
Isaac Brings Rain to S.E.

Hurricane Isaac will  bring much needed rain to the parched S.E., and even to Lake Linear. It has passed over the city of Tampa, perhaps because of the Republican National Convention and is moving toward the Big Easy and the French Quarter with possibly as much as 19.5 inches of rain in store.

If Isaac makes it as far as Texas it will be a blessed drought reliever better for Texas  than Roger Clemens winning five games for the Astros.

A more lasting water shortage fix might be to adapt nuclear power plant cooling technology to use sea water for cooling and to turn the water into vapor in order to recondense it as fresh water. Screening out the intake flow of sea life and returning it in smaller pipes to the Gulf, and selling the salt to salt companies or using it for some other purpose might be a way to generate water for West Texas irrigation .

Though Isaac is only a category One Hurricane and the Gulf Coast has had five years to ready for it, the practice of Hurricane readiness is a good thing for with the global heating of the oceans there is a potential for several hurricanes this year reaching even as far as the Chesapeake Bay and Washington D.C.

The political ramifications for each hurricane very in relation to tea leaves, news analysis methods and expert storm predictions. Hurricane politics  become diversions from the tedious work of rational federal budgeting and ecological economic reform. Certainly gasoline prices will be affected yet not with addition of a minimum gas price of 4 dollars so competition factors to create cheaper renewable energy might have some assurance of probable return for research investment.
image credit N.O.A.A.
Storm QPF


Neil Armstrong Dies-Mankind Takes Giant Leap to Global Warming

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away at age 82 recently. He famously said upon stepping on the lunar surface 'that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'. Has America since the end of the 1960s moon program taken too man steps in the wrong direction and failed to leap in the right?

In Thomas Friedman's 2008 book 'Hot, Flat and Crowded' the author points out several interesting facts quantitatively about the effects of humanity living upon Earth and tearing ups it's ecosphere in quest of a planetary bloated middle class. For most of the past 670,000 years the most parts per million of CO2 the atmosphere has had was 300 before it began its cooling cycle. Presently the ppm for CO2 is about 400.

Barrack Obama plans to raise U.S. public debt to 26 trillion dollars the next ten years though that's on an optimistic schedule. Just one disruption of Persian Gulf oil through war would drive oil to 200 dollars per barrel and throw the U.S. economy into depression. That's the good new though, for on the present schedule to increase the world middle class to an American standard of living the world will need 26 trillion watts of electrical power, while the amount of CO2 the world can afford to live without radical global warming is just 2.6 trillion watts. Right now the world uses about 13 trillion watts.

Nothing has changed on U.S. reliance on global oil from Muslim countries, Venezuela and Canadian tar sands either. That reliance is funding the world's Salafi-Wahhabi-Sunni radicalism that the U.S. borrows money to war upon in Afghanistan (technically upon its 'terrorists' that kill U.S. and N.A.T.O. sojurs. The salt of the wars sojurs seem to be those without work in the U.S.A, foreign immigrants seeking citizenship and graduates of Pakistan's 35,000 madrassas of which the Darul Uloom Haqqania madrassa is the largest of recent times with thousands of students amongst whom Mullah Omar is an alumnus.

The Democratic Party of the United States under the Obama administration has taken a turn toward reaming the middle class and degrading the poor actually creating an explicit policy of making the Democrat Party one for the middle class. The poor essentially have no voice in a party that is no longer about economics so much as class rights for constituent members that are female, homosexual or non-white. The separation of the poor from the middle class is not for the benefit of the United States in this critical period of national history. It would be far better to structure just one class besides that of the rich.

The rise of the middle class and of globalism in the post cold war era has fueled an insatiable ethos of economic expansion founded upon exuberant consumption of the world's finite natural resources. Ecological economists such as Herman Daly have formulated fundamental relationships quantitatively explaining the problems of increasing demographics and resource consumption with finite resource supply. In the midst of the increased demand driven with the logic of the victors of the cold war economic contest between free markets and communism the small quiet voice of economic rationalism has been lost.

