
Demo Federal Judges, Broadcast Bigots & The Hostile Homosexual Takeover

Like nativity scenes on courthouse lawns that were normal and customary until a profusion of godless atheists rocked the boat in court and federal judges concurred on corruption, marriages were heterosexual-only in the U.S.A. before the Obama administration decay. While there is a pretext constitutionally for a separation of church and state with the no establishment of religion item, nothing at all is written about marriage. In fact government has no requirement whatsoever to participate in anything regarding marriage or to recognize it legally though religious marriages are free to exist. Existentially speaking, government could allow corporations to marry, or decide that temporary marriages could be made between politicians and electorates. Creative fiction can be made in government promulgation of law when Occam’s razor is eliminated as criteria for legislation and judicial decision.

Government reinforcement of marriages was a traditional role even so far as selling marriage licenses. Yet in the post-modern age of biological and social trans-morphology perhaps it is time for government to step aside and withdraw from the non-constitutional task of regulating or sponsoring an institution of marriage.

There is no rational reason for homosexual marriage based on biology. Male and females procreate together instead of amongst the same sex. If there is to be no rational foundation for state involvement in marriage-not even in order to prevent incest (what two queers are going to produce deficient progeny with sex?) then it will be difficult for immoral government judges to explain why two sisters or two brothers can not marry as homosexuals and further, in order to assure equality and non-bigotry, that sisters and brothers and even parents ought not be allowed to marry.

A science fiction story ‘Lazarus Long’ was written by a graduate of the naval academy with such an existential marriage paradigm. Biotech screens for genetic deficiency were used as the sole paradigm for screening procreation. When biological rationalism is removed from the paradigm for marriage there are no boundaries. Government should not inevitably be such a worst-case evil dictator of immorality just because it has nuclear weapons and unlimited force to compel states to comply with perversion by judicial decree.

The forces of doom will polemically label resistors to the pseudo-scientific morphing of society to amoral subjectivity under bio-engineering as phobes of the homo agenda. The salient bigots in the U.S.A. today are broadcast media sycophants of satanic psychology

Federal courts moved to force states to permit homosexual marriage with the Utah case the lever godless elites of the Government apply to dictate immorality to all the states.

A Federal judge also found the N.S.A.’s invasive surveillance program lawful dismissing an A.C.L.U. suit

It is wrong for the courts to veto democracy-2/3rds of Utah voters voted for a ban on homosexual marriages- and force the will of the wicked on the people of the United States. If 2/3rds of Americans were to vote to ban invasive federal surveillance programs in the states it is certain that the Obama administration would say with support from select federal judges that you lot of n’s can’t do that.


Federal Courts Move to Dictate Morality to States/Veto Democracy

Federal courts have moved to force states to permit homosexual marriage with the Utah case being perhaps the basic test of the power of godless elites in the Government to dictate morality to the states.

Homosexual marriage is not only sinful it’s fundamentally irrational. In an age of pseudo rationalism because of the influence of scientific thought the left seems to accept an existentialist economic method of limitless debt being o.k. and without future adverse consequences for the poor and middle class and force homosexual marriage upon all of the states-not just those exceptionally atheistic.

Marriage is about security for couples procreating and raising progeny. It was developed for the defense of women and to stop males from fighting over female so much. The state has conferred some financial helps to married couples traditionally because primarily for two reasons; 1) Marriage security is costly and 2) Raising families was encouraged.

There is of course a difference between civil and religious marriages-neither requires the other yet neither is necessarily exclusive, that is each can occur for one couple. Homosexual fans have sought to expropriate marriages for the financial benefits placing a burden on those that are not married to pay for that superfluous and wicked lunacy. Reason would inform one that homosexual couples could ensnare themselves with whatever legal contractual obligations they like and not make a hostile takeover of marriage. Yet it seems a basic in-your-face sort of moral decay is required by Democrat Judges as if the founders would have supported homosexual marriages.

It is wrong for the courts to veto democracy-2/3rds of Utah voters voted for a ban on homosexual marriages- and force the will of the Harvard Law School, Boston, San Francisco and other leftist cities on the people of the United States.

If marriage is really superfluous even for heterosexuals because of social prosperity then the financial benefits of marriage could be cut back ton rational levels. Marriage was a particular thing with a particular reason for existing, instead of bureaucratically expanding the definition to create an irrational and larger state bureaucracy new different structures suitable for what people that want to sanctify homosexual behavior require could develop.  If there were laws made to regulate avian behavior, they ought not to be applied to reptiles. If adults can stay up till government curfew it doesn't follow that children should and if heterosexual couples required some sort of state financial advantage in times of yore it doesn't follow that homosexual behavior in the third millennium ought to be regarded in the same context as man-woman procreators of the past.

Mendenhall Glacier Nov 2013

Select Parameters of Biblical and Physical Cosmology (Video)

Reading From 'Religious and Philosophical Topics' (video)

I read from my book 'Religious and Philosophical Topics' a few minutes.


President O. Signs Off on Budget Deal- Debt Ceiling Negotiations Next

President Obama signed a two-year budget deal today. The next congressional financial crisis is early in 2014 with negotiations on deepening the public borrowing debt hole. Democrats want to shovel down to China, Republicans want to throw in a little dirt from the poor people's pile.

One hopes the President will use bold and realistic negotiating tactics for once such as agreeing to cut the federal budget 100 billion dollars over two years in return for raising the taxes on the rich 5%. That's a win-win for better budgeting winners and a lose-lose for debt-deepening budget losers, plus or minus a times or two.

