
Sen. Lisa Murkowski on the Bill to Tax the Internet Marketplace

Recently I wrote to Sen. Murkowski on the unjust effort of the federal government to tax poor Internet entrepreneurs trying to eek out a few dollars. She replied...

"On May 6, 2013, I voted against S. 743 because I believe this legislation unfairly infringes upon state's sovereign rights, exposing online sellers to other states' sales tax requirements.  Additionally, I have heard from business owners across Alaska who explained to me the time-consuming expense of complying with sales tax laws for every jurisdiction in this country

For states like Alaska who have chosen not to have a statewide sales tax, this bill creates an unlevel playing field among other states with sales taxes. Now is the wrong time to create additional regulatory burdens and paperwork for our small businesses and entrepreneurs, but despite my vote against the bill, S. 743 passed the Senate by a vote of 69-27. The bill has now been sent to the House. "

image credit: official congressional phtotgraph


First Black Woman Harvard Undergrad Dean Pressurized into Quitting

The first black woman to be an undergraduate dean at Harvard University resigned under faculty pressure. Evelynn Hammond admitted checking faculty e-mail topics in an effort to discover the source of student cheating on take-out exams. Apparently faculty e-mail at Harvard traditionally is regarded as sacred and highly classified to protect the innocent, insider tips, sex favor trading for grades, special conspiracies or communications with foreign governments if anything such exists. Ms. Hammond didn't say if she discovered anything interesting among Harvard faculty-of-interest email, yet one wonders


Ms. Hammond will stay on the faculty herself, and hopefully will use some kind of top-shelf encryption software for her own email.


Quantum Entanglement; Questions of Causality and Time of Bosons in an Electromagnetic Field

Physicists developed a way to use entangled pairs of photons to determine qualities of an additional pair of photons. It seems to me something like determining a logical contrapositive state of quantum wavelets by determining the values of the initial bound pairs. The new trick is in making a relation between particles that don't exist at the same time. So can there be other logical relationships determined in such ways, and what would be the limits to structural construction complexity?


One wonders of the relationship of quanta such as photons (that are bosons and carriers of force in an electromagnetic field) to causality and time. Perhaps very small nearly mass-less units of force in low number have so few features they are able to have time order inconsequentiality. Not enough mass to be disordered by entropy?

Could photons for quantum entanglement experiments in an electromagnetic field or fields such as exist on Earth borrow data and ordered structure from those fields to qualify and 'sponsor' entangled quanta?


Physicists Invent A New Quantum Entanglement Derivative

Physicists developed a way to use entangled pairs of photons to determine qualities of an additional pair of photons. It seems to me something like determining a logical contrapositive state of quantum wavelets by determining the values of the initial bound pairs. The new trick is in making a relation between particles that don't exist at the same time. So can there be other logical relationships determined in such ways, and what would be the limits to structural construction complexity?



Remember Building 7, Thermite, Melting Point of Steel, Temperature of Burning Jet Fuel etc.

Recently I read a novel written in 2011 named The Grim Reaper about a bio-war apocalypse in New York City. There were several interesting references to historical things in that book pertaining to the 9-11 2001 event that I wasn't aware of, so I included some of those here.

http://rememberbuilding7.org/  Building 7 was a 42-story structure that collapsed as if it had been demolished by experts from within-it wasn't hit by an airplane.  It was the building where the F.T.C. kept information on corrupt Wall Street activities investigations such as Worldcom and Enron.


Evidently jet fuel burns in a flash fire quickly at about 1400 degrees F while steel doesn't melt until 2500 F. So why did the steel frames of the world trade towers melt? Thermite explosives burn at 4500 degrees F, and there were traces/residue of thermite in the world trade tower rubble. A pool of molten steel remained for months in the rubble of the WTC. These are all facts inconsistent with the simple cause of mass structural collapse by airplane crashes.

http://www.ae911truth.org/  Architects and Engineers for Truth 

President of Russia Vladimir Putin sent a warning memo to Vice President Dick Cheney on 6 August 2001 of a planned attack by terrorists with aircraft on the WTC.

http://911review.org/Sept11Wiki/EarlyWarnings.shtml A list of foreign intelligence agencies that warned the U.S.A. of the impending attack before 9-11.

image credit U.S. Navy Building 7 C.P.M. Eric TIlford
File:September 17 2001.jpg


President Obama's Common Nonsense Immigration Reform Ideas

President Obama's whitehouse.gov website features a 'Common Sense Immigration Reform' article that lacks common sense. The President's ideas reflect the politically correct fantasy paradigm about what America is and who Americans are.


