
Venezuela Ought to Liberate This Christian Bishop From His Cell For Christmas

An Anglican Bishop appointed Defender of Human Rights in Venezuela earlier this year has been arrested and incarcerated for some time on some sort of financial charge. He hasn't been in that nation long enough to become part of a Bonnie and Clyde scheme yet. Brazil may be worse off than Argentina economically speaking yet they really ought to release the fellow for Christmas and at least allow him to return to Los Angeles if not his job in Venezuela.

There is some sort of false religion charge against Bishop  Jylman Red Jurado Farfan and he is in the Yare III (Carcel de Caracas) gaol.

The new President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro may be some sort of grinch neo-tyrant without good economic sense about free enterprise (it should be given free reign yet the size of corporations and number of employees capped in order to prevent oligarchy and concentration of wealth)-are there other prisoners that should be liberated in recognition of the birth of the Lord of the Universe and more? Hopefully President Maduro will get the Christmas Spirit and work for the Lord a little.


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