
Independent Forecast Anticipates Rise in U.S. Unemployment Into 2013

An independent financial forecast center anticipates a steady increase of U.S. unemployment into 2013. That isn't too surprising since the corporgov hasn't adapted to the new international economic relations that have prevailed since the cold war's conclusion.  An 8.8 unemployment average is anticipated for Feb. 2013.
The Obama administration's concern is for the well-off middle class-a shrinking class incidentally, that he thinks will re-elect him. I haven't any confidence in his ability to balance a budget, employ the poor or reform the economy.
There is the failure of classical economics because of the post cold-war global effects on the U.S. economy, and there is also a failure to transition into a new economics based in low entropy priorities. The people of the United States seem to be trending toward intentionally losing in economics.
I am not sure if that has something to do with the popular culture of the 90's with such songs as 'I'm a Loser, Baby'  and a losing-doesn't-mean-anything attitude. Some people can't stand prosperity or won't work politically to make it increase. The need to become decadent and bring a nation to 21 trillion of debt and high unemployment for a decade or so should be defeated.
Organized crime seems to be doing better in these tough times. Boeing jets fly cocaine to North Africa for processing and shipments and meth labs have been found in Nigeria. The traditional mafia is experiencing a resurgence in Europe and who knows how it goes in Chicago with so much concern about the Mexican border traffickers.
Bad bi-partisan political-economic management will probably continue for some time. The comfortable are too unconcerned with correcting things so they work from the bottom up for those out of jobs the most time.


Some Nations Pass Limits on High-Speed Trading

With sixty-five percent of U.S. stock trading being high speed exchanges held for as little as a millionth of a second the financial and banking sector has gained the upper hand in skimming U.S. business for profit. Instead of corporations being purchased or selling stock to enhance production they are simply large chunks of capital that can be finessed for a quick buck. Several foreign nations and even the European Union have introduced legislative proposals to put a firewall in the deconstruction of business logic.

One wonders if even Mitt Romney as President would have the business skill to lead reforms that would set America on a course of reformed capitalism in favor of free enterprise. A New York Times article on the topic Thursday 27 September 2012 reported that Canada has already moved ahead and passed laws that will govern the 'dark pools' and exchanges a little better. 

In dark pools stock can be traded without being reported so long as its price is higher than that publicly listed. Obviously if positions are not held for even Five-hundred thousands of a second, but for a millionth of a second and sold to take advantage of the electronic fluctuations of the stock value the process might not only adversely affect stock trading because of the large quantities involved, put investor capital at risk too, but also provide a rationale for the investments that has no concern about making a more competitive widget at ACME Manufacturing but instead is simply exploitative.

One of the downsides of irrational in relation to the well-being of a target corporation high-speed super-computer guided quantitative trading by heavily capitalized Wall Street and foreign firms is that the world is viewed economically through different glasses than normal human beings with interests in economic stability and wherein a logic for progressive product inventions is implicitly a strong point of capitalism and free enterprise.

The United States will be at a serious disadvantage when it's manufacturing and corporate sectors are open for unrestricted-high speed quantitative trading while those of other nations including China are either entirely closed or in the processing of slowing down. The unemployed U.S. worker is simply a spectator in the volatile high-speed trading world, or would be if it weren't conducted in countless dark pools and thirteen exchanges in a time interval far faster than the blink of an eye.

The other two remedies for the problem of contemporary corporate impracticality regarding the well-being of the nation and for free enterprise competitive advantages is to limit the size of corporations to 5000 employees (quality over quantity and more corporations to compete) and limit the number of corporations anyone may invest in to three (in order to prevent networking of corporations that act monopolistically).

D.N.A. from Males May Stay With Mother and Womb-Sister's Brains for Decades

A recent report found that D.N.A. from male feotuses may remain in a mother's brain for decades in a phenomenal micro-chimeraism. One research study found that women with male children had a lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease by more than one-third. The role that the feotal D.N.A. may play isn't known and neither is the way it might interact with the D.N.A. of the host.
Sisters that shared a womb with a brother also receive male D.N.A. enhancement. One might wonder what effect multiple marriages and children from different fathers might have upon a mother with D.N.A. contributions from several men in her brain. Their might have been a physical reason why Christian marriage traditions are less confusing for society coinciding with the spiritual.
The natural temporal recombinant D.N.A. presents several new avenues for research both good and bad as is usual with things biological. One might wonder if contract of D.N.A. & R.N.A. viruses in Africa and elsewhere in tourists (as was the case with a 2008 incidence of Marburg virus when two Dutch tourists visited a Ugandan bat cave and one became infected) allows viruses to evolve with recombinations derived from interaction with their host's  genetic endowments.

The post-birth phenomenon of D.N.A. changes in human brains through sexual reproduction presents the interesting prospect that heterosexual marriage is a way the human species was brought into a closer social balance.

