
Second Decade of U.S./Muslim Military Actions-Does Any Realistic ReasonExist?

With the tendency of the United States to engage promiscuously in foreign wars with second world Muslim nations entering the second decade it is reasonable enough to wonder if their is any reason to the rhyme beside short-term goals.
The inertia for in the media from the administration has been to reinforce the opposition movement to the present Assad Government undoubtably throwing political fuel onto the conflict's flames of violence...why?
The question of why has many possible answers, yet the continuing reconfiguration of the Muslim world into a more oothodox Muslilm Sunni society seems to be the general direction. Is it an atheist agenda to consolidate the Muslim world into just Sunni and then undermine that finding it simpler to co-opt one large religious order rather than several? Is that a plan to attack Christianity too while dissolving all the traditional bonds that hold society together?
The atheist agenda may be aggressive seeking to dominate social construction in such a way that progressive global concentration of power is given unto a chic elite acceptable to concentrated wealth and repressive of individualism. Just ideas...

Quanta, Leibniz and Extra-Dimensions

 I would like to reply to that point about monads insofar as how it is comparable to membrane and quanta within the string theory paradigm as I understand it generally.
 With the development of math such as finding the square root of minus one useful on Cartesian X-Y graphs so negative numbers can be plotted, and with the development of the graph in three dimensions rather than just two useful for placing coordinates in real space and with the addition of non-visualizable extra-dimensions on such theoretical spaces up to 256 dimensions or more perhaps it is possible to construct 10 dimensional hypothetical structures.
 As I understand it, things such as Calabi-Yau space of extra dimensions help with structuring or channeling quanta of energy.
 When light quanta was shown by Einstein in his Nobel prize winning of 1905-the photo-electric effect, and with the previous discovery that energy from atoms existed in fixed quanta levels physics progressed toward further discoveries in quantum mechanics all the way up to the strong forces and later quarks. The philosophical nature of the quantum structures is easier to explain with extra-dimensional structures in which energy can exist, pass or emerge in just select locations.
 The strong force is a good example with its three quarks that bond stronger as they try to move apart, and there are actually something like 9 quarks in groups of three I seem to remember reading in 'One to Nine'.
 Magnetism has positive and negative poles yet it is probably because the field flows in just one direction in one side and out the other. It may be that all energy flows in such a way with the dimensions that it flows through large and small determining how much quantity of energy is permitted, where it can exist and in what way.
 Though monads or membranes, strings or such may be the smallest presently known units of energy, it is not at all certain that they or any other mapped observation of quanta of energy are the minimal state. It seems that the smaller the energy unit is, or the closer to the underlying field whatever it is, the stronger is the bond that keeps it together, perhaps because the twist that enables it to loop in upon itself as a structure is the most basic.
 Leibniz has spiritual monads or one dimensional membranes as his basic quanta, yet philosophically I wonder about the fundamental paradox of monism and pluralism. I understand that God is a spiritual Being yet He is able to issue a pluralist field through various mysterious ways.
 For the benefit of the hardened atheists out there I must stipulate that an undifferentiated monism that allows itself to become something that appears to be pluralist in the form of strings, membranes, quarks and so forth is a paradigm for itself standing even without regard to atheist opinion, if it exists. It is a philosophically interesting conjecture to me at least...
 Why does an undifferentiated 'energy' become pluralist in various forms?
 Those forms are without real or meaningful time as G.R. and S.R. point out. Time is a phenomenon of energy-mass formations locally without and absolute direction except perhaps in relation to larger macro-structural space-time formations such as the hypothetical Universe and its expansion 13.7 billion years past. Time, as Tillich noted, would be in 'The Eternal Now' for the basic monistic field although the temporal progression of local time varieties of phenomenality arise and flow perhaps comparable to the solar flares while the sun itself goes on for billions of years-yet for the fundamental field that time paradigm is a non sequitur.


Ecco's 'Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language'

 I have been reading 'Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language' by Ecco recently. It is quite a good blend of linguistics, semiotics, and philosophy with history and logic ingredients too. He mentioned Leibniz' idea that God in his relationship to nothingness created the first dialectic. That is a paraphrase not very well said, perhaps another time I will quote that passage from Leibniz' book.

Sartre's tome 'Being and Nothingness' also brings the fundamental idea of Leibniz to the fore of ontology. 

Within Being it is challenging to prove the source of Being ultimately. It is equally difficult to disprove the idea of nothingness, though negations or the absence of something exists for language as well as for physics.

If one relied upon nothingness to prove the non-Creation of somethingness, or multiplied nothing times nothing to disprove something existing, the reliability would be uncertain enough to search for something better I would think.