"Together we can build a fair, effective and common sense immigration system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants."-President Obama

Without letting all U.S. law enforcement officials have the right to arrest and remand to federal custody illegal aliens no fence, border security bill or anything else King Canute might pass as legislation will stop illegal immigration. That is common sense. However many illegal aliens are made legal an equal number of new illegals will arrive to replace them and provide the cheap labor the middle class and rich like so much. Laws of supply and demand actually work and with the President's leadership they work best for the rich and government collectivists.

 It would be possible to build an eco-border barrier zone of salt water desalinization canals across the Mexican border I suppose yet the U.S.A. does not build macro-engineering projects anymore-it's more of a runty era of U.S. history in a moderately brain dead political elite.

The rich broke unions, outsourcing jobs and flooding the nation with cheap immigrant labor after the 1970's ended. The middle class also like cheap workers-California has a two-class society of those with high minimum wages and those working under-the-table at below minimum wages. Sure that's corrupt, yet the illegal aliens shouldn't be here to start with and neither should lawful immigrant cheap labor move over the border. Wages should rise for local, legal workers in the paradigm of labor supply and demand instead..

Common sense is that if 11 to 20 million illegal aliens become legal residents it will be about impossible to filter through those to find newly arriving illegal alien workers. Basically the U.S.A. will admit defeat on border control and just try to arrest drug importers and terrorists, except where some states are developing legalization of illegal drug use I suppose.

With millions of illegals moving toward a lawful work status able to take minimum wage jobs the value of legal labor will become cheaper and wages stagnate for the poor-if they can even get a job competing with younger, healthier former illegal aliens. Well, American citizens earning fewer than $20,000 a year are disposable trash anyway for the middle class, rich and government sinecure collectivists.

What might help would be to cap government employment at 20 years so that informal exclusive social class doesn't get second helpings on tax dollars and instead have to compete in the private enterprise realm they are unfamiliar with to learn a little more about the life of the peons comprising the U.S. populace outside the beltway and optimally massaged statistics of the Department of Labor. In an actual democracy public opportunity to work for the government should be shared more equally than it is now.

Mexico is a good country, and I don't hold it against them that I couldn't find a bonita seniorita when I visited in 1987, yet it can be made much better with eco-conservation, more humanitarian economic development and pressurizing of political and economic interest by slowing down to a trickle illegal migration to the U.S.A.

image credit Whitehouse.gov

780,000 Nationalized in 2012

Administration Missile Kills of U.S. Citizens WiIthout a Jury Trial is Threat to Security of Individual Civil RIghts

The Obama administration admitted recently that it had killed four U.S. citizens with air launched missile strikes intentionally or unintentionally. That admission to a policy letting the government kill citizens without a jury trial is onerous and anti-democratic. It's definitely a step in the wrong direction as far as classical liberal protection of individual civil liberties, and really not necessary as might Abraham Lincoln have argued in behalf of his largest ever public hanging of first citizens for a reservation revolt during the civil war, or F.D.R. for ordering the internment without trial of Japanese-Americans in California. We hope the Congress gives American citizens at least as much protection from government killing without trial as foreign heads of state.

In the Brave New World of corrupt global and network-even collective power the properties of individual civil rights are in decline in favor of mass, collective fiat. The administration has barely reduced the U.S. unemployment rate yet has bailed out the rich, banks and Wall Street without end. In the Obamacare health plan the poor and working poor are left in the cold on the reality of applying Medicare for themselves. If one is injured as a journeyman worker would he or she really get adequate coverage or more realistically get a large bill from the emergency room visit? The taking of human life without necessity is unfortunate; when that human life is American it is a crime if developed without public trial with objective standards applicable to all.


