
God Allows 'Imperfect' Beings to Exist

 The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anything at all to exist, much less the Nous and Realm of Forms, since He is perfect and complete with the answer to every question part of His Being a priori. If it seems imperfect for anything to exist besides God, perhaps then it is a calculation, or an effect of internal thought processing. Maybe it is every possible quantum calculation being reflected as Universes. God queried Adam and Eve, found the consistently imperfect and placed them in a temporal containment algorithm just Jesus Christ could overcome.

If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God. Human politics aren’t perfected. 


If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotentence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God.

God is the sole perfect being and through the Son the elect are with God for eternity. Omniscience may be cognizant of every deviation from perfection, of every wrong answer as well as right and of the iterations leading to error. Though aware of the problem of evil He may have a trash file for broken and wicked will files that are inimical and counter-productive.

Maybe there is another answer, and like AI developers trying to put AI on laptops locally, the One continues development of humanity as a venture within infinite considerations.


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