
Duck Dynasty's Phil Roberts Shot Down by L.G.B.T. Political Foes

The ugly censorious head of corporatism entered to take down an individual for expressing an off-the-job opinion. Phil Robertson being interviewed by a slick tabloid reporter made some disparaging remark about ‘homos, terrorists and drunks’. Classifying homos with other threats to male security was going too far for the Arts and Entertainment network management that choose succumbing to elite homo sponsor's will-to-kill expression of antipathetic political opinion. Such is the way of globalism.

President Obama as a natural untouchable caste member may himself yield to India’s political elites and join the maid-beating politicians attacking American labor laws and immigration requirements to pressurize the federal prosecutor in New York that charged an Indian diplomat with lying on a visa application to get cheap imported labor. If the President takes the side of the Indian elites all of America’s poor and middle class may be on the slippery slope to the untouchable class too.

Free speech that disagrees with the LGBT corporate agenda is verboten, and so evidently are fair wages and good jobs in the U.S.A. for the poor and middle class.

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