Within a series of integers extending forever-even sentient integers if one can imagine such existing within a temporal sequence that seems to disappear in the past, the integers might want to rely upon something rather than nothing to prove that the integer series was not created by a Mathematician rather than being a self-standing automatic generator phenomenality.

Well Ecco's book is fine reading anyway.


U.N./Obama View Syria Civil Conflict as Chance for Power Grab?

The Syrian Government was a natural target for agitation and subversion by the Muslim Brotherhood alumni association and various activists following the Arab Spring of revolutions inspired by President Obama's Cairo speech a few years ago. Restoration of the Caliphate that ended after World War One with the decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire has been a goal for some Sunni restorationists since 1923. The 100th year anniversary of the fall of the Caliphate might be a good time to celebrate a partial return to pan-Arab Sunni rule. Obviously getting rid of the Assad-led Alawite Government in Syria is de rigueur for that.

The Alawi have a long history-more than a thousand years, of rugged independent living in Syria and of resisting imperial forces such as the French and Turks. The French regarded the Alawi and the Druze as the only fighters in Syria when they dominated it in the first half of the 20th century. It would be ironic if they U.S. supported crushing the Alawi Government and accomplished the traditional role of oppresor of the Alawi people-even if they are Twelvers. Maybe the U.N. should think about finding another Alawi leader and remove what they believe is a brutal Alawi leader if they must and let the civil tug-of-war proceed from that point without throwing in the towel of independence for the Alawi of Syria.
Perhaps the analysis is over-thinking the issue. When massacres occur following months of the Obama administration goading in support of the insurrection it catalyzes social horror at the extremes of civil conflict. When comfortable television viewers see the victims of social hate they are easy to manipulate into support or acquiescence for international military action. If that action coincides with development of larger political goals it would be useful to use political candor for a change and say so.
When people are marginalized socially by the established economic power for simply existing regardless of their political beliefs as may happen the oppressed realize that the only secular way to get any sort of equal rights and respect from the established class is to kill them. Generally the established class seeks to kill independents and non-conformists as a threat to their domination of the total geo-social realm of reality. Class hatred can develop as a rational response by a coalition to an oppressive class regardless of what their ideas are on academic theories such as communism, socialism, corporatism, capitalism, mercantilism or whatever. Even the illiterate may recognize the rich bad guys kicking them down because they can.
I wonder about Syria and the reality of the protagonists involved as well as the consequences of a post Alawite regime created in large part by Kofi Anan and Barrack Obama through the intermediary of 5000 Sunni civilian sacrificial victims required to stimulate an eventual resolution somewhere for the U.S. Air Force or perhaps Britain to send a Condor Legion for the Just to bomb Basher Assad and his gang of government technocrats back to the stone age with compassionate conservative precision g.p.s. directed warheads.
When it is just pure and deep class hatred who is right and who wrong between two classes? Is it the more powerful that are right because they own the propaganda media and the established powers? When the United State killed 300,000 Iraqi draftees in bunkers or wherever like shooting fish in a barrel during the 2003 war was that less cruel than the execution of civilians and their supporters seeking to destroy the Syrian Government?

My opinion is that much of the conflict of the 20th century was the result of the importunate U.S. intervention of the United States in World War One perhaps bribed by the pagan statue of a French whore with a red light held aloft in New York's harbor. The French donated the statue after losing the 1874 Franco-Prussian war and were counting on American hicks to prop up a subsequent century of corruption and an avoidable bad chain of events from the rise of Hitler and Stalin to Vietnam that would not have occurred if we had stayed out. I believe that any further U.S. military intervention in Syria would be in service of the Machiavellian geo-megalomaniacs seeking to conquer all and step on the unemployed in the U.S.A. in the process.
One knows that all the political and media bullshit about Syria is simply a buildup for U.S. military support. I don't think the process would fool even the voters that get to choose between perverted party A and oligarchy party B each election cycle. Without dedicated political party channels for every party with more than 5 million voters the broadcast media is the main political opinion creating a nation of observers of foreign things supported eventually by U.S. Aircraft interventions.
The United States should fix its economy, restore the health of the ecosphere, have full employment and an intelligent low-entropy economy transition and stay out of promiscuous foreign military interventions.


