 48 states the possibility of reducing the U.S. trade deficit a little with sale of Alaska natural gas abroad as well as on the spot market globally is possible.
N.S.A.B.B. Recommends Publishing Aersolized Bird Flu Plans
The National Science Advisory board has recommended that research that created an aerosol version of the 60%-fatal-to-humans avian bird flu virus go ahead for published because it might help to understand how mutations make it easier for viruses to be communicated around the world.
Listening to a radio story regarding 'bioethicists' being needed to help scientists make up their mind on the topic because they would otherwise not know what to do, I must admit that I was amused at the idea that biologists are amoral, thoughtless drones requiring programming on 'bioethics'. The Nazi's with Dr. Joesph Mengele must have been equally challenged by moral dilemas that required help from 'ethicists' on the nature of good and evil and of right and wrong.
Listening to a radio story regarding 'bioethicists' being needed to help scientists make up their mind on the topic because they would otherwise not know what to do, I must admit that I was amused at the idea that biologists are amoral, thoughtless drones requiring programming on 'bioethics'. The Nazi's with Dr. Joesph Mengele must have been equally challenged by moral dilemas that required help from 'ethicists' on the nature of good and evil and of right and wrong.
Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) Maps Acceleration of the Universe
The third element of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-BOSS is underway measuring spacing between select, known objects of more than 300,000 galaxies in order to determine the rate of change of the expansion of space that may have begun in its current phase between 5 to 7 million years after the conjectured start of the Universe.
In theory there is some unknown (dork) energy making the matter of the universe fly away from itself except where the power of gravity has clumped it all together. One might assume that the lamda force aka cosmological constant that Einstein made up to counteract the consequence that the Universe would collapse to a Big Crunch in his field equations for General Relativity without it is some sort of field from the meta-verse preceding the emergence of mass within it. Mass has a charge in comparison to the metaverse and it make attract mass unto itself in all directions in the effort to balance accounts. None of that mentioned here is in the current theory obviously.
The prevailing theory has the dark energy some sort of undiscovered element or force within the matter/energy of the material universe and its finite content. One would think that such a force might act different upon anti-matter, yet so might gravity act differently upon anti-matter. If gravity can act upon electrons, perhaps it is a very small particle to string indeed that pushes and pulls it various directions in relation to its steady state circumstance such as exists in galaxies and black holes and so on.
In theory there is some unknown (dork) energy making the matter of the universe fly away from itself except where the power of gravity has clumped it all together. One might assume that the lamda force aka cosmological constant that Einstein made up to counteract the consequence that the Universe would collapse to a Big Crunch in his field equations for General Relativity without it is some sort of field from the meta-verse preceding the emergence of mass within it. Mass has a charge in comparison to the metaverse and it make attract mass unto itself in all directions in the effort to balance accounts. None of that mentioned here is in the current theory obviously.
The prevailing theory has the dark energy some sort of undiscovered element or force within the matter/energy of the material universe and its finite content. One would think that such a force might act different upon anti-matter, yet so might gravity act differently upon anti-matter. If gravity can act upon electrons, perhaps it is a very small particle to string indeed that pushes and pulls it various directions in relation to its steady state circumstance such as exists in galaxies and black holes and so on.
Frank Wilczek (Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics) Publishes Paper on Lowest Energy Structures Frozen in Timelessness
I read about the idea in the 24 March issue of Science News (page 8). In its lowest energy state a particle might be 'frozen' into changelessness indefinitely.
That concept reminds me a little of a Bose-Einstein condensate made of neutrons at absolute zero. In their lowest energy state (that's basically what absolute zero for mass is; the absence of energy).
One can understand logically how a neutron might be suspended in the real world at near absolute zero and become one with its cohort of Bose-Einstein condensate neutrons without changing. An electron though has a charge and can always potentially dis-charge. Its lowest energy state while existing in a field may be a comparative term.
One might wonder if any quantum unit might not over-time emit some of its energy and disappear from existence disintegrating like steady-state objects. Dr. Wilczek has done the math that may make that not so.
If all mass has a net positive charge in comparison to anti-matter, and if a meta-universe allowed this universe to be separated and exist as a positive charge, then any individual particle of mass, and perhaps even neutrons in the Universe-field might have a comparative charge and have potential energy in regard to the charge characteristics of the meta-verse toward which possible it is being drawn under the guise of lamda (dark energy making the universe 'expand').
Would a hypothetical lowest energy state of any unit of matter or anti-matter comprise a time unit too? Time may be a quantitative change of energy status of a quantum, so if an electron is unchanging (it may need to be motionless too) does that make it a unit of time in-itself? Would units of time need to be standard an separable from mass that might be added to with extra energy or matter or even be annihilated?
