
Parable of Quacks in Grecian Economic Tragedy

Everyone is searching for a Grecian formula to restore the faded luster of the founding state of western civilization. Many wonder if Greece should leave Europe and bring back the Drachma. Euripides wrote brilliant tragedies in ancient Greece that inspire moderns to emulation in the theater of the absurd macro-economic policy called the Eurozone. Alaska has righted its economic future relying upon Trans-Canada and Exxon to build a gas pipeline across Alaska one day so the state government can exemplify self-determination and that resolute frontier spirit.

While the Eurozone may not have its own Jack London right now, it has got the example of American nationalism for a model in building up Greece today. Federalism in the United States developed to assure that its Eurozone forerunner of the 19th century permitted free trade amongst the states without tariffs or taxes that were unfair. If a state had economic troubles while other states were thriving the federal government would lend a hand with a T.V.A. program or mini-Marshall plan for the region.

Europe today seems to have two economic doctors with opposing plans. One calls for the austerity of amputating the legs of Greek Government spending while the other wants to put Greeks on a regime of heroin, Valium and reality T.V. It is believed by some that neither of those would bring the patient Greek Government to health.

What is required of a Eurozone that works well is a beneficial federal interventionism along with spending cuts for Greece. Cutting Greek spending without providing alternative investment and finance stimulus would be a one way design to reduce the Greek Government to a facade condition while the people would find no national ability to build up a local economy with the stratospheric Eurozone thriving economies far overhead investing in globalism.

The United States since the end of the cold war has been hard at work dismantling its own federalism and nationalism in favor of globalism that tends to impoverish the national economy and national government’s economic health as tax cuts and foreign investments do little to create a healthy national economy. Federalism in the Eurozone that works would need to regard the nations of Europe more as states were in the U.S.A. between 1865 and 1990.

Federalism and globalism combined tends to tie the hands of member states or nations from helping themselves nationally while global banks corporations are free to locate wheresoever they will. I suppose the logical direction of such policy would be to concentrate real wealth in China or wherever the global economic powers determine their best prospects to be. Fortunately the U.S.A. and Greece each have a proud history with much consolation symbolically speaking as they adapt to bread lines and Soviet style repression of national sentiment and expression.

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