Adam Smith and the founders were not posturing fops of power but were political and economic rationalists seeking the well being of mankind. In the tragic counter cyclical rise of global warming as the flip side of the coin of economic advance without macro-environmental reason the giant leap for mankind that Neil Armstrong made too was set-aside in the Obama administration as too expensive to follow up.

Democratic government needs to be responsive to the real interests of the people rather than aloof advocates for narrow class interests. With the present world demographics the world population will rise to about 10 billion souls by 2050 when the ppm of CO2 should be more than 550. By 2075 the ppm of the Earth may be 800 ppm. That radical level and the inexorable mass extinctions of life on Earth, loss of rain forests and global warming will probably create a demand for fascist socialist authoritarianism or some clandestine power will alternatively deploy advanced biological weapons to cull humanity to a level that would allow the global CO2 levels and species diversity to recover as best it can-if it can.

It is quite possible that with the proliferation of genetic recombinatory technology and vast resources invested in expanding the health of human beings from the rich-down that the classic philosophical ethics problem of does one save the many or the one will be changed to does one eliminate the many and their automobiles and save some of humanity or allow them all to perish?

Actually the class philosophical problem is formulated differently, it goes...it a runaway streetcar named desire is heading down a street street toward a fork, and on one fork lies a newborn baby and on the other track lie several middle class Americans with smartphones and million dollar mansions paid for with derivatives, if you had the power to flip the switch and send the streetcar to squash the many or the one, who would you save?

I should stipulate that the choice is entirely abstract and unrealistic. In an actual emergency few think about ethics-they just act if they can. Probably few people would even make the choice to kill one or a few individuals to save many individuals unless they were already killers. Unfortunately with the better part of a century to consider the decline of the prospects for life on Earth many people may consider the problems, and some one or a few may choose to take up the way of culling the crop to perhaps 200 million survivors in order to save humanity. The better choices are to make things work well a priori and  avoid the crises that stimulate such considerations. I would guess the ripening of such possibilities should not start before the year 2030.

In the meantime, the United States may seek to make itself self-reliant on its own fossil fuels to free itself from redistributing financial power to the Muslim oil producers. That's a good idea so far as it goes, yet the entire infrastructure of transportation, housing and energy use in the United States needs to be changed directly if it is to be any sort of meaningful positive role model in the war against global CO2 increase and species extinction. The Obama administration and Majority leaders Reed as quietists on an effective ecological economic reform movement, perhaps doing the public to a dialect between the middle class and the rich over health care and special blankets while they send soldiers to fight the poor Muslim suicide bombers and their wealthy oil global power redistribution planners wherever they may hide.

A Romney administration may need to develop U.S. fossil fuel assets so far as it can without endangering critical habitat on and offshore, yet a green economic reform requires substantial economic innovation and new zoning laws. Homes could be 500 sq foot solar power absorbing geodesic domes with high albedo able with super-insulation mass-produced for foreign and domestic export. Farms could have electric tractors following a grid with remote piloting 'farmers', and U.S. transportation should become vehicle less human body high-speed movement tubes to places too far to walk or ride and electric bike.

Humanity cannot afford a business as usual approach to the global warming and species extinction twin tower security issues that may make this the last human century. The comfortable do not believe the problems are real, and that is the problem.


Lance Armstrong to Lose 7 Tour de Frances in Backward Motion/Former EU ED Minister May Have Cheated on PhD

The social role models are having trouble this week. Evidently the former European Union education minister Jan Figel is said to have been awarded a PhD in social science on the basis of a thesis that was copied from a book he co-wrote years earlier. He did not cite his co-author in the thesis, while bike riding great Lance Armstrong being convicted by a non-legal bike riding organization of using the banned bike riding enhancement drug EPO will forfeit his seven Tour de France wins in seven days or so. He should have afforded Roger Clement's lawyer.