If electrons are made of quarks and strings or membranes separated from an initial unified membrane-field then because they exist in space-time they are subject to the macro-quantum time of the life of the Universe for-itself, as well as of gravity. While it may be possible to 'freeze' some elements of energy into a lowest state for-themselves, for-others the units of mass have may have energy value even as the oppositely charged particles drawn unto an uncertain future.
That concept reminds me a little of a Bose-Einstein condensate made of neutrons at absolute zero. In their lowest energy state (that's basically what absolute zero for mass is; the absence of energy).
One can understand logically how a neutron might be suspended in the real world at near absolute zero and become one with its cohort of Bose-Einstein condensate neutrons without changing. An electron though has a charge and can always potentially dis-charge. Its lowest energy state while existing in a field may be a comparative term.
One might wonder if any quantum unit might not over-time emit some of its energy and disappear from existence disintegrating like steady-state objects. Dr. Wilczek has done the math that may make that not so.
If all mass has a net positive charge in comparison to anti-matter, and if a meta-universe allowed this universe to be separated and exist as a positive charge, then any individual particle of mass, and perhaps even neutrons in the Universe-field might have a comparative charge and have potential energy in regard to the charge characteristics of the meta-verse toward which possible it is being drawn under the guise of lamda (dark energy making the universe 'expand').
Would a hypothetical lowest energy state of any unit of matter or anti-matter comprise a time unit too? Time may be a quantitative change of energy status of a quantum, so if an electron is unchanging (it may need to be motionless too) does that make it a unit of time in-itself? Would units of time need to be standard an separable from mass that might be added to with extra energy or matter or even be annihilated?
If electrons are made of quarks and strings or membranes separated from an initial unified membrane-field then because they exist in space-time they are subject to the macro-quantum time of the life of the Universe for-itself, as well as of gravity. While it may be possible to 'freeze' some elements of energy into a lowest state for-themselves, for-others the units of mass have may have energy value even as the oppositely charged particles drawn unto an uncertain future.
Zimmerman P.D. CCTV, Leaks Continue in Media Pre-Grand Jury ''Trial''
ABC News obtained a Sanford Florida police Department video of (54 seconds in length) of the uncharged Neighborhood Watchman George Zimmerman being led into the station after the shooting without apparent injuries suffered during a physical conflict with Trayvon Martin leading to the shooting death of Martin.
This thing seems to go back and forth with more leaks of data and interpretations of data. In countries with democracy and trial before juries of peers the media publicity trial method is restrained in favor of objective,fair and impartial legal proceedings.
If Grand Jury proceedings are usually not disclosed to the public though, it is possible that George Zimmerman's self-defense claim if judged to be true might not be able to satisfy the lust of a political motivated public sector for vengeance. The event may have more followers than the final four.
That no apparent injuries are obvious doesn't mean there were no injuries or that they were not cleaned up a little. I would not prefer to argue points that defense and prosecutors should make.
For many the issue is racial vengeance and/or political empowering. That is too obvious with the implicit premise that racial profiling is a factor in the Martin case and others.
Zimmerman is an archetype object for the notion that blacks are profiled and shot in disproportionate and unfair numbers. The individual facts that should be discovered through legal processes are being leaked like media crumbs of profit to the flock of the unfaithful followers of partisan politics.
The 10,000 dollar reward by the black panthers for Zimmerman and repeated and many public demands for Zimmerman's arrest does resemble the paradigm of a lynch mob.
It's interesting about American justice today. Hate crimes laws are passed to add existential spice to the unreality of legal penalties for crimes. Even Chileans are considering Hate Crimes laws to add to the existing laws against homicide as if that would make a difference.
In Chile four neo-nazi beat up and killed a homosexual then carved swastikas in the corpse. If the existing penalties for aggravated murder were well enforced there would be no need for laws passed for political purposes. In Mississippi a student named Sanderson was shot multiple times in his dorm-evidently by three Afro-Americans and no national outcry for their arrest has been made. Apparently in Mississippi some people have sufficient regard for the legal authorities that they trust them to pursue justice. A second suspect has been arrested in the shooting of the M.S.U. student.
A convicted murderer may get just seven years and walk. On the other hand, some are convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. Occasionally some are sentenced to death and after 20 years of litigation may actually be executed. Some of the people on death row are found innocent with exculpatory evidence such as D.N.A., confessions by others or additional facts may provide.