It is not at all reasonable to argue that any American killed by the President's murder-from-the-sky drone program was necessary to prevent loss of American life. While the Homeland Security program isn't well regarded at stopping illegal alien entry, the ingression of terrorists over the border to cache weapons or explosives from Mexico, or able to meaningfully well screen out potential terrorists such as the Tsarnaevs even if warned by the F.S.B. or other foreign intelligence agencies it is necessary to rely upon their law enforcement work rather than to kill Americans abroad with missiles from robotic aircraft.

The Delta Force combined in some sort of BlackOPBop team with elements of the F.B.I. hostage rescue team perhaps helped by the N.S.A. and a high tech Skunk Works for development of technology to arrest Americans abroad wanted for terrorism should be able to capture and return for trial to the U.S.A. U.S. desperados instead of killing them. 

The four easy kills with robotic missile strikes are more of a threat to the security of all U.S. citizens than a reinforcement in many senses, for the security of individual citizens from state terrorism and these days corporate and media terrorism was always at the heart of the progress of civil liberties in the west from the day of The Lord to the U.S. and French revolutions.


Albert Einstein vs. Robert Oppenheimer in Chess Game

I discovered Mato Jelic's replay of a chess game played between Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer recently.  Einstein used the E4 opening, and what followed was quite a good match. It's an enjoyable six minute video. A good crisp line.

The Philosophy of the Universal Widget ©2013GaryCGibson (science fiction excerpt)

"The Universal widget's origin is shrouded in mystery. It is the widget of widgets. Its form changes becoming what it is and not what it was. Simultaneously it is the producer and product and the extemporal quantum shape of actualized potential necessary to provide a solution to the problem."
Sounds like a handy thing to have around Mr. Saulobinsk. If your widget is so wonderful why haven't I seen one for sale around the galaxy?
"You have encountered derivative manufactures of the widget in various forms Dr. Voevoda. The widget itself never leaves Temprova and has never been absent until now. It is the producer of ideas developed into product and sale, not the definite article for sale in-itself."
Yvette asked; "And you are here seeking help from Patrick in finding that special trinket that might be anywhere in the Universe by now, in no particular form?"
"Precisely Dr. Yvette, for reasonable compensation of course."
And what would that be?
"Anything you wish from the Universal widget."
Not three wishes Mr. Saulobinsk?
"Yes, if you insist, three wishes of the Universal widget."
That sounds acceptable. Would you join us with a sandwich for lunch?
"A bowl of sweet grass would be excellent please."
You can eat grass?
"Yes. The survivors of biodiversity collapse on my home planet Usgov had to adapt somehow. We innovated a redesign such that we have four stomachs. Later I exfiltrated to the Higgsmasonic lodge of Temprova. This is not tobacco I am chewing, it is my cud."
I'd wager that's a pain to supply on some missions. Allright. About the widget. With computer aided design and manufacturing how does an individual unit differ in-itself from the potential of any artificial intelligence guided manufacturing system to accrete a new or necessary product Mr. Saulobinsk?
"Pat, I know where I can cut a fresh lawn for a bowl of sweet grass. Back in a jiffy", Yvette said before leaving her chair at the table set at the base of the pyramid and moving off toward the entrance of a lane between temples.
Our wonderful widget is a nexus for a quantum computer harmonic actualizer. It may draw upon unlimited resources of the non-steady state quantum Universe to form steady-state quantum entanglements that are temporal objects of spacetime."
What would happen if there were two of these Universal widgets simultaneously calling upon all of the content of the non-steady-state quantum Universe to become some particular object?
'I hadn't thought of that. There is only one known Universal widget after all. I suppose that each might draw together enough mass to create a giant black hole and terminate the development."
Good point.
Yvette returned with a bowl of grass and a few grass stains on her transparent body diaper-wrap that was then in fashion. It changed its opacity index from clear to transparent along with the mood of the wearer.
I asked our new acquaintance Conspiron a question about the Universal widget,
Conspiron, describe the relation of the Universal widget to the deep structure of quantum cosmology more fully.
He said after swallowing his cud and eying down the bowl of fresh grass,
The Higgs field is an expanding knot of quantum entanglements energized by the pull outward in the entanglement of more massless virtual particles from all possible locations in the non-solid-state Universal. The particle state probabilities of the quantum real are massless and faster-than light except as they are entangled. They are also without force or energy except potentially if entangled. For entanglement in a solid-state is a quantum phenomenality of an emergent and contingent phenomenal character.
