
Democrat Party Opportunity for Relevance is Swiftly Fading Away

President Obama led the Democrat Party in December 2010 to approve an extension of the Bush II era tax cuts. the President was the Republican's meaningful stooge and overcame the strong resistance of Congressman Sanders.
The Democrat Party turned toward la la land and the gay agenda for the balance of the term accomplishing nothing.  Senator Feinstein would like the nation to pay for shelters for abused homosexuals  as if regular general populace shelters aren't good enough for gay men. When gay men use up their time at the shelters they can just enlist in the military I guess since the President has provided for that.
The Democrat Party may be effectively dead or moribund without any concept of tax increases on the rich and middle class as necessity rather than luxury, and neither do they have a clue that they need to actually cut federal spending 20% as well. Additionally they should increase the effectiveness of remaining federal spending by 20% through reform, means tests and so forth.
The President is once again leading the Democrats through a meaningless maze of tax and spending obfuscatory talking and failing to build support for letting the Obama-Bush tax cuts expire as he should. From a position of strength the Democrats can negotiate small tax cuts with Republicans to lever in federal  spending reform legislation as well as regulating Wall Street financial promiscuity.
Yet the President seems content to transform the nation into the greatest debtor nation in then world and give up an Afghanistan to the roulette wheel of Taliban terrorist bombing ahead with some 20,000 remaining troops for the next administration to consider defense postures with. The President evidently has no idea about how to create stable, permanent confederate states in Afghanistan that would secure political boundaries for the members of the former Northern Alliance and Shiite minorities.
The President's final opportunity to reform U.S. economy even a little is swiftly fading away as his policy of just adding a few more trillion here and there over the remainder of his administration if re-elected emerges for the failing silliness that it seems. The President should rightly fire Tim Geitner and get some real economic reformers in office while becoming a cheerleader for tax increase change-that was good enough for President Clinton when the nation had a balanced budget in the year 2000 for once.

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