Revisiting Nuclear War Videos and Iran/Moslem Bomb v. Israel Themes

With Mr. Nuclear Development from Iran visiting the U.N. recently and with the topic of its nearing completion of nuclear bomb material I thought I would use the opportunity to re-examine video on nuclear war.
In theory global warming and nuclear war each could cause the end of humankind. One needs to offer thanks to the global elites that provide such political opportunities liberally.
There are so many nuke related videos uploaded to the Internet that it would take more time than I am willing to invest in nuclear war to survey that topic accurately.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7siOFw9rzk Ahmadinijab; Israel Will Be Destroyed Soon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqgGw2U3VvY U.S  & Israel Launch Air Attacks on Iranian Nuclear Weapons Sites and Teheran
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTKfZyKTyYI    Israel U.S. & Iran Nuclear War Immanent
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SRX9WyjgGw&feature=related Iran vs. Israel Defense Technologies
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vYZ-FhldDM&feature=related How the World Would Look After Nuclear War
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTKfZyKTyYI    Israel U.S. & Iran Nuclear War 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V21yoWN_U3w Ahmadinijab Harsh Toward Israel

Computer Generated Image of Future Milky Way vs. Andromeda Clash


President Obama Plans Liberal Public Debt

In American history vast debt wasn't built except in times of war followed by quick repayment. In recent times though the President has trained Americans to accept a trillion dollars of new debt to finance the economy as if it was nothing-just a bump in the road. It is remarkable that much of the electorate accepts those new trillions of public debt and excess printing of dollars at the federal reserve to buy U.S.bonds as if it were nothing real. Perhaps it is a drugged generation replete with economically illiterate voters that prefer economic doom to a balanced budget.

 "Projected and Recent US Federal Debt Numbers
Gross Federal DebtDebt Held by Public
FY 2013*$17.5 trillion$10.6 trillion
FY 2012*$16.4 trillion$9.7 trillion
FY 2011$14.8 trillion$8.5 trillion
FY 2010$13.5 trillion$8.2 trillion
FY 2009$11.9 trillion$6.8 trillion
FY 2008$10.0 trillion$5.3 trillion"

hart credit: http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_debt_chart.html

According to some present polls Ohioans and some other 'swinging' states seem inclined to reject adult supervision and vote for the Obama charge it plan another four years. A Romney-Ryan budget cutting coupled with modest tax increases on the middle class and substantial ones on the rich would be the reasonable way to arrest the slide down the slippery slope to economic collapse. The fiscal cliff at the end of the year is the Presidential vote: if the voters reaffirm Obama the decline of U.S. economic solvency seems probable.
I have no idea why Americans would gamble with America's future. Maybe they haven't suffered enough economically to not believe prosperity isn't dumped. Perhaps Obama will create a class conflict between rich and everyone else and redistribute wealth to pay down the debt his final year or simply liquidate it with a pen ala V.I. Lenin, it is certain that a moderate, rational course for the nation is not in the plans for an Obama led government unable to bring both parties toward the enlightened goal of no public debt.
image credit: http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_debt_chart.html
President Reagan built up a substantial amount of public debt (to the previously unheard some of 5.3 trillion dollars) atop President Carter's debt of somewhere around 2 trillion. Yet President Reagan had the double goals of bringing the nation out of the post-Vietnam war slump as well as ending the cold war with Russia. He was a radical amongst his peers in believing that all nuclear weapons could be eliminated. Building a 500 ship navy and the U.S. Stealth fighter and bomber programs along with S.D.I. were part of that goal. He was successful in ending the cold war at least working well with President Gorbachev. President Obama has no excuse of equal substance. The U.S. economic crisis is a result of the government's own failure of economic creativity and leadership. Another President should be given a chance to solve that.
image credit: http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_debt_chart.html
A healthy U.S. economy without significant public debt is a much happier environment than one with waves of escalating public debt crisis. Some fault Romney for not being an outspoken environmental reformer, yet in the Republican Party it would be difficult to get nominated much less elected if one were. As a sober-for-life non-drug using, non-smoking proven business organizer Romney presents a far better prospect for leading the U.S. economy in a better direction without the crevices and pitfalls of recession or currency collapse.
With the best spin the media can put on it the U.SW. economy still is sick. The national unemployment rate is more than 8% and the underemployed and discouraged job seekers if counted make the rate more than 15%.  Jobs are still being outsourced and illegal labor from Mexico still floods the southern states. It is possible that the dollar may collapse or a war with Iran disrupting Persian Gulf oil may occur and the President has failed to wrap up the war in Afghanistan and secure a strong state for our former Northern Alliance allies. Of course the President seems to be clueless on the concept of ecological economics.
http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/09/25/climate-inaction-idINDEE88O0HH20120925 100 million will die from climate change by 2030 
Re-electing a Chicago lawyer with a dismal first term to a second may make some feel good about not rejecting the black man from political victory. Putting the national interests a distand second to race relations is a bad criteria for selecting a President to crisis leadership. Perhaps the Democrat voters except the Republican to come up with an even better candidate in 2016 to rescue the nation from more than 21 trillion dollars of debt and global economic crisis. I think that is unreasonable.
If the worst-case scenario develops and President Obama is re-elected it may be difficult to bring that future economy out of crisis. Serious, drastic federal budget cuts may be required and the environment will be the first casualty. That isn't even the worst case scenario. When a people prefer economic failure to success and work towards that end, they unremarkably, may achieve it.
Dollars have less value now than in 1960. In 1960 the U.S.A. still was on the gold standard, and it was about 32 dollars an ounce as opposed to today's $1751 per ounce.

