
The Universal Widget (science fiction)

The idea of a Universal widget-a fomentor of forms- is an idea I have found intriguing recently, so I have used in in a new science fiction story. At the foundation of mass an energy is form and shape. A widget is a form and shape connector itself-as are quantum particle-wave-strings and everything else. Widgets upon widgets...


Here is a quote from my first draft of The Universal Widget...

The library search engine distilled an historical scenario of the source of the Universal widget for us with a 90% probability of accuracy. Along with the remarkable images the hypertext was spoken,
In the last era before global ecosphere collapse the lost world Usgov tried to implement a planetary rationing of mass available for each citizen-subject to own. One ton for personal articles and two tons for a dwelling was the standard per capital limit. Efficiency reducing weight. Producing articles under the weight limit drove technological invention forward, yet the available resources were few and the plan unsuccessful at prevening ecosphere collapse though the method has been used subsequently on other planets with success. The key was to limit energy use and reward its renewable efficiency as well as materials. When the process is started too far in the cycle of ecosphere decline from demographic pressure it cannot save the lost. Standard mass and energy per citizen limit formula have been developed and used broadly across the galaxy to help keep thousands of ecospheres viable.
In the final era of Usgov a brilliant inventor named Terah Telamon, stimulated by the mass vs. utility ratio and implicit weight limits invented the Universal widget before the final collapse and reduction of citizenry to bovine status digesting the only common nutrient- grass. The Universal widget embodies connections and forms of all mass energy. All possible actualized forms from the quantum realm to the steady-state Universe are widgets-in-themselves. The Universe itself may be a form of widget.
In the final era of Usgov exospheric standard viability the development of equal economic opportunity for all citizens to increase energy efficiency and reduce mass consumption marriage was banned.
Marriage originally was developed to protect childbearing age women from exploitation. That was necessary when economic inequality and low values of individual civil rights protections left many vulnerable to extreme privations and victimization. By the final era on Usgov though, a perfected welfare state and reformed capitalism provided for the medical, food, housing and transport needs of everyone adequately while providing public capital to all inventors and developers that could increase performance to mass ratios and energy production to entropy increase ratio. There were far fewer inventors and producers making claims on public capital in that criterion, and their demands were easily and urgently met.
Men and women in the final era as free, secure citizens ordinarily went naked when together in private, as did homosexuals.  Sex was not coerced or terribly significant as few women opted for childbearing. Those that did were not forbidden. Marriage was no longer an economic necessity with normal reproductive prophylaxis and social economic security. Single citizens were the standard and to comply with Christian criteria many couples choose to live lives sexually limited to one another. With strong individual rights there was simply no pressure about sexual relations. Terah Telamon was thus single without a known permanent informal coupling partner. He had ample free time to develop the first Universal widget that was to change the fate of Universe 1.
"Patrick, the people of late era Usgov weren't so unlike us socially. We fit together somewhat like those singles. Yet I wonder about the Universal widget."
The search engine resumed speaking on the Universal widget...
Tephra Telamon in some way created a focal point for actualizing quantum uncertainty from the non-solid state Universe 1. Any possible combinatory structure in quantum mechanical configuration actualized briefly in the universal widget as a particular form. With its quantum computing data bank it realized every known existing invention and synthesized every possible recombination of those inventions in hyper-synthesis. All possible worldlines of super-positioned quantum particles flowed through the Universal widget nexus simultaneously as it phenomenalized extemporally outside the confining limits of the Higgs field.
What happened to the Universal widget our library search engine friend? 

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

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