Avian Flue Update

The possibility that Bird flu could become a pandemic with far more lethality than the 1918 flu epidemic that killed about 20 million people apparently still concerns world biological scientists, defense analysts and politicians. Version A of H5N1 evidently has something greater than a 50% fatality rate for humans as they have no natural immunity.
Having overcome the ethical challenge of publishing information critical for weaponizing the virus as an aerosol so easy lung to lung infection routes are available earlier this year, biological labs in concerned areas are working to produce immunology concoctions to be ready for any sort of future outbreak of H5N1 Type A.
The practical ethical and security challenges of allowing all of the worlds bio research labs to obtain the virus and work on find defenses against arises because any of those labs might have covert activists that would seek to release the virus intentionally in a lethal form. With world aircraft routes one lab might send one air-breathing researcher globally to quickly infect most nations. Additionally some klutz in a biolab might accidentally infect him,her or transgender uncertain self and send the H5N1 type A virus boldly into the social world where no virus has gone before.
On the other hand, the vast galaxy of biolabs may produce a vaccine for H5N1 quickly making the pandemic point moot and an amusing historical incident of over-worry.
Scientific American's June 2012 issue has an article on the subject of Avian flu that goes over the main points.
Of 565 people infected with H5N1 since 2003, the number that died was 331 and up.
Like the H.I.V. virus, modern transportation structures have enabled the acceleration of  infectious disease virus' globally as well as providing modern counter-measures. In the quickening world of mass social communications and viral transmissions the opportunities for disinformation, government paradigm error, viral multiplication and media of existential menace form temporal critical mass structures appearing swiftly like gales arising on the ocean.

Memorial Day and Alternative History

I am a little bit skeptical this memorial day about many things today being in a philosophical disposition. I recall a church lawn with a cross representing powers of ten of each aborted child since 1974-something like 40 to 60 million.

I recently read George S. Patton's poem on Armistice day ending the first world war-it has a glorious opinion about soldierly deaths.
I think though, that the decision of the U.S.A. to enter the First World war was perhaps the pivotal mistake in foreign policy of the last century. If the European powers had continued to grind each other down toward some kind of peace its unlikely that World War Two would have occurred, the holocaust also wouldn't have happened and Lenin would have continued his N.E.P. reform policy and Stalin wouldn't have become leader of the Soviet Union.
I believe that the Ottoman Empire would have continued in the middle east to slowly wither away with Arab enmity directed towards Turkey rather than the west, and the United State might have entered war on the side of China to liberate Manchuria occupied by Japan if Japan had attacked Pearl harbor and Attu which isn't likely.
The cold war would never have happened and a German aristocracy resembling that of today's Britain might have developed a stable social environment. The First World War ended with an armnistace leaving many German veterans convinced they had not lost. It also brought the end of the German aristocracy with a leftist led revolution to get rid of the war government and replace it with a popular government. That process led to many internal German changes such as the ending of the 700 year old Bavarian principality and the rise of the German Democratic Socialist party led by Adolph Hitler.
With a weakened Germany following the end of the First World War the Soviet Union was able to build up its military forces while Germany was tied down by the onerous terms of the armistice. With the aristocracy gone and populism rising with much communist activity the German Army leadership sent the charismatic Hitler to take over the German Democratic Socialist Workers Party and the rest is history; the populist NAZI party was able to agitate against the communists and received approval in that regard from the deposed aristocrats. Logical political developments as a series of reactions to internal and external political organization and events were challenges prompting responses. The United States failed to realize the consequences of destroying the comparatively moderate German aristocracy in creating a very imbalanced and unstable Europe with the military intervention.
When the United States intervened in the First World War it upset the balance that had been reached between Germany and Russia. Lenin had signed off on the treaty of Brest-Litovsk giving away the Ukraine to Germany, and it isn't improbable that Stalin and others hated Lenin deeply for that later finding an excuse to poison Lenin.
With the second world war as has been said the last battle of the First World War the allies pumped up Stalinist Russia with arms and intelligence in order to roll up Hitler. If Clemenceau's advice that the U.S.A. not sign a separate treaty with Germany that did not guarantee the peace had been followed another opportunity to avoid the Second World War might have forestalled the great changes ahead.
Because the Soviet Union presided over a wrecked Eastern Europe the Cold War and the nuclear arms race developed. The Vietnam War was enabled by the tremendous military power that the United States had enabled Stalin to gather during the Second World War and its aftermath.
When so many people die following bad foreign policy decisions its a little like a chess game in time that reduces the options one may take as the game unfolds. Now the U.S.A. is moving beyond the middle game in its bad political intervention decisions and failing to upgrade the quality of life of its citizens consistently.
That's some of why I am skeptical today of Memorial Day observations by a nation pursuing oil development globally, polluting the atmosphere and spending more on war than realistic national defense of environment and quality of life of the poor.


