
Remember Building 7, Thermite, Melting Point of Steel, Temperature of Burning Jet Fuel etc.

Recently I read a novel written in 2011 named The Grim Reaper about a bio-war apocalypse in New York City. There were several interesting references to historical things in that book pertaining to the 9-11 2001 event that I wasn't aware of, so I included some of those here.

http://rememberbuilding7.org/  Building 7 was a 42-story structure that collapsed as if it had been demolished by experts from within-it wasn't hit by an airplane.  It was the building where the F.T.C. kept information on corrupt Wall Street activities investigations such as Worldcom and Enron.


Evidently jet fuel burns in a flash fire quickly at about 1400 degrees F while steel doesn't melt until 2500 F. So why did the steel frames of the world trade towers melt? Thermite explosives burn at 4500 degrees F, and there were traces/residue of thermite in the world trade tower rubble. A pool of molten steel remained for months in the rubble of the WTC. These are all facts inconsistent with the simple cause of mass structural collapse by airplane crashes.

http://www.ae911truth.org/  Architects and Engineers for Truth 

President of Russia Vladimir Putin sent a warning memo to Vice President Dick Cheney on 6 August 2001 of a planned attack by terrorists with aircraft on the WTC.

http://911review.org/Sept11Wiki/EarlyWarnings.shtml A list of foreign intelligence agencies that warned the U.S.A. of the impending attack before 9-11.

image credit U.S. Navy Building 7 C.P.M. Eric TIlford
File:September 17 2001.jpg

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