
The Evolution of Immorality With Same-Sex Marriage and High Unemployment Rate

The development of corrupting same-sex marriage unions in the United States may be a function of the necessary corrupt conditions for the rise of the anti-Christ in a corrupt nation. Who can say what a decadent nation as powerful as the United States is might transform itself in to? Something like 30% of the workforce is in financial related services. When the federal reserve prints new money at an 89 billion per month rate at zero interest to give to banks so Wall Street can have record profits much of that money circulates through the financial related services people one might guess, and more might be invested abroad wherever prospects for profit look best, and the globalized U.S. business situation continues to be a bucket full of holes that leaks all over the world making it very difficult to reach one or two percent unemployment with good paying, ecologically rational jobs.

Evolution as a political and media predicate for opinion messages and synonym for change is one of the most over-used and wrongly contexted concepts today. Evolution does not imply good. Evil evolves too. National destruction can evolve. Evolution used to mean change means that anything that changes has evolved. The implications of that conceptually are remarkable and rather silly.

As a scientific theory evolution is o.k. As a political and media codeword it is blatant idiocy. Nuclear war evolves too as does biological war and nihilism. In fact the entire Universe is believed to be evolving toward an apocalypse or a cold death, big rip or whatever doom the clever prefer.

Heisenberg's uncertainty principal applied to the problem of measuring quantum particles and speeds instead of the particle-waves themselves. The steady-state Universe may be a decoherence of quantum super-positioning entangling particles in extra dimensions or not, yet the steady-state Universe is pre-determined and without chance. It develops logically toward its destiny replete with fundamentally forces of nature. The uncertainty is more in the lack of omniscience human beings have, and that God has plenty of rather than in the Universe for-itself, or in and infinite number of Universes if such exists.

Chance doesn't exist in nature. Chance is a human idea instead of something existing in nature. That point of view is somewhat empiricist, yet that is the nature of language and incompleteness of human understanding of all of the physics of the cosmos. Evolution as a political excuse or motive for enacting corrupt policies is a transparent and wrong belief. The Nazi's might have exploited evolution as leading to a superior race if they had the need to be politically correct. One of the fundamental paradoxes about the wrong application of evolution is that it tends to regard human intellect as meaningless. Irrational political though negating reason leads to the development of corruption and decay. Decay has evolved before, somewhat cyclically in civilizations.

Many Americans get paid for producing nothing material at all, yet it is material goods that people fundamentally require for life as well as material facts of living well. Not only is the national infrastructure in decay America's political decay is evident as well. Political leadership does require wisdom enough of economic and social reality to actively intervene in national economic affairs when necessary for the well being of the nation.

Though the corporate world and corrupt elites inclusive, evidently of the Harvard/government insider clique seem to support same-sex marriage, that irrational concept is something of a diversionary political project for undermining the remnant of traditional U.S. social structure. Marriage means to join two different substances together to create a new substance. Same sexes obviously cannot marry, yet the delusional fiction of a corrupt political and economic milieu supposes that anything is possible and nothing meaningful.

 The philosophical foundation for that may be a derivative of evolution theory fused with moral relativism and post-modern neo-phenomenalism. In such a detached view nothing need be real, simply utilitarian and subjectivism is an epistemological point to the extent of solipsism.

While lies are false data, false data isn't necessarily a lie if given unto others. Lies cannot harm those that know the truth, and ignorance is the vulnerable state that gives credibility to lies. Within the post-modern Wall Street replete with dark pools of super-computer trading transactions, and with so many in financial services lies from government and media about the political state of affairs become habitual. In such an environment corruption rises to the advantage of those able to concentrate wealth to the disadvantage of the poor for whom the government will do nothing real to better their lot in life, or be of help in letting them get one to build a Tetra dome and grow a garden. The media ad government cooks the books annually on national unemployment figures not counting or reporting on those discouraged from finding a job that stop looking for a while because of the futility. The real unemployed and underemployed rate for the U.S.A. is more like 20% instead of the mythical 7.7% rate.

 Far too many Americans have low paying jobs and the expectation that citizens should pay for job training themselves at costly schools for jobs that may not exist after graduation is unreasonable. Citizens become lifetime job training students with debt, never actually finding a good job. Immanuel Kant wrote an essay on people enslaved in perennial tutelage unable to free themselves.

The homosexual war on marriage and American social structure is another element of a degraded and irrational political-economic environment n the United States. The movement for homosexual marriage is another example of the public lie preferred by American elites.

America needs a good economic leader able to comprehend and innovate ecospheric economics and ways to reform capitalism into smaller and more manageable structures rather than large corporate collective entities with no global boundaries. That would not require an anachronistic neo-isolationism politically, and that is rather impossible anyway with personal global communications ubiquitous in the developed world at least, however national political control and direction of enterprises through government incentives, guidelines and politics toward adaptation to the ecospheric facts of reality are necessary in the shot term rather than the long-term. The U.S. economy today is already somewhat dysfunctional for a variety of reasons and also displays several aspects of the Toynbean cycle of the decline of civilization that are frustrating to watch: the United State seems doomed to make the same avoidable errors that other societies have made that brought about there own downfall.

