
On the Gospel of Luke; Evangelist, Physician, Artist

Luke- A physician named Luke, born in Antioch was the author of the eponymous gospel account. His Greek language skills are flawless and he wrote Hebrew well. He was a companion of the Apostle Paul and writes in the most physically descriptive way of the synoptic gospels. He is mentioned in Paul’s epistles of II Timothy 4:11, Philemon verse 24 and Colossians 4:14.

 Luke like  Matthew, Mark and John was able to draw upon the collected experience of the disciples and church of the day. He is said to have died in 84 A.D., probably martyred. It is notable that the Apostles best suited for writing to select groups, in this case the Greek speaking world, produced the four gospels. Coordination in the early church to develop a Universal collection of writing explaining the Lord’s soteriological life and mission seems likely. The late Francois Bovon observed the gospel according to Luke’s ‘sense of joy’. Others have observed the artistic quality of the work as literature.

Luke may have been one of the 70 disciples sent out by Jesus into the world, or not. If he did not meet Jesus Christ in-the-flesh, he certainly meet many of his disciples and was well able to record with a shared feeling of compassion the meaning and purpose of the life of the Lord. Luke was a painter and reportedly produced the first Christian icons, as many as 600 raising.

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