Aggravated and egregious murder should be a category wherein there are unimpeachable witnesses and facts to support a guilty verdict. In such cases deterrence for more crimes might be made by hanging the guilty in the community within two years. As it the litigation drags on so long that when the guilty are executed few remember anything about the crime. As a Christian I would work for a better society rather than constructing a convoluted pile of politically motivated laws.
The murders in the O.J. incident have little in common-or nothing with the Trayvon Martin death. For one thing the murder of O.J.'s ex-wife and her boyfriend were methodically pre-meditate while the death of Trayvon Martin was nearly accidental.
One might wonder if Zimmerman knew Martin as a neighbor and had had some sort of relationship sufficient for him to cleverly plan to execute the 6 foot three guy with a hoodie that must have made him appear to be 6 foot 5 inches walking along a darkened(?) sidewalk that night.
In many parts of America adult men do not much walk through neighborhoods at night but instead drive a car to an address or the store. For those looking for perhaps too obvious of suspicious criminal conduct, just being a 6 foot five looking man walking through a neighborhood after dark could draw a neighborhood watchman's attention.
I believed that the evidence presented in the O.J. trial was sufficient to leave a reasonable doubt. The glove in the house behind the alley, the possibility that as a famous athlete some of his blood might have been available to a team of killers to plant etc. I did not watch most of the trial coverage of course, yet from what I did learn of the trial I would have reached the same verdict as the jury.
There is a normal legal procedure going through its normal process. I have some confidence in that. I find the circus surrounding the particular death investigation an indication of some sort of wrong socialization in the U.S.A.
This thing seems to go back and forth with more leaks of data and interpretations of data. In countries with democracy and trial before juries of peers the media publicity trial method is restrained in favor of objective,fair and impartial legal proceedings.
If Grand Jury proceedings are usually not disclosed to the public though, it is possible that George Zimmerman's self-defense claim if judged to be true might not be able to satisfy the lust of a political motivated public sector for vengeance. The event may have more followers than the final four.
That no apparent injuries are obvious doesn't mean there were no injuries or that they were not cleaned up a little. I would not prefer to argue points that defense and prosecutors should make.
For many the issue is racial vengeance and/or political empowering. That is too obvious with the implicit premise that racial profiling is a factor in the Martin case and others.
Zimmerman is an archetype object for the notion that blacks are profiled and shot in disproportionate and unfair numbers. The individual facts that should be discovered through legal processes are being leaked like media crumbs of profit to the flock of the unfaithful followers of partisan politics.
The 10,000 dollar reward by the black panthers for Zimmerman and repeated and many public demands for Zimmerman's arrest does resemble the paradigm of a lynch mob.
It's interesting about American justice today. Hate crimes laws are passed to add existential spice to the unreality of legal penalties for crimes. Even Chileans are considering Hate Crimes laws to add to the existing laws against homicide as if that would make a difference.
In Chile four neo-nazi beat up and killed a homosexual then carved swastikas in the corpse. If the existing penalties for aggravated murder were well enforced there would be no need for laws passed for political purposes. In Mississippi a student named Sanderson was shot multiple times in his dorm-evidently by three Afro-Americans and no national outcry for their arrest has been made. Apparently in Mississippi some people have sufficient regard for the legal authorities that they trust them to pursue justice. A second suspect has been arrested in the shooting of the M.S.U. student.
A convicted murderer may get just seven years and walk. On the other hand, some are convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. Occasionally some are sentenced to death and after 20 years of litigation may actually be executed. Some of the people on death row are found innocent with exculpatory evidence such as D.N.A., confessions by others or additional facts may provide.
Aggravated and egregious murder should be a category wherein there are unimpeachable witnesses and facts to support a guilty verdict. In such cases deterrence for more crimes might be made by hanging the guilty in the community within two years. As it the litigation drags on so long that when the guilty are executed few remember anything about the crime. As a Christian I would work for a better society rather than constructing a convoluted pile of politically motivated laws.
The murders in the O.J. incident have little in common-or nothing with the Trayvon Martin death. For one thing the murder of O.J.'s ex-wife and her boyfriend were methodically pre-meditate while the death of Trayvon Martin was nearly accidental.
One might wonder if Zimmerman knew Martin as a neighbor and had had some sort of relationship sufficient for him to cleverly plan to execute the 6 foot three guy with a hoodie that must have made him appear to be 6 foot 5 inches walking along a darkened(?) sidewalk that night.
In many parts of America adult men do not much walk through neighborhoods at night but instead drive a car to an address or the store. For those looking for perhaps too obvious of suspicious criminal conduct, just being a 6 foot five looking man walking through a neighborhood after dark could draw a neighborhood watchman's attention.