Homosexual immorality concatenated as a political movement is a corrupter of politics. So is the inability to change from an ossified economic infrastructure such as automobiles and highways. The latter system more than a century old works to national economic and ecospheric insult.

 New forms of transportation are possible and desirable yet the existing investment in actual technology precludes political and economic change to anything new. Meanwhile the ecosphere, atmosphere and ocean are in declining health for supporting human and wild forms of life.

 God is a perfect being. He is omnipotent and able to create an infinite quantity of Universes and more. Human beings are very small things not unlike animals yet able to think and reason. To praise God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is good and heard by God. It is an intelligent, cognizant emanation from any human being setting them apart from animal life. While evolution may occur, it occurs within a space-time continuum that is set within the mind-plans of God who foreknows all things temporal and surpasses those contingent, temporal things. While the world may disappear into the shadows of the future with all lives as well the spirit remains created to exist forever.

 One may praise God forever or descend into the worst slums of eternal existence without belief in God.

 Social depravity matters, as does environmental depravity. The too-big-to fail banks and Harvard government insiders may be mirthful with all-time Dow highs yet the Obama administration clock for the second term is running with many critical issues existing for the nation and environment not substantively addressed.

 Once ancient Israel had a problem with bad leadership and God corrected that. The prophet Ezekiel explained that in chapter 11. The fleshpot caldron approach of urban immoral leadership could be taken today to describe some aspects of American cultural.

Chapter 11:19 "And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh."

20 "That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God."

21"But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord God."

 Americans today should despair the wicked immorality of the homosexual marriage lie foisted by elite leadership with a Bolshevik-quality minority movement in more than 18 states. The Wall Street financial perfidy and revolving door government seem to enjoy the immorality of the homosexual marriage phenomena perhaps as it might screen attention from their own distraction of America from real economic reform.

Time is bordered by shadows of uncertainty in all directions while life is brief and not given enough to cooperation, intelligence and the ideal of creating full-employment at a good standard of living with a recovering ecosphere that preserves and restores life. There are many ways for life to disappear today with thousand of pollutants in the ocean, fish finders, unlimited human saturation of wilderness areas crowding them out with development and of course irrational political leadership stimulating irrational responses to social power and social corruption.

 The late Boston bomber was probably a dissident of homosexual marriage in Massachusetts. Tamerlan Tsarnaev  was a naturalized citizen and Golden Gloves state boxing champion before the change to establish the lie of homosexual marriage. What political remedies did  Tsarnaev  have after investing his life in a state with a rotten morality plank he did not foresee one wonders.

 In Cambridge they decided not to allow Tsarnaev  burial-it seems only the politically correct can be buried in Boston.so the posthumously denaturalized Bostonian was buried in Virgina because Russia or Kazakhstan where from he emigrated at age 11 to become an exemplary U.S. citizen until the Boston marathon blasts cost too much.

 U.S. political leaders disinterested in developing ecospheric economics and have little understanding of it. Neither are they competent philosophers of capitalism in failing to understand its malleability of form- democracy can restructure capitalism to serve public interest. Instead the elites worship its unregulated and undirected form thereby avoiding the need for critical thought and political action to implement ecological economic policy along with a downsizing of corporation size in employee numbers putting a limit at perhaps 20,000 workers to encourage competition and new business start ups. A limit on the number of corporations any citizen may invest in at three is also a good idea. Challenging to bring into reality yet beneficial if brought into actuality. In the meanwhile corporations should be given tax credits for hiring those out of work the most time on a proportional basis in the time of the job seeker unemployment. Such a policy would get a job to those most in need of one that have had difficulty getting hired.

Government should be of minimal size capable of providing quality and necessary public service. It should continually seem to improve its performance and get jobs for the unemployed. It should hire more economic philosophers able to comprehend value theory (axiology) to research and recommend ways to improve the quality of public and individual life in the U.S.A.

 Government should direct free enterprise in capitalism toward goals that serve the interests of national democracy and ecospheric integrity while preserving and defending the rights of individuals to live without coercion. These are not too-difficult tasks. F.D.R. was able to articulate visions of reform and implement may during a time of national economic crisis. Such leadership is requisite for the emergence of a new economy in the United States again. It is rare to elect a leader able to entertain such reforming ideas and be able to implement them. F.D.R. and Ronald Reagan's policies that serve as models should be that of innovators that reacted to particular economic challenges instead of being inappropriately and untimely duplicated. It is new ideas that would reform and lead free enterprise to a restored and new vitality that creates full employment and that provide most of the benefits that government provides today. Homosexual marriage is a lie, and a crass political step in the doom direction.

That direction leads unto corrupt life, slavery of the rights of men and eternal death. Boston and Washington D.C. elites are tolerant of free speech until it effectively dissents with corrupt corporate and government goals. They have the irrationalism of godless atheism on their side. Evolution into historical political and economic national wickedness appears to be good enough for them.

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