
First Cause of a Universe Misc

 Entropy requires existing things to run down, so that’s a non sequitur so far as causality goes for this poor Aquinian inquiry. David Hume made a good point about causality in dismissal of the relationship with effect. Generally one single item is not the sole cause of anything, except God perhaps whom cannot be said to have a necessary relationship in a physical sense to anything He wills to be. God is spirit and matter is substance, and the substance at its foundation is rather enigmatic rather than a matter that’s ineluctable.

Fields and their content are secondary phenomena of massless field particles entangled in the Higgs field. Entropy is the disassociation of order in that field; a unified field suppositionally that emerged through various phases. Wheeler wrote about retrocausality at any rate and if that exists it could be an amusing attribute for God.

A mind doesn’t seem to be a reflection of nature at all. Instead it is entirely different than matter in-itself and interprets sensations from nature or the state of the fields in which people cohere. People and minds add more to nature than exists in it. Nature is insensible generally with some life forms rising to awareness, Matter and the fields comprising; it unless God concerns Himself with it in some way, is completely dark noumena without rhyme or reason. A mind is not a reflection of that.The values of different points of view are determined by individuals.

Because people do not value all of those viewpoints equally some politicians are elected while others aren’t. That is democracy and market forces apply even concerning viewpoints. For example, Einstein’s viewpoint about relativity was more valued than Irwin Corrie’s generally. On truth theory, there is a social context for truth. One person communicates something to another and what they say should be verifiable as how the state of affairs is. ‘Reality’- a concept, is not so involved as is accuracy of language in communication.

Words can be used to describe nature, and people might agree a statement about it is true yet they all might be wrong about it. Human and social ideas about what is true or false may be wrong. Consider the diversity of opinion about global atmospheric heating or the seriousness of US. public dent reaching 34 trillion dollars. Sartre wrote about social reality in Being and Nothingness and The Critique of Dialectical Reason and noted that colonialists and various power groups sometimes have their own proprietary vocabulary and interpret reality-social reality differently than non-insider groups such as proletariats.

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