I believed that the evidence presented in the O.J. trial was sufficient to leave a reasonable doubt. The glove in the house behind the alley, the possibility that as a famous athlete some of his blood might have been available to a team of killers to plant etc. I did not watch most of the trial coverage of course, yet from what I did learn of the trial I would have reached the same verdict as the jury.
There is a normal legal procedure going through its normal process. I have some confidence in that. I find the circus surrounding the particular death investigation an indication of some sort of wrong socialization in the U.S.A.
New Cosmology Paradigm?,'Cosmic Numbers' etc.
James Stein's nice cosmological physics book published in 2011 is a smart history and paradigm-placing popular physics book well worth reading. One gets a little traction from the mathematicians approach to reviewing several important numbers and formulas made over the history of physics that have changed the way humanity and science understand the physical world/universe.
I especially enjoyed reading the chapters on the Plank constant, light,gravity, absolute zero electricity and the proportionality constant. Who would know that there is actually a math formula to prove that Zeno's arrow would actually reach its target? The author uses enough math formulas in simple enough structures/examples to provide a sense of how the things work for those of us non-mathematicians interested in physics.
I though I should drop in one salient new idea (to me) for the paradigm for the beginning of the Universe as an alternative to the big bang and inflation or for Turok and Stein's (another Stein) colliding membrane theory.
With electrons being of the same charge and thus repelling other electrons, and protons having a positive charge and repelling the same as well, and for that matter with anti-matter in effect being oppositely charged to matter, one might get the idea that spin polarity and charge positive or negative are fundamental aspects of the particle waves of the universe that might apply to the very beginning.
One might believe that a suddenly charged field or membrane suddenly expanded being repelled from like similar particles. There are many basic characteristics of particles/waves that one might believe are pervasive throughout all of the Universe throughout its history.
How did the Universe expand faster than light for a brief fraction of a second? One answer could be that a phase transition occurred to an area like the sudden freezing of a like surface generally rather than from a particular point that provides a faster than light context regarding area or distance from the edge. A given volume or area of a neutral membrane perhaps packed like a Bose-Einstein condensate into neutrality may have been given a charged and repelled its newly minted individual constituent particle-waves area-wide throughout a given portion of the very packed space-time of a membrane-like 'singularity'.
The physicist Max Plank developed the formula E=hv a few years before Einstein used it to explain the photoelectric effect. The formula effectively began the field of quantum mechanics or the quantitization of energy implicitly with a time unit. Energy is emitted from the sub-atomic world only in quantum units rather than along an infinite irrational number paradigm continuum of release.
In the first second of the Universe space and time were very compact. One might even dismiss space as existing at all and simply regard time and space as subtler quantization values to small to regard as anything other than time or distance (space). Regardless, gravity as a force existing even between electrons and perhaps characteristics of an initial neutral field reduced through the beginning creation of a charged field breaking off is regarded as diminishing with the square of the distance, and of course one wonders how Newtons gravitational paradigm would apply to an uncertainty criterion of all possible world-lines or the subtle variation of gravity with the waves of very small mass and frequency particles.
Time compacted as an implicit feature of the neutral mass-anti-mass field membrane when T=0 in the history of the Universe might easily have been transcended from any particular 'center' point with the precipitation of a charge. The charged field non-locally originated followed by a matter-anti-matter reduction in the detached proto-universe would have experienced its own implicit gravitational and matter transformations even as the entire Universe might one day-after 7 billion 'years' be drawn toward the fundamental meta-universe creating the appearance of the expansion of space-time. The net 'positive' charge of the Universe with its matter may have a fundamental attraction to the neutral meta-verse thereby being drawn all over in however many dimensions to the non-charged meta-verse beyond mass-universe structure.
If one considers fundamental characteristics of physics to what the Universe appears to be today for philosophically inclined non-physicists-Boyle's law for instance on the expansion of gases or the laws of entropy it is reasonable to wonder about the mass expanding in the volume of the Universe toward an equal pressure while locally gravity makes it clump together. Though it is ordinary to regard the eventual heat death of the Universe through entropy to a very cold condition near or at absolute zero, it is interesting to consider the fact (as Stein points out in his book) that the Bose-Einstein condensate can be made of neutrons that effectively become one at absolute zero, and that below absolute zero might be a very high, hot number. Maybe its like an odometer turning over from its quantifiable highest number to zero and reverse.
It seems possible that with a very cold membrane perhaps attracted in particles, waves or probabilities toward absorption into a neutral meta-verse the potential for more local universal downloads to very high heat and expansion could exist.
