
The Biden-Zelensky War and Meaninglessness of Death

 Rather than death that people fear, it could be all the pain and suffering on the way. Dying meaninglessly like a conscript in Biden’s Ukraine war could be fearful too. Individuals probably don’t like the idea of Zelenski pushing them into the line of combat contact when peace could have been achieved long ago. If he believes it’s a good thing to die or at least not a problem, some conscripts may think he should lead by example.

About the war;

Lots of history in the story. Too much for here. Briefly though, I was on active duty when the Soviets withdrew there army from East Germany at the end of the Reagan administration and had visited Berlin a few months before. Growing up the son of a World War Two vet watching body counts on CBS on a daily basis from the Vietnam Conflict I thought of the tremendous waste and futility of war. It is not a way for human progress at all. I was quite happy when the Cold War concluded mostly without violence. The Soviet forces seemed to be gathering rust and uniforms threadbare. People had labored for decades to find peace with the Soviets and to end communism. After that miracle developed the Clinton administration got the last Soviet President Boris Yeltsin to take Ukraine away from Russia that it had been part of before communism. Ukraine had never been an independent nation before Bill Clinton. he gross incompetence of developing a future of U.S. carpet bagging by democrats worked counter-productively to all of the business investment by the west in Russia. Democrat Party sanctions have killed all that. Fundamentally Democrat leadership was retarded on statesmanship since Bill Clinton.

Historians knew that would set the stage for a future war because Russia would never accept losing its land. Meanwhile the west expanded N.A.T.O. eastward as if they were taking advantage of weak chumps and as if the Cold War had never ended, and instead had only had an interregnum creating a political vacuum that needed to be filled by making all of the former Soviet nations a part of the west while seeking to marginalize Russia. The increasing threatening posture of the west and the US Democrat Party made a hot war inevitable following the Obama and Biden elections.

No sane individual well read in history could possibly have believed that Russia would ever relinquish the Crimea. The poverty of intellectual and political competence by Democrat Party leadership has brought the world to the prospect of World War Three. The United States has suffered economically and politically and that will only increase if the war isn’t ended directly. In fact the U.S.A. is doing everything it can to promote China to the world’s number one economic power. Even a simple war with Europe destroying ports and energy infrastructure by Russian hypersonic ballistic missiles will put Europe’s economy into the dark ages for a while. China and other BRIC nations besides Russia will benefit. China can always buy what’s left of Russia and together they can form a super-state.

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