
Post-Modernism and Free Will

 Many post modernist behaviorists claim that free will doesn’t exist. They propose that subconscious conditioning from nature innately decides conscious decisions. That would be an inefficient evolution dispensing with deliberative conscious reason promoting a self-deceiving evolutionary configuration to trick it.

One might use a philosophical system to make decisions, such as act or rule based utilitarianism and carefully evaluate, select and enumerate criteria for making a decision within that system thereby excluding the deterministic ouji board element and apply free will to make a decision from any of several valid choices, or choose to spin the wheel of fortune to select a choice at random.

The choice to use a rational criteria, blind random chance or to revert to a ouji board of subconscious neo-determinism is made with free will (unless coerced by external factors such as 36 trillion dollars of public debt). Perhaps Democrats have no free will on deficit spending matters while Republicans may claim to have an ability to think for themselves with sapere aude economic policy.

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