Parable of Quacks in Grecian Economic Tragedy

Everyone is searching for a Grecian formula to restore the faded luster of the founding state of western civilization. Many wonder if Greece should leave Europe and bring back the Drachma. Euripides wrote brilliant tragedies in ancient Greece that inspire moderns to emulation in the theater of the absurd macro-economic policy called the Eurozone. Alaska has righted its economic future relying upon Trans-Canada and Exxon to build a gas pipeline across Alaska one day so the state government can exemplify self-determination and that resolute frontier spirit.

While the Eurozone may not have its own Jack London right now, it has got the example of American nationalism for a model in building up Greece today. Federalism in the United States developed to assure that its Eurozone forerunner of the 19th century permitted free trade amongst the states without tariffs or taxes that were unfair. If a state had economic troubles while other states were thriving the federal government would lend a hand with a T.V.A. program or mini-Marshall plan for the region.

Europe today seems to have two economic doctors with opposing plans. One calls for the austerity of amputating the legs of Greek Government spending while the other wants to put Greeks on a regime of heroin, Valium and reality T.V. It is believed by some that neither of those would bring the patient Greek Government to health.

What is required of a Eurozone that works well is a beneficial federal interventionism along with spending cuts for Greece. Cutting Greek spending without providing alternative investment and finance stimulus would be a one way design to reduce the Greek Government to a facade condition while the people would find no national ability to build up a local economy with the stratospheric Eurozone thriving economies far overhead investing in globalism.

The United States since the end of the cold war has been hard at work dismantling its own federalism and nationalism in favor of globalism that tends to impoverish the national economy and national government’s economic health as tax cuts and foreign investments do little to create a healthy national economy. Federalism in the Eurozone that works would need to regard the nations of Europe more as states were in the U.S.A. between 1865 and 1990.

Federalism and globalism combined tends to tie the hands of member states or nations from helping themselves nationally while global banks corporations are free to locate wheresoever they will. I suppose the logical direction of such policy would be to concentrate real wealth in China or wherever the global economic powers determine their best prospects to be. Fortunately the U.S.A. and Greece each have a proud history with much consolation symbolically speaking as they adapt to bread lines and Soviet style repression of national sentiment and expression.

Memorial Day

The waterfall of the past
is a rhyme
a standing wave of nothingness
beside the mind
shadows fall on the water
time collects the surge of precipitated drops
people and events placed
on the river flowing
with memory into history’s abyssal pit
its never quenched thirst for more of the present
receiving shapes into chaotic dissolution
disappearing forever over the edge.


Create New Class of Banks With Lower Limit on Flim Flam?

The large banks seem to be global vacuums that suck up American capital from savers in order to gamble on speculations with quantitative trading. So why not create a new class of banks that cannot invest in extra-territorial properties or in derivatives, collateralized debt obligations and so forth?
One might think initially that the drive to create higher profits that lets larger banks in theory have a competitive advantage over limited banks would make the new banks unprofitable-yet that is not necessarily so.
State banks could invest only within a state, national banks could invest just in the U.S.A. and Global banks-the heavyweight bunk class accomplishing political power acquisition as well as financial returns, could be those stratospheric players with Harvard grads in the clouds for global players to seek easy pickins.
Local people like to save money with security, yet without a gold standard banks must make that cash on deposit work. They would be allowed to invest in real business and producvtion, properties and so forth owned by either state or U.S. citizens respectively.
If the large banks are in effective civilly disobediant political anarchists seeking their own agenda of power to the detriment of the citizens of the United States then the antidote might be to create a new class of banks since it is so hard to force rational reform upon the global Blackbeards, Capt. Morgans, Goldmen and so forth of finance.


President Obama Skipping Release of College Transcripts

One blogger went so far as to offer a $10,000 reward for President Obama's college transcripts. One would think that like the sticker on the window of a new car a Presidential candidate would release their college transcripts so the public could see a little about what's inside before buying.
One gets all of these promises about what the car will do and no test drive is allowed generally so it helpful to have a list of the candidate's ingredients intellectually speaking. Sure he or she may have done a lot of unaccredited reading of good books or watched Lone Wolf McQuade 20 times however the college transcripts are a comparative minimal objective baseline. Did President Obama get a fail in Nintendo strategies at Columbia U?
One would like Mitt Romney to release his college transcripts too. The public might like to know if he was tardy any times in junior high and if that might indicate anything about skipping work tendencies to go golfing half the day.
Can Mitt Romney name five artists that have painted 'The Last Supper' or provide a Diophantine equation without tele-prompting?

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...