Theistically none of this is inconsistent with the powers of God of which one might speculate about as readily as one might on potential forms and criteria for the creation of the Universe as a reduction from The One. One is led to wonder a bit however about the creation of mass or positive charge from a meta-verse; does it leave a an energy deficit in the meta-verse at all?
If quantum theories incremental step transformations of energy releases and levels can be applied to Newton and Einstein's gravitational criteria as quanta for themselves, one wonders how it might be defined spatially and with time transformations tossed in.
I especially enjoyed reading the chapters on the Plank constant, light,gravity, absolute zero electricity and the proportionality constant. Who would know that there is actually a math formula to prove that Zeno's arrow would actually reach its target? The author uses enough math formulas in simple enough structures/examples to provide a sense of how the things work for those of us non-mathematicians interested in physics.
I though I should drop in one salient new idea (to me) for the paradigm for the beginning of the Universe as an alternative to the big bang and inflation or for Turok and Stein's (another Stein) colliding membrane theory.
With electrons being of the same charge and thus repelling other electrons, and protons having a positive charge and repelling the same as well, and for that matter with anti-matter in effect being oppositely charged to matter, one might get the idea that spin polarity and charge positive or negative are fundamental aspects of the particle waves of the universe that might apply to the very beginning.
One might believe that a suddenly charged field or membrane suddenly expanded being repelled from like similar particles. There are many basic characteristics of particles/waves that one might believe are pervasive throughout all of the Universe throughout its history.
How did the Universe expand faster than light for a brief fraction of a second? One answer could be that a phase transition occurred to an area like the sudden freezing of a like surface generally rather than from a particular point that provides a faster than light context regarding area or distance from the edge. A given volume or area of a neutral membrane perhaps packed like a Bose-Einstein condensate into neutrality may have been given a charged and repelled its newly minted individual constituent particle-waves area-wide throughout a given portion of the very packed space-time of a membrane-like 'singularity'.
The physicist Max Plank developed the formula E=hv a few years before Einstein used it to explain the photoelectric effect. The formula effectively began the field of quantum mechanics or the quantitization of energy implicitly with a time unit. Energy is emitted from the sub-atomic world only in quantum units rather than along an infinite irrational number paradigm continuum of release.
In the first second of the Universe space and time were very compact. One might even dismiss space as existing at all and simply regard time and space as subtler quantization values to small to regard as anything other than time or distance (space). Regardless, gravity as a force existing even between electrons and perhaps characteristics of an initial neutral field reduced through the beginning creation of a charged field breaking off is regarded as diminishing with the square of the distance, and of course one wonders how Newtons gravitational paradigm would apply to an uncertainty criterion of all possible world-lines or the subtle variation of gravity with the waves of very small mass and frequency particles.
Time compacted as an implicit feature of the neutral mass-anti-mass field membrane when T=0 in the history of the Universe might easily have been transcended from any particular 'center' point with the precipitation of a charge. The charged field non-locally originated followed by a matter-anti-matter reduction in the detached proto-universe would have experienced its own implicit gravitational and matter transformations even as the entire Universe might one day-after 7 billion 'years' be drawn toward the fundamental meta-universe creating the appearance of the expansion of space-time. The net 'positive' charge of the Universe with its matter may have a fundamental attraction to the neutral meta-verse thereby being drawn all over in however many dimensions to the non-charged meta-verse beyond mass-universe structure.
If one considers fundamental characteristics of physics to what the Universe appears to be today for philosophically inclined non-physicists-Boyle's law for instance on the expansion of gases or the laws of entropy it is reasonable to wonder about the mass expanding in the volume of the Universe toward an equal pressure while locally gravity makes it clump together. Though it is ordinary to regard the eventual heat death of the Universe through entropy to a very cold condition near or at absolute zero, it is interesting to consider the fact (as Stein points out in his book) that the Bose-Einstein condensate can be made of neutrons that effectively become one at absolute zero, and that below absolute zero might be a very high, hot number. Maybe its like an odometer turning over from its quantifiable highest number to zero and reverse.
It seems possible that with a very cold membrane perhaps attracted in particles, waves or probabilities toward absorption into a neutral meta-verse the potential for more local universal downloads to very high heat and expansion could exist.
Theistically none of this is inconsistent with the powers of God of which one might speculate about as readily as one might on potential forms and criteria for the creation of the Universe as a reduction from The One. One is led to wonder a bit however about the creation of mass or positive charge from a meta-verse; does it leave a an energy deficit in the meta-verse at all?
If quantum theories incremental step transformations of energy releases and levels can be applied to Newton and Einstein's gravitational criteria as quanta for themselves, one wonders how it might be defined spatially and with time transformations tossed in.