There is too much money in pro sports in comparison to the amount of money paid to the poor for work these days, and it draws too much social power in the wrong direction. If Armstrong had actually used the banned drug EPO it may give him the opportunity to promote it for cancer survivors and others seeking to climb to greater heights themselves physically, yet that should not be a reason to provide scholarships to college athletes instead of scholars.

With the fundamental human proclivity for cheating, as MSN called the Armstrong fiasco being too common-even in public education (my books were not co-written at all nor packaged by publishing collectives) it is a real disadvantaged for individuals competing against the collectives of prevaricators, dissimulators, organized collectives and sundry other impediments to individual financial progress. If Lance Armstrong cannot be trusted if several also-rodes on his U.S.  Postal Bike Racing team claim that they saw him use EPO molecules instead of say, HillyBilly Brand Special Corn Syrup as an injectable item to pep up his post-cancer bike riding, at least we know that President Obama's college transcripts are excellent, and so were those of G.W. Bush, if only they would ever have released them for public scrutiny.

Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa should be brought together to form an impartial review board of these fiascos of sport and education.

'Legitimate Abortion' of Obama's Second Term?

In the temple of stepped pyramids, far above the clouds obscuring the pathetic grounds of unemployment of the peons far below groveling in the wilderness of poverty, the secular priesthood of the middle class (40,00 to 100,000 $ annually) without a shirt yet decorated with a floral motif offers his sacrifice of verbiage to the media gods conveying the message to the masses of the benevolence of high unemployment. Yet in the valley below, beyond that vail of refreshing mists a dull roar may be herd gathering strength.

There is a debate amongst the unemployed over the symbolic meaning of the President's floral motif- can it be implicitly valuable enough to make the need to abort his second term null? The senseless desire of the unemployed to aspire to the mystic summits where the employed middle class live may be culled with the soma of food stamps and public education, N.P.R. and a speech in every pot, while poor women are defecting from the growing rebellion to move toward the position of classical Marxism that 'all sex is rape'.

At the top of the step pyramid of atoyota-bureau-rankenship the high priest has noticed the troubling distant rumbling thunder of the raving underclass and has sent nude photos of a Princling's Harry to attract the homosexual vote away from the dangerous flirtation with objective economic prosperity for the poor.

image credit: Sergio Blázquez GNU Free Documentation license via wikipedia commons
In a thunderous voice of his own-greater than the demi-urge Os, he deems;

"I will bestow gay suffrage upon the unenfranchised, and celebrate Rama-lama-badda-bing-boom with yune every year until they let my people go!.

In the distance, the threat of a precipitant thunder and downpour fades away.


The Fallacy of 10,000 Teaching Jobs to Stimulate the Private Sector

The Obama team has sought to create public sector jobs-such  as the recent Obama comments that 10,000 government jobs for teachers could have been paid for with more public debt if the Republicans had approved.

I think the entire Obama economic reconstruction package was largely no more than borrowing money to create more government jobs and for kickbacks to favorite contractors. In my opinion the President is clueless on private sector functions.

In reading the book 'what is religion' by Paul Tillich I found a section describing how the socialist sector tries to take over the religious theonomy of a nation and replace its formal personnel with its own. In my opinion the misguided democratic party is working generally toward that end. The old and better democrat party died after Tip O'Neal left the office of Speaker.

Consider that the Democrat Party actually signed off on all the tax cuts since Reagan. Wasn't it the Democrat Party that was the majority during Reagan's first term when the tax cuts went through? Wasn't it the Democrat Party that signed off on the Bush tax cuts and all Iraq supplemental budgets that Bush II put forward? The Democrat Party is just concerned with making homosexual advances and in creating a corporatist state unifying government with business.

Hence they support global networks of power in business that can eventually be transitioned into neo-socialist corporate organizations. Needless to say free enterprise will perish outside of the corporate and government networks of power-its quite a wrong direction to take.