The interest on the debt is scalable too-and that's the problem. The debt is increasing more than a trillion a year-and those are real trillions. It is also unrealistic to believe that economic growth will return to levels such that with tax cuts revenues would increase enough to even balance the federal budget-amazingly the Obama administration uses voodoo supply side economic theories themselves to paint an optimistic picture-and that's bunk.

The United States' economy is more financial than materially productive increasingly and its essential way of increasing productivity and profits is to gouge people here and abroad. The material needs increase for the economy with increased consumption isn't likely to rise anywhere near enough to make economic growth more than 3 or 4%-we are not an undeveloped nation and the poor are increasing rather than decreasing.
Google's self-driven car technology is anticipated to be a normal state for most U.S. cars by 2040. If so Americans will buy fewer cars because if a car can drive 24 hours a day instead of sitting overnight in someone's garage it would be a waste to not share it. Probably taxi and truck driver jobs will be eliminated while car pooling will mean that maybe 30 people will time-share ownership of 15 cars that will with computer scheduling arrive when they are needed, drop off the passengers and move on.

Americans like to drive and will hate being chauffered by computer brains. That may induce them to finally make an electro-magnetic mass HIGH-SPEED TUBE technology for individuals to be flung about at 500 m.p.h generally.

Hubble S.T.I. Presents Farthest View of Universe Known

Hubble astronomers used ten years of Hubble space telescope images to present their farthest view of light of the Universe. The image is of the way a portion of it probably appeared 13.2 billion years ago. The Universe (1) is in theory 13.7 billion years old, yet actually it may be just a membrane that was bumped by another within a field of infinite membranes with some dimensions. The bump, jar, or word of God to begin vibrated the skin like a drummer setting the hyper-expansion to motion eventually cooling down into particles and collapsing under gravity to comprise a Universe of matter.

Of course their are numerous details. Within the infinite and incomprehensible acts of God every possible form and shape for a membrane might exist. The time is entirely subjective to the relative phenomenon- like world time zones local conditions may vary. Its a good picture. All of that potential matter was unpacked rather quickly at the beginning, yet it was a process started then. The Universe field that is rather deterministic followed and inertially continues to this day.
image credit-Hubble Space Telescope Institute-Xtreme Deep Field


China's Foxconn Riots Prove Universal Management Failure to Understand Workers

Labor issues are a perennial concern of workers even in the socialist people's paradise of China. Riots at a large electronics firm by thousands of migrant workers underscore the failure of management to comprehend the challenges workers experience historically. Plainly management needs a systems analyst seeking to positively understand what workers want not only in roilsome Chinese factories but in U.S. factories as well.
The Obama administration and National Democrat Party have taken essentially adversarial positions to labor in the United States reinforcing importation of cheap illegal labor from Mexico by failing to support adequate Mexican border control. The gentrification of the Democrat Party is an anti-labor position. Many of its remaining union members are high wage unions even of bureaucrats in government. Those people often have no interest in real material work and instead occupy positions for which they negotiate leverage of power as well as earnings.


Mecca's Haj An Exchange for Global Illness?

A new SARS-family disease has appeared in a man hospitalized in London. The man is a Saudi Arabian and the second fellow to present the disease that has not been seen before. I hadn't given it a thought before, yet the annual haj or journey to Mecca by millions of globalist Moslems is an excellent vector for mixing and spreading communicable disease to the world.
With the use of designer viruses as weapons for mass destruction the annual haj to Mecca by millions of Moslems from every nation has the potential for being a local for distributing new lethal illnesses to the nations of the world. It would be better if people could invest more in solar and Thorium fission development technology and use effective prophylaxes on the sojourners on the haj.

Probabilities and Dimensions (a poem)

A world set with troubles
given unto created beings with things
like clouds and rain, dreams and plains
rumbling, crumbling across the first person narrative of experience
amidst buildings and ossified constructions
dumped upon nature's destruction
that too few understand
with galactic lenses of several dimensions
shaping gravity's paradox
that it works at the speed of light as if it were massless
like a photon following curved space-time
through four dimensions held together a little

As a field with variegated contents of probability entanglements
Universe (1) is a net without a cause
for plausibility enough waterfalls flow
somewhere with time this place one knows
given a few of infinite dimensions
restricted to hues of mathematical uncertainties changing
forms of orbital selections
viewed from Earth.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...