
European Migration to America (HaplogroupX) 30-20,000 B.C. With Siberian Immigration?

The topic is controversial; did Europeans reach North America before the first migrants across the Bering Sea land bridge, with it, comprise a late wave or is the theory all horse puckey? Recent D.N.A. researches have found evidence of European population genes in some American Indians, or have they?
Haplogroup X and its two population groups after dispersion 30,000 years ago are one possible source of European genes in some American Indian tribes genetic history. Some would view that opinion as politically moderate since the Siberian Altaians are migrants from Europe long ago. Algonquinians have as much as 25% mDNA types, Navaho 7% and Yakimas 5%. The Cherokee may have some of the wandering European genetic compliment-even Elizabeth Warren with her 1/32nd% Cherokee ancestry.
This research is of course all fascinating. One looks at the flowchart for the history of human mitochondrial D.N.A. and is astounded. Its almost as good as watching a superbowl, nearly.
The Druze have the highest percent of Haplogroup X in their mitochondrial D.N.A.
Haplogroup X diverged from Haplogroup N about 30,000 years and ago and not long after that, in 21,000 B.C. when glaciation was at its peak the X group wandered around the Mediterrainian and Europe and evidently to Siberia. It is easy to guess that some of those people also took the Berengian land bridge route to America. So the question arises; how European were those SIberian Altaians about 20,000 years ago and did they sunburn easily?
An alternative Soultrean hypothesis exists postulating that group X moved by boat along the edge of the ice about 18,000 B.C. to America. That seems reasonable too, for it was an early route for Albs also originally from the Mediterrainian Sea islands perhaps.

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