The money multiplier factor in government jobs is less than in the private sector. Those 10,000 teachers will not export some of their 'product' abroad. The Reagan administration used direct government spending to finance a 500 ship navy, and that tradition of government spending with military purchases (that Reagan didn't use generally) can sometimes stimulate an economy along with more deficit spending and temporary tax cuts. It is necessary to halt deficit spending though, and to increase the tax base sufficiently to balance the budget and eliminate excessive public debt and interest payments.

One might recall or read about how much Presidential administrations worried about improving the economic state of the nation in the 1960's through 1980s unlike the Obama administration that seems to just be interested in increasing public debt with the belief that the private sector will repair itself.

The housing market for instance coupled with illegal alien cheap labor in that sector is a built in attractor of flimsy investing schemes, over-production and the antinomy of carefully planned, tight economic growth in the technology sector with full employment and rising wages. The housing market has its own phenomenal growth patterns in the modern era especially from global mortgage and derivatives investors that make the economy of the U.S.A. something of a dysfunctional joke.

In the 1960s the national economy was still largely an American-controlled phenomenon. When it overheated or had recession it could naturally and with adroit guidance recover and resume in its resource-rich environment. Today though perhaps 40% of more of the economy is not controlled by just U.S. factors making corrections something like driving a car with very lose and unresponsive steering. It is tough to get the car to go where one aims it if one has the temerity to try to guide the vehicle as the President seemingly does not.

Public education in the U.S.A. should better serve private sector economic stimulation if parents were given vouchers for quality approved private schools. Competition in private schools to deliver better education for more profit ought to result in smarter students better ready for the free market. Private educators should find less expensive ways to deliver better education than public schools today that seek more and more spending for union teachers performing poorly.

If students had a nook instead of a text book that could save a lot of money. Students could also take their nook home and perhaps have a speech reader so they could listen to lessons with headphones if they live in a noisy ghetto. If all students had a nook then there would be far less reason for bulliss to steal there valuable piece of hardware.

With nooks students could work on their homework around the clock and save on back injuries from heavy rucksacks. It might also be possible to disaggregate students into smaller group units with nooks and g.p.s. tracking. The possibilities are endless for improving student performance with more private and less public education. The President is simply wrong on his collectivist approach to education.


Quoting the Minor Prophet Amos

One of the minor prophets, Amos was an interesting character who was normally a goat herder rather than a prophet. He was moved by the Lord to speak. It is timely for Americans to recollect the way God has corrected his wandering flock in the past, so I will quote the book of Amos.
"Amos 3-15 And I will smite the winter house with the summer house; and the houses of ivory shall perish, and the great houses shall have an end, saith the Lord.
4 Hear this word, ye kine of Bashan, that are in the mountain of Samaria, which oppress the poor, which crush the needy, which say to their masters, Bring, and let us drink.
2 The Lord God hath sworn by his holiness, that, lo, the days shall come upon you, that he will take you away with hooks, and your posterity with fishhooks.
3 And ye shall go out at the breaches, every cow at that which is before her; and ye shall cast them into the palace, saith theLord.
4 Come to Bethel, and transgress; at Gilgal multiply transgression; and bring your sacrifices every morning, and your tithes after three years:
5 And offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven, and proclaim and publish the free offerings: for this liketh you, O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord God.
6 And I also have given you cleanness of teeth in all your cities, and want of bread in all your places: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.
7 And also I have withholden the rain from you, when there were yet three months to the harvest: and I caused it to rain upon one city, and caused it not to rain upon another city: one piece was rained upon, and the piece whereupon it rained not withered.
8 So two or three cities wandered unto one city, to drink water; but they were not satisfied: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.
9 I have smitten you with blasting and mildew: when your gardens and your vineyards and your fig trees and your olive trees increased, the palmerworm devoured them: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.
10 I have sent among you the pestilence after the manner of Egypt: your young men have I slain with the sword, and have taken away your horses; and I have made the stink of your camps to come up unto your nostrils: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.
11 I have overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.
12 Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.
13 For, lo, he that formeth the mountains, and createth the wind, and declareth unto man what is his thought, that maketh the morning darkness, and treadeth upon the high places of the earth, The Lord, The God of hosts, is his name."