A photon is nearly massless as an emergent particle-wave in an electro-magnetic field. It is the smallest basic energy element entangled in the solid state and is the quickest. Any solid-state entangled particle is temporal, while the quantum realm of massless probability states is not subject to spacetime in the Higgs field. The Universal widget was designed with elements of the non-temporal quantum Universe outside the Higgs field."
Yvette said, "That's a remarkable accomplishment. How so?
"Gravity too is a phenomenon of entanglement in the Higgs field. The widget maker discovered how to isolate entanglement probabilities and screen out the effects of gravity. He applied his theory to place Dyson gravity screens around black hole singularities and then erase the singularity of intense mass concentration from spacetime. Safely contained in scalable Dyson gravity screens he collected hundreds of naked black hole singularities and relocated them to a laboratory aboard a spacetime ship for further research. The developments followed.
You should know that Kurt Godel's set of all sets barrier became materially transcended with the actualization of the Universal widget. Every transfinite infinity became bracketed as an element of the infinite."
I asked; 'The invention was then of course pre-determined before time existed in eternity?'
"Yes, we believe so." Grand Master Saulobinsk began to chow down on the fresh grass Yvette had cut I would guess from Abbot Weydon's front lawn. A sudden seismic jolt shook us with something akin to a 6.0 Y'Earthquake, which was quite unusual. Yvette gave me the look.
Without a radioactive core, volcanism or plate tectonic activity Collingswood is seismically stable. It might have been an anomalous passing very large gravity way I thought. It would take some time for gravity wave detectors in distant orbit in the Collingswood star system to report any passing disturbance of spacetime adequate to shake the planet.
In the meanwhile, Yvette and I continued our discussion about the widget.
So Yvette, the Telemon was able to infuse some elements of the nature of non-temporality into it. In some ways techniques to shield out gravity waves and steady state aspects of quantum entanglement were found and the knowledge applied.
I would guess that would have innumerable consequences regarding the spacetime continuum of Universe 1. It would be theoretically possible to detach sections of Universe 1 from the Higgs field and quantum entanglement completely creating a de facto alternate spacetime Universe bubble even if it had nothing in it.
"The difficulty might be to keep anything of the steady state universe coherent inside such a detached sector. The quantum entanglement from the other side, from the quantum probability world would no longer exist and the steady-state entanglement might just disappear though some energy might remain in a high entropy state."
I believe Yvette, a Universal widget of all possible forms pre-existing time might arise to apply retro-causality to all things that are to be or become. In eternity it would always exist once it did exist, and become omniscient as well-especially of all the future Universes that it could create and set into motion in time.
"Well Patrick, that could be taken as a paradigm for the unconditional beingness of God as well-arising into being then always existing because of retro-causality."
Sure, its a good metaphor Yvette. Even though a Universal widget might be taken as an illustrative paradigm for the birth and history of God in eternity, its no more than that logically. Otherwise we might have a new omniscient Universal widget pop into being virtually anywhere or anytime creating problems of dual occupancy of existential null-space and order of any actualized Universes.
`Universe for ourselves, hopefully."

Cap Public Employment at 20 Years to Encourage Democracy Instead of a Ruling Class

Ours is an era of national political aloofness among the elites (who find it easier to consolidate wealth and power now). With such complete control of the electorate neither party makes much difference except to drive the moral decline of the nation further down the road to Orwell's optimum.

  The age of big government with annual trillion dollar deficits has established itself as if in defiance of the principles of democracy, frugality and public service. Big government prefers big business and global networks of power.
 In a democratic society without full employment all of the public should have a right to work for the government for several years if they desire. Public employment should not mean public collectivism with sinecures for million of union insiders. Lifetime public employment should be limited to 20 years. If someone retires from the military or has enough civil service time in to retire they should be bumped by any qualified applicant without 20 years of public employment. Instead of aloof government cliques doubling down on prosperity while millions go jobless. Instead of government workers that forget what individual enterprise means besides Harvard Wall Street C.E.O.'s and too big to fail banks getting 90 billion dollars of zero-interest loans each month, a democratic society should make sure that all citizens get a real opportunity to play government too.

The Problem With N.A.T.O.

  With 32 member nations N.A.T.O. is a very large military body. It can throw it’s power around such as in Ukraine, without concern for reta...