
President Obama; Homosexual Community Organizer Leading the New Dialectical Evolution in Politics

President Obama came out recently in support of homosexual ‘marriage’ bringing some to wonder if a homosexualized America is at the core of his economic policy. The President's community organizer job role training appears to be most concentrated upon transitioning the United States into a butch dominion of pervasive homosexual tendencies.

One might guess that if men were to move into more female roles in the workplace with a softer, effeminate, busy work lifestyle it might be better for dominitrixes in management. It might be possible to derationalze the national and social economic boundaries enough to make the new normal a perverse sadistic-masochistic domination of the economy by concentrated wealth with the electorate unconcerned about public debt, personal economic security and practical loss of the freedom to make opposing political expression.
 Since the Clinton administration made fellatio (derived from the word fellaton not inflaton) the new normal for democratic leaders, the evolution of dialectic to replace the lost Marxist dialectic has drifted to settle upon the narrow shoulders of the Democratic Party in a gay alliance evolving toward national homocracy. President Obama received a blobel prize even before executing his first hundred terrorists with Predator drone shots so the weight of the fellaton has decended upon his shoulders such that he finally came out not satisfied with ending don't ask, don't tell.
 Like the historical Marxist dialectical battle with capitalism, the homoerotic dialectic wages pragmatic war upon the boundaries of non-coopted antipathetic personal civil liberties and concatenated rational expressions of non-conformist weltanshauung in the public spaces. In an era where work and self-directed private enterprise are in decline in light of networking and collectivism, transcendence of traditional economic logic with homocractic bureau-corporatic transition funded with debt and exploitation of distal production sources is logical.

In Sodom and Gomorrah of yore-the United Kingdom of its day, the populace was out after dark partying and sexing impudent enough to accost angels visiting their city-principalities. Fully employed workers with good work ethics do not stay out all night perpetrating orgies in the public square sleeping in late the next day and stumbling through the afternoon with a hangover.
Like the vanished cities of Sodom and Gomorrah a homoerotic evolution toward a future U.S.A. of non-productive financial sector and bureaucratic core of perverts running on borrowed time appears to be the course of the new Marxist dialectic.
Americans had no interest in violating the civil liberties of homosexuals to create contracts binding themselves financially to one another even if in standardized form, yet the compulsory public education indoctrination in homocracy that has edged its way into public schools though federal pansification policy and charges of bullying of dissidents (e.g. Christians) concurrently with logically unsupported proliferation of the atheist doctrine that has simultaneously expropriated science and made it a tool for the religion of atheism makes the government a fundamental agent for the depravity of the social environment of the United States.
The official federal decadence of the Obama administration is not without economic consequences. Its destruction of family values with the obfuscation effects of homosexual marriages will eliminate the family over time from existence and leave a B.F. Skinnerian organic mass electorate in which philosophical thought is non-valued. Philosophical thought is the heart of human existence as more than an organic being equivalent to the amoeba and eukaryotic organisms of no significance.
Human thought is of value. Philosophical thought phenomenally transcends the mere organic phenomenalism that nihilistic atheists and Dakinsians determine the transmission and propagation of D.N.A. to be the only meaning. Semiotics-signs and the philosophy of language enabling expression of advanced concepts also lend support to advancing though structural concepts about God and His relationship to the data of beings He creates for whatever reason. Such philosophical though would never occur to atheists.
One wonders if the three generations of quarks comprising the color force binding nuclei together are a reflection of the three persons of God or comparable to the monads of Leibniz philosophically? One wonders how a nihilistic homocratic core of educators has taken over American schools to promote public perversion and mandatory dialectic confrontation with heterosexual normal marriage and free enterprise liberties?

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