Obama Seeks Four More Years to Extend High Unemployment Rate

President Obama hasn't reduced the national unemployment rate much more than 1 percent in his first term. He seeks another four years to maybe drop that unemployment average another 1%. For those of us that are unemployed 8 years of unemployment in the U.S.A. tends to try one's patience.
The actual rate of underemployed and unemployed in the U.S.A. is reportedly 25%. Though the President has much union support he has encouraged illegal alien incursions across the southern states and provided a semblance of amnesty. Illegal alien workers are the scourge of union labor, yet U.S. labor unions are trained to follow the Democrat Party lead like loyalists and ignore their own subversion by the President.
The President does offer the prospect of running up the national debt 10 trillion dollars or more on his ten year plan, and that's encouraging to those collecting interest on the debt I suppose so long as the U.S.A. doesn't seem to be nearing default. Global warming is continuing to increase, and the President hasn't much chance of getting a budget passed through congress or ending the Bush II tax cuts that he championed in December 2010.
Well, given another four years to hack away at the congress he might find some way to improve his record, and he can golf another 300 rounds someplace I suppose.  It's interesting to watch from the sidelines as he invests the nation in continuing foreign conflict seeking to expand that to include Syria. Its good to know that African and Middle Eastern affairs are high on the Presidential agenda, and look what he has done for Europe.
In the critical 1992 election the billionaire Ross Perot ran as an independent and lost. He was the sole candidate solidly opposed to N.A.F.T.A. He said famously that the sucking sound you will here will be jobs going to Mexico, and he was right. The rich are not always wrong or misleading on U.S. interests-sometimes they can actually lead in the right direction if given a chance-as did Franklin D. Roosevelt back in the day. It was the union favorite Bill Clinton that signed off on N.A.F.T.A. and also put home mortgages on the global commodities market undermining the future of the middle class.
Maybe U..S. voters simply become lazy and expect their politicians to be honest and consistent, and they also believe that reality T.V. is worth watching.
In a meeting in Korea President Obama mentioned to then Russian President Medvedev that he could really get things done after he was re-elected. I can hardly wait to learn what that would be, yet on the other hand...


Obama Presides Over Heating the Flat Earth

President Obama is presiding over the present record ice melting. I think its time for change to stir things up politically instead of being in an era of indolent doldrums syncopated to perfidious flummery of Chicago political power.
The concept of change seems to be one that many people want to feature as a political advantage, yet philosophically speaking I think they are quite shallow generally.
Change is a constant aspect of a thermodynamic system. Yet there are constant values all over that system, and like a spaceship in relative motion one wants to control change constantly to get the right vectors and tensors going that would accomplish one's goals such as meeting up with the space station.
Human civilization has been about the effort to overcome natural changes. Politically today what Americans mean by change is the effort to get all of the masses into stable, unchanging indoor environments that only improve with nice high-end furnishings from Wal-mart or The Dollar Tree. They seek to get people to move up to big SUVs or efficient electric vehicles as the oscillations of political change deem better. 
What I mean is the Obama team's 2008 campaign slogans for change were full of hooey; the only thing they changed was race a little and perversion a lot. When people say change and open-mindedness in the Democratic Party they tend to mean they support perversion and abortion, legalized drugs, illegal alien invasion etc. On the economic things the Obama team are flat liners intellectually and seemingly failing to reform society a little along the lines Thomas Friedman set out in his 2008 book 'The World is Flat' .
A Romney-Ryan team will at least help to rid America of the Clinton-Britain-Obama-Bush axis of economic idiocy crashing the U.S.A. into the environmental and employment wall of doom.
image credit-N.A.S.A.


