
Reality, Science, Metaphysics and Epistemology

 Epistemology differs from metaphysics. A description of reality that is the best available would probably need to combine a theory of knowledge with a theory about the greatest physical or spiritual description of reality. The two fields need to share the credit for how and what people perceive.

Science examines quanta these days and tries to make sense of fields and space-time when each are temporal and contingent upon some other things that aren’t know or possible even knowable. Science is good because it has practical applications otherwise it might be of interest only to philosophers. Science with technology can discover a lot about what is manifest in the steady state of entangled 2-dimensional particles that are elements of fields presenting massless quantum to appear as 3-dimensional because of the Higgs. That’s all god stuff and very phenomenal even so.

There really isn’t much opportunity to ever know an ultimate reality unless God decides to disclose that, and judging by the Garden of Eden He apparently doesn’t want humans to become very smart, immortal and quite sinful and willful. There are various mathematical theorems that inform us that that there are always going to be stuff beyond whatever model we can make of the Universe or reality. Its always possible than several true models, accounts and explanations for observable reality could exist at the same time.

One has Godel’s incompleteness theorems and Greg Cantor’s set theorem

“For any set X, the power set of X (i.e., the set of subsets of X), is larger (has a greater cardinality) than X. Cantor’s Theorem tells us that no matter how large a set we have, we may consider a set that is still larger.”-


The Malament-Manchak theorem suggests that it isn’t really possible to know the global shape of the Universe after all. That shape would include space-time. Many would be initially unhappy yet realize later that the facts are good and better than the happiness of believing in Big Bang Theory if that is false. https://aeon.co/…/scientists-are-no-longer-sure-the…

https://www.sciencedirect.com/…/abs/pii/S1355219808000580 Malament-Manchak theorem. God is eternal and one may believe or not that he could initiate waves or particles to appear to exist for sentients perceiver with a temporal beginning and end of experience. Phases of being may exist replete with space-time.

Some discount the Bible and its history summarily. That’s always a sorry sight though. Its like dismissing general relativity by saying its just a bunch of numbers that could mean anything. It is very difficult for a human to know more than one academic specialty very well in a lifetime and most don’t even try because pay is related to a career with fairly narrow focus.

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