
Turkey-N.A.T.O. Opens Another Front of Religious War

N.A.T.O. member Turkey is sponsoring an insurrection and invasion of Syria in a religious war to benefit N.A.T.O. members, or so they believe The Assad minority government is comprised of Alawi/Shia that Sunnis would like to depose.


The war is timed to distract Russia that provides military assistance to Syria. Since the Obama administration organized Sunni rebels to war on the Syrian government, Democrat Party policy has been in support of regime change.

France controlled Syria from 1919 until 1946 so they probably support the invasion too  For some unknown reason Democrat leaders believe it’s in US interests to have the middle east ruled by Sunni and Syria purged of Christians and Allawi. Muslims countries are intolerant of religious pluralism so if the Sunni won some sort of genocide or mass exodus would take place.

America’s Middle East problems started when they choose to support a coup to purge an elected Prime Minister and install a puppet emperor mperor. They have been unable to admit the error and reconcile ever since. In fact they segregated hospitals for Americans and would not let Iranians get treatment there during the Shah’s era when Americans were involved in oil extraction.

Because the Sunni are rich in Saudi, Brain, Qatar, the tab Emirates etc. the U.S.A. leadership has chased after their money. Some of those nations have recognized Israel diplomatically and invest in the U.S.A. Thus Democrat leaders have blinders on about what problems could potentially arise with Lebanon and Syria becoming Suni, as several administrations were with China.

If Syria attacks Turkey for enabling the war the N.A.T.O. treaty provision probably would be requested by Turkey. That sort of corrupt circumstance is one reason why the U.S.A. should no longer be a member. Because N.A.T.O. is now an EU superstar military expansion organization the U.S.A. now and in the future be nothing more than dopey sycophants following along after corrupt European machinations and that is not a rational course to follow. Gaming and gambling the human race on military adventurism when peace is more cost effective and safer is a better direction; the preferred direction, to go.

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