Modern Atheism’s Reliance On Developing Anti-theses to Classical Faith
It is paradoxical that modern atheism’s development of a consistent faithlessness in faith is largely reliant upon reactionary formation of the anti-thesis of faithlessness in disbelief to ancient doctrines. Atheists today do not consider the universe for-themselves as a place of wonder and philosophical curiosity, but preponderantly regard with inexpert opinion ancient doctrines dismissively and ‘awaken’ to a faithless secular opinion running aground to stay in the shoals of simple science.
For-itself the universe is a marvelous place of wonder. The ancients certainly found its beauty, majesty and awe-inspiring nature worthy of interest. They often made up best guesses about it workings and origin sometimes evolving through historical aggregation to become science. The brilliant turn-of-the-century formulas of Max Plank, Albert Einstein and others certainly changed the understanding of atoms, energy, quantum mechanics, light, space-time and cosmology. Like the ancients we see through a glass darkly and have reached the limits of observational sci8ence in the WMAP microwave mapp0ing of the residual heat at 3 degrees Kelvin from which one can look back nearly to the matter patterns near the beginning of the Universe when light could escape from the initial heat and density. One day our present point of view may be regarded as ancient equally to the conjectures of Parmenides, Democritus, Aristarchus, Copernicus and Newton. for some reason atheists associate ancient secular knowledge and interpretations or misinterpretations of the Bible with the veracity of God as-himself; a superfluous association as wrong as the idea that the final cosmological theory will be anything other than the last one made by a human being.
Even with the advance of scientific learning the Universe continues to be an unsounded, in-the-midst-of-nowhere package of miracle grow that cold have been designed by any number of intelligent beings from extra-Universal programmers of physics to God. In other words there is no natural support in cosmology based upon science for the atheist opinion. The atheist opinion is a prejudice.
God said to the Biblical prophet Jeremiah that ‘everyone knows who I am, they just forgets. Sartre might have phrased that sort of intentional forgetfulness ‘false-consciousness’. A human being in first-person judgment drawing upon science might easily conclude that God created the Universe and designed its quantum mechanical order of assembly.
Most contemporary atheists counter arguments for the existence of God with anti-thetic replies that the book of Genesis isn’t consistent with scientific facts relying for support for faithlessness on misunderstanding the book of Genesis.
A good author and poet named Rosenberg wrote two books (‘The J Book’ and ‘Abraham: The First Historical Biography’) on Genesis and its authors based on his own translation from Hebrew. The J writer-possibly a woman of royal position in Solomon or Rehoboam’s court drew on the existing scrolls and scriptures and her knowledge of ancient Sumer from whence Abraham journeyed to put together a composite book named Genesis that was added to by three subsequent writers of different eras. It is easily possible to fail to understand what the material given unto us today in Genesis means in reference to who wrote it, what they thought the material meant, and what it referred to then. It is also possible to fail to comprehend the relationship of Abraham to God and the way that Abraham got ‘up to speed’ in making it possible for him to have a relationship with god that the real Creator of the Universe might join.
If the Creator of the Universe ordered a quantum energy inflation consistent with Plank’s variable or Einstein’s General and Special Theories of Relativity comprehending that 14 billion space-time quantum year increments along a matrix of useful events Abraham would be ready to have a relationship with him as his personal God, how ought he then bring ‘the chosen people’ to develop a literary tradition to write about the acts of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and etc in such a way that faith would be developed and continue and yet not be too disconcerting for future faithless anti-theists of 21st century America? That might seem like a tall order yet one not challenging for God.
While the emergent anti-theists seek to ascend the mountain of godlessness with ancient scripture they fail to understand as footholds to shimmy up from, scientific cosmology provides new support for people of faith that have learned better about the composition of ancient scripture and philosophically understand that the time literals are not a problem, but are relativistic motion quantum given meaning or values by God. A quantum mechanical universe set within uncertainty downloaded from a One compatible with the paradigm of unification like unto the neutrons of a Bose-Einstein condensate could be a nominal representation of the omniscient and omnipotent power of God to issue being. As Jesus Christ said the Universe is like a great tree growing is which every sort of bird might dwell (paraphrase).