End of Mayan Calendar & Record Low Arctic Ice Approach

The Arctic ice pack is on course to set a record low next week-and it is still in melting phase. The climate change toward the hot regions end of things affects northern latitudes earlier and more than in the temperate to warm -except for draught obviously.
Many are historically used to ships with ice breaking capability forging their way along the edge of the continents and the ice, yet with vast areas of the Arctic ocean increasingly open more cruise ships and cargo traffic directly between Russia and Alaskan will develop as they move directly over the North Pole.
The Arctic ocean will experience record setting pollution and ecosphere degradation as well. With the failure of the United States to be an ecospheric renewal and green tech infrastructure innovative leader sufficiently to bring the world to a better, healthier course some may view the times as moving toward an end of cycle nexus. It is a problem of bad political leadership more than of environmental inevitability.
Evidently the end of restart of historical cycles was rather normal for the Maya. The United States has experienced some end of cycle event with the Mayan calendar is set to end Dec. 21 2012. It was recently publicized (June 28) that a discovery of more 13,000-year-old Mayan writing on the topic reveals that the end of the historical cycle is a rather usual event. One King named Calakmul was an official at the prior end of cycle festivities in 692 and connected himself to the end of the present cycle. Evidently as a political insider he did not like the concept of term limits.
High U.S. unemployment, declining ecosphere vitality with poor fishing and hunting and vast U.S. public budget deficits are indicators of the end of cycle for some politicians one might guess. The new political cycle may start in January 20, 2013 with the Romney-Ryan administration, though obviously that wasn't written in Mayan hieroglyphs of yore.
image credit-Crosphere Today, N.A.S.A.,U.I.C.U.,N.S.I.D.C.
Arctic sea ice

President Obama Warns of Possible U.S. Military Action in Syria

President Obama has warned of possible military intervention in Syria if the Assad Government allows its chemical weapons to 'fall into the wrong hands'. The administration of course hasn't consulted with the Congress about a declaration of war before military invasion as Presidents have become accustomed to just going for it when they feel the need.
Technically I believe the administration could war for 90 days without congressional approval, and he might have a head start while the Congress is away on vacation.
I tend to have the opinion that U.S. foreign policy would work better if we were to stay out of foreign conflicts unless its really necessary for national defense or to relieve gross human rights crimes. It may be that Mr. Obama feels that war is his best political strength in this election year, and that Syria is a good malleable opponent.
President Obama had luck with his order to kill Osama Bin Laden around the tenth anniversary of 9-11. The intelligence gathering at Guantanamo Bay-a facility Mr. Obama wanted to close as a 2008 candidate, is said to have provided the lead to the location of the fugitive in a secure walled compound in the bosom of Pakistan's political and military center. Mr. Obama may want to keep the military-intelligence good times rolling for the economic security of select defense .
The President has taken the credit for ending the conflict in Iraq as he continued on the Bush II schedule to withdraw U.S. military forces. Yet as in the insecure Afghanistan military political environment with dozens of U.S. casualties shot by Afghan military and police personnel since the U.S. military started transitioning to the Obama homosexual platform,and since the President has announced support for homosexual marriage, the prospects for democratic stability between the Obama forces and even traditional Muslim warriors seems a little shaky.
The new Egyptian Government is consolidating power for the Muslim Brotherhood member President Morsi and they appear to be drawing toward a rapproachment with Iran. The President expresses support for Israel during this election year, yet being on the same side as Al Qa'eda revolutionaries in Syria while Iraqi Shia have hundreds and hundreds of civilian casualties in sectarian and terrorist strife present a confusing picture for policy interpretation.
The mixed bag of variegated conflict results isn't much of a confidence builder for American interests. Maybe the President just never talks with Americans off-script anymore-or maybe he never did sufficiently  to disclose his foreign policy design. His economic plan for the U.S.A. is to play dozens more of rounds of golf if re-elected and to run up a trillion dollars a year of public debt on his tax plan while essentially waiting for the private sector to sort things out and restart the economy. Someone out there has got to be responsible, and he has lots of golf to play and foreign conflict predator drone strikes to sign off on.

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....