
Cosmology and Physicalism

 Shannon entropy entales the conservation of information in some respects; that is, it is comparable to entropy and thermodynamics. Information overall cannot be created or destroyed. Physicalism could be regarded as the structure of everything that exists whatever that may be at the fundamental level of substance. One need not be offended by the word. It could be replaced with a generic word such as substance without changing the meaning.

  If information is conserved and existed in the singularity in some way as well as substance the bootstrap start and hyper-inflation could be an act of spirit manifesting itself through relativity with pre-emptive text in a manner of speaking assembling all of the quantum shells where and when they need be to appear to sentient beings arising in the information of the unified and diverging field as physical structure.

A mind may be 10% of an individuals thought apparatus supported by 90% of the subconscious. The two do exist separately. Conscious mind may ask the subconscious to search for the name of a song title conscious forgot and the answer will eventually pop up on thought. A human mind exists in a physical brain as part of the quantum fields comprising the physical universe. The information may be conserved by God. Information is the foundation of all quantum field phenomena; datums in space-time that could be a form of information too.

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