For-itself the universe is a marvelous place of wonder. The ancients certainly found its beauty, majesty and awe-inspiring nature worthy of interest. They often made up best guesses about it workings and origin sometimes evolving through historical aggregation to become science. The brilliant turn-of-the-century formulas of Max Plank, Albert Einstein and others certainly changed the understanding of atoms, energy, quantum mechanics, light, space-time and cosmology. Like the ancients we see through a glass darkly and have reached the limits of observational sci8ence in the WMAP microwave mapp0ing of the residual heat at 3 degrees Kelvin from which one can look back nearly to the matter patterns near the beginning of the Universe when light could escape from the initial heat and density. One day our present point of view may be regarded as ancient equally to the conjectures of Parmenides, Democritus, Aristarchus, Copernicus and Newton. for some reason atheists associate ancient secular knowledge and interpretations or misinterpretations of the Bible with the veracity of God as-himself; a superfluous association as wrong as the idea that the final cosmological theory will be anything other than the last one made by a human being.
Even with the advance of scientific learning the Universe continues to be an unsounded, in-the-midst-of-nowhere package of miracle grow that cold have been designed by any number of intelligent beings from extra-Universal programmers of physics to God. In other words there is no natural support in cosmology based upon science for the atheist opinion. The atheist opinion is a prejudice.
God said to the Biblical prophet Jeremiah that ‘everyone knows who I am, they just forgets. Sartre might have phrased that sort of intentional forgetfulness ‘false-consciousness’. A human being in first-person judgment drawing upon science might easily conclude that God created the Universe and designed its quantum mechanical order of assembly.
Most contemporary atheists counter arguments for the existence of God with anti-thetic replies that the book of Genesis isn’t consistent with scientific facts relying for support for faithlessness on misunderstanding the book of Genesis.
A good author and poet named Rosenberg wrote two books (‘The J Book’ and ‘Abraham: The First Historical Biography’) on Genesis and its authors based on his own translation from Hebrew. The J writer-possibly a woman of royal position in Solomon or Rehoboam’s court drew on the existing scrolls and scriptures and her knowledge of ancient Sumer from whence Abraham journeyed to put together a composite book named Genesis that was added to by three subsequent writers of different eras. It is easily possible to fail to understand what the material given unto us today in Genesis means in reference to who wrote it, what they thought the material meant, and what it referred to then. It is also possible to fail to comprehend the relationship of Abraham to God and the way that Abraham got ‘up to speed’ in making it possible for him to have a relationship with god that the real Creator of the Universe might join.
If the Creator of the Universe ordered a quantum energy inflation consistent with Plank’s variable or Einstein’s General and Special Theories of Relativity comprehending that 14 billion space-time quantum year increments along a matrix of useful events Abraham would be ready to have a relationship with him as his personal God, how ought he then bring ‘the chosen people’ to develop a literary tradition to write about the acts of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and etc in such a way that faith would be developed and continue and yet not be too disconcerting for future faithless anti-theists of 21st century America? That might seem like a tall order yet one not challenging for God.
While the emergent anti-theists seek to ascend the mountain of godlessness with ancient scripture they fail to understand as footholds to shimmy up from, scientific cosmology provides new support for people of faith that have learned better about the composition of ancient scripture and philosophically understand that the time literals are not a problem, but are relativistic motion quantum given meaning or values by God. A quantum mechanical universe set within uncertainty downloaded from a One compatible with the paradigm of unification like unto the neutrons of a Bose-Einstein condensate could be a nominal representation of the omniscient and omnipotent power of God to issue being. As Jesus Christ said the Universe is like a great tree growing is which every sort of bird might dwell (paraphrase).
Unlawful Bill of Attainder Provision of Obamacare Before U.S. Supreme Court
Five conservative court members seem to believe that the government has the constitutional right to order citizens to buy product (insurance) from private business (corporations). Four left-leaning judges are ready to end the freedom of Americans not to be ordered by the government to surrender their earnings to other citizens (excluding of course legal judgments against them).
A reasonable administration would have advocated for free government health care for the poor in expanded V.A. facilities with some medicare for those in rural areas unable to access urban medical centers and left the freedom of Americans alone. The effort to compel young Americans to buy something they don't need in order to fatten the pockets of private health insurance corporations so they in theory might lower the cost of insurance to the middle class was a hair-brained theory at best; the corporations are in the business of making a profit and would always find some way to gouge those with money to yield to powerful networks. The presumption is that with enough pressure any citizen will give up his pot of gold, and if he hasn't got one but is really poor then no matter-no stress to the powerful insiders anyway.
One day a rational and consitutionally defensible expansion of the V.A. to provide free medical service to all veterans and all of America's genuinely poor may arise to cut out emergency room visits by illegal aliens and poor people with sundry issues.
