
Universal Basic Income Should be a Doge Priority

It might prevent a lot of crimes and costs of incarceration. It could replace unemployment compensation, food stamps, etc and enhance efficiency. Should phase out at a third of the average income so people have a motivation to work.

Maybe it would make it easier for vets to transition to the civilian economy. It could nearly end homelessness; a million people were homeless in 2024.

Some people on S.S.I. that could work won't look for a job because it can take a long time to get it, and if a job ends for whatever reason they won't get the S.S.I. again since they showed they were able UBI would stop that cycle.

So many government programs cost a lot to operate with staff that could be reduced with UBI. Consider how many hearing officer bureaucrats that are well paid to adjudicate claims that could be eliminated.

Some Americans would rather not let people they don't like work because work and earnings make for a better life. They know cheap illegal labor and foreign college educated people cacan be imported so they couldn't care less if people are unemployed. UBC would let discriminated citizens have more lateral mobility to explore for a break in the maladjusted insider network defenses that exist to prevent people from working

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