If only N.A.S.A. were given 5 billion to research and develop sub-surface sealed chamber fiber-optic lit lunar farming there would be a glimmer of hope for producing food concentrates to send to hungry people of Earth in 20 or 30 years.


Japan's P.M. Visits Shrine for War Dead to Offset Chinese Intimidation

Japanese Prime Minister Abe visited a shrine for the dead of World War Two probably in response to recent Chinese aggression against some small, unpopulated Japanese Islands with a claim of an air defense exclusivity zone for China over the islands. Basically Abe was saying "We're not wusses and will defend ourselves." Of course China and South Korea howled in protest because Japan was a cruel imperial invader of both nations in the 1930s.

Since the United States intervened in the second world war after a Japanese attack on Hawaii eventually defeating Japan the balance of power in Asia has evolved substantially. The United States is effectively the guarantor of Japanese physical security while Japan has limited its military role to a self-defense forces. China has evolved through communism to a mixed-market economy, prosperity and an expanded military. The prosperity and limited military role of Japan has made China swell a little as it asserts a blue water naval and air capability. The assertion of a Chinese Air Defense zone to make a hostile possession takeover of Japanese Islands is a bad, yet logical development with the perceived wussification of the U.S. military under the Obama homosexual marriage agenda.

While China has developed its nuclear capability the United States has allowed the unstable nation of North Korea to develop a nuclear capability. Japan is the most vulnerable and probable target of a surprise North Korean nuclear attack. Given the role of Japan as China's main rival to domination of the Asian economy and as an obstruction to Chinese rise to dominate the world economy it is not impossible that China would actually consider it beneficial for North Korea to nuke Tokyo. A North Korean attack on Tokyo is even more likely than an Iranian attack on Israel.

As the United States moves down the road to moral decay under Democrat affirmative action leadership sucking up to global corporate concentrated wealth and exploits a Democrat Judiciary and Lawyer-Executive hegemony to force moral decay upon unwilling states with decisions forcing homosexual marriage development of a separate yet superior Wall-Street economy and sluzba bureaucracy covered by an anti-egalitarian broadcast media propaganda and dissimulation power establishment the Japanese must wonder if the United States will long have the will or ability to defend Japanese territorial interests. Perhaps it is time that Japan is encouraged to rearm and improve its air-to-air fighter technology as well as electro-magneto-hydro-dynamic powered small, fast naval attack vessels to become an effective Pacific naval power.

China and North Korea have made the mistake, like many others, of underestimating the genius of non-conventional anti-conventional weapons systems that can be fairly quickly developed. Many underestimate the capacity for the human population to experience mega-death through a variety of lethal biological and improvisational weapons of physics. It is just a really bad idea for the Democrat Party to force immorality upon unwilling states and undermine democracy through executive corruption of the separation of powers via  sophisticated politically incestuous subversion with saturation of lawyers in government in order to benefit corrupt elites and let the rest of the international relations scene evolve through bad directions to possibly deleterious ends.

Besides encouraging the Muslim Brotherhood to takeover the Middle East through subversion of lawful governments, the transition of U.S. investment capital to China instead of the U.S.A. and gross trade imbalance with China has led to perennial unaccountability of Wall-Street to the people of the United States as well as the government that props them up as a banker of god for their benefit. The irrationality of U.S. domestic and international policy has forced a general global error away from a more Godly utopian balance toward existential evolution without moral rationality. Japan ought to be encouraged to help itself militarily a little more, and to partner more with the U.S.A. in military exercises across the Pacific in order to offset the rise of Chinese aggression.


Billy Graham on Technology, Faith & Human Shortcomings (video)

I found the 1998 video a good talk on technology and human nature...


Demos- The Party that Sucks vs. Rich in 2014 Congressional Races?

Not a chance that the Democrats with their party-that-sucks policy will turn against the party for the rich (Republicans) in 2014. The turn of the Democrats to being just a party that sucks up to the rich means the poor and middle class that don't suck have no political representation any more. 

Oh well. Democrats have taken a turn toward same-politics policies believing that sucking transcends everything. That's the fruit of their evolution ideas. At least they can get their papers from Federal Obamacare Insurance centers and be properly documented.

The happy news is that CBS reported real incomes went up two tenths of one percent. If one calculates Wall Street and Bank profits averaged in with everyone else that sounds about right. The poor and middle class just got moderately poorer. It would be instructive if they would report the income status of just the 95% sometimes so the numbers aren't so warped.


Venezuela Ought to Liberate This Christian Bishop From His Cell For Christmas

An Anglican Bishop appointed Defender of Human Rights in Venezuela earlier this year has been arrested and incarcerated for some time on some sort of financial charge. He hasn't been in that nation long enough to become part of a Bonnie and Clyde scheme yet. Brazil may be worse off than Argentina economically speaking yet they really ought to release the fellow for Christmas and at least allow him to return to Los Angeles if not his job in Venezuela.

There is some sort of false religion charge against Bishop  Jylman Red Jurado Farfan and he is in the Yare III (Carcel de Caracas) gaol.

The new President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro may be some sort of grinch neo-tyrant without good economic sense about free enterprise (it should be given free reign yet the size of corporations and number of employees capped in order to prevent oligarchy and concentration of wealth)-are there other prisoners that should be liberated in recognition of the birth of the Lord of the Universe and more? Hopefully President Maduro will get the Christmas Spirit and work for the Lord a little.


AI Hasn't Self-Awareness

AI has lots of information and no awareness. It has been trained to recognize language and meaning without any knowing. For those that wonde...