The effort to invade every private citizens privacy and to force youth to subsidize middle class health coverage could have better spent by compelling Americans to balance their federal budget and have an ecologically renewable basis for economic activity. The arguments by people in a lifeboat about their right to exploit their privately owned parts of the lifeboat below the waterline for heating fuel or whatever lose merit when it will cause the loss of the vessel. Neither idiocy of corrupting over-extending of federalism beyond constitutional parameters nor federal abandonment of guidance through challenging ecospheric and demographic times are good policies.
A reasonable administration would have advocated for free government health care for the poor in expanded V.A. facilities with some medicare for those in rural areas unable to access urban medical centers and left the freedom of Americans alone. The effort to compel young Americans to buy something they don't need in order to fatten the pockets of private health insurance corporations so they in theory might lower the cost of insurance to the middle class was a hair-brained theory at best; the corporations are in the business of making a profit and would always find some way to gouge those with money to yield to powerful networks. The presumption is that with enough pressure any citizen will give up his pot of gold, and if he hasn't got one but is really poor then no matter-no stress to the powerful insiders anyway.
One day a rational and consitutionally defensible expansion of the V.A. to provide free medical service to all veterans and all of America's genuinely poor may arise to cut out emergency room visits by illegal aliens and poor people with sundry issues.
The effort to invade every private citizens privacy and to force youth to subsidize middle class health coverage could have better spent by compelling Americans to balance their federal budget and have an ecologically renewable basis for economic activity. The arguments by people in a lifeboat about their right to exploit their privately owned parts of the lifeboat below the waterline for heating fuel or whatever lose merit when it will cause the loss of the vessel. Neither idiocy of corrupting over-extending of federalism beyond constitutional parameters nor federal abandonment of guidance through challenging ecospheric and demographic times are good policies.
The Hoods & Trayvon Martin...
Though Trayvon Martin won't be resurrected now until the Day of The Lord the media inspection of every possible detail of his life and death continues and probably will. Some have found the story to be a gold mine and even his family have taken out copyright applications upon elements of it for marketing purposes.
The famous newsman Geraldo Rivera (Hispanic-native born U.S.A.) has apologized for making a comment that offended the ad hoc Martin alliance against racial injustice, profiling and etc.
Hoodlums wearing hoods for earlier generations was a cliche', yet of course today that sort of apparel has become renormalized as usual attire though some may still regard it as trade apparel for burglary. Probably burglars ought to wear hoodies with plain writing on them that have the international sign for 'burglar' while honest people have unmarked hoodies not easily confused by security people with the tradecraft of crooks.
Trayvon Martin's biography increases in depth as journalists find the story to be politically and financially rewarding. Evidently the 6 foot 3 inch, 150 pound Trayvor Martin with was expelled from school three times and found once to have a screwdriver and twelve pieces of jewelry once. With proper training at 2 inches taller than the Thomas Hearns might have made a formidable light middle-weight (147 to 154 pounds).
Zimmerman was punched in the face, had his nose broken and head slammed into the ground a few time. Zimmerman says Martin tried to get his gun and in the struggle it went off. There was a witness to at least part of that. Zimmerman was heard to be calling for help several times.
The national statistics for gun shot death pertaining to the various races do exist and are a more objective way to go about considering the problem of an alleged open season black Americans. If that was really so many Americans including myself would work to correct that instead of viewing the exploitation of the tragedy by the C.R.E.E.P. factor even if not supported by the President, then by his partisans.
The famous newsman Geraldo Rivera (Hispanic-native born U.S.A.) has apologized for making a comment that offended the ad hoc Martin alliance against racial injustice, profiling and etc.
Hoodlums wearing hoods for earlier generations was a cliche', yet of course today that sort of apparel has become renormalized as usual attire though some may still regard it as trade apparel for burglary. Probably burglars ought to wear hoodies with plain writing on them that have the international sign for 'burglar' while honest people have unmarked hoodies not easily confused by security people with the tradecraft of crooks.
Trayvon Martin's biography increases in depth as journalists find the story to be politically and financially rewarding. Evidently the 6 foot 3 inch, 150 pound Trayvor Martin with was expelled from school three times and found once to have a screwdriver and twelve pieces of jewelry once. With proper training at 2 inches taller than the Thomas Hearns might have made a formidable light middle-weight (147 to 154 pounds).
Zimmerman was punched in the face, had his nose broken and head slammed into the ground a few time. Zimmerman says Martin tried to get his gun and in the struggle it went off. There was a witness to at least part of that. Zimmerman was heard to be calling for help several times.
The national statistics for gun shot death pertaining to the various races do exist and are a more objective way to go about considering the problem of an alleged open season black Americans. If that was really so many Americans including myself would work to correct that instead of viewing the exploitation of the tragedy by the C.R.E.E.P. factor even if not supported by the President, then by his partisans.
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