
A Reply to an Attestation of Doom

 The controversion of Adam and Eve as real people because of evolution theory began with a certitude regarding who and when Adam and Eve were and that for some unexplained reason, states they didn’t exist because evolution theory was created by Charles Darwin. So many unreflective atheists with superficial knowledge of the Bible assume its content is simplistic like their understanding of it.

Adam is from the same root word in Hebrew as dirt. Man evolved from dirt at the hand of God in one sense. Yet Adam and Eve may have been the first humans to discern the difference between good and evil or right and wrong. Animals and prior hominids did not have that capability. God noticed the change in the garden of Eden that may have existed in Saudi Arabia during the Younger Dryas or a few thousand years before when even the Sahara was a grassland with large bodies of water.

There are other theories about Adam and Eve as well as Cain and Abel. Toynbee believed Cain was the first blacksmith and killing his brother who was a pasturalist was an historical reference to the evolution of society from herding nomads to settled life with metal working.

Some regard humanity as existing and Adam and Eve were outside of space-time and only cast out of the garden into the general population after stealing from or eating of the tree of knowledge. It says they were thrown into the temporal thermodynamic order in part to stop them from eating from the tree of eternal life.There are several possible ways to interpret what Genesis means because people don’t know what God’s purpose was in having it written. The linguistic values of Genesis are subject to what Wittgenstein called ‘the indeterminacy of translation’ since the exact material that went into its composition and origin of that material are not known, besides being attributed to God general through prophets, scribes and oral histories from thousands of years ago.

Yet since atheists feel better with a completely worldly explanation of creation and want to acquire themselves of original sin by negating the truth of the Bible on the foundation of their own badly informed and commonly ditto’d superficial ideas they plaster social media with incessant attacks. Besides feeling sorrow for the spiritually dead and lost faithless followers of nihilism or the devil or their own devices, i.m.o. Christians don’t regard the superficial attacks as more than attestations of doom.

One is a flowing process though the river remains the same, reaching a destination in the desert where it disappears into the ground. The water of life rebirths in spirit.

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