
Nelson Mandela Passes On

The passing of Nelson Mandela is another milestone of history such as was experienced by many Americans in the early 1960s when the World War Two generals and Presidents passed on. There is so much a trend toward historical revisionism that I decided to write a comment about the former African National Congress revolutionary leaders and former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela.

The true apartheid concern of Americans today is really economic segregation. A metric of economic segregation within a nation is about the sole objective criteria to recognize who is being put down. Corporatists and communists internationally as well as fascists are happy to play the race card and elect any sort of tax-cuts-for-the-rich politician the media can be blowhards for as a shill for control. South African history was not like that however. Mandela was a real revolutionary who grew up in the historical evolution of South Africa.

Why did South Africa develop apartheid and why did it take so long to end? Apartheid or racial separation was an historical process rather than a designed or theoretical political system. Bantu were early settlers of South Africa and Portuguese and later Dutch settlers arrived about the same time as the Zulu fighting as tribes for control of the region. Racial tribalism was the way of the world back then and only slowly would racial integration without war on a battlefield evolve.

The American civil war was largely fought to keep democracy intact for the first truly democratic society of modern times. Ending southern slavery was a necessity for keeping the old regime of global elites from dividing and conquering the U.S.A. one piece at a time. The world was ruled by royals and elites in the 19th century with Britain supporting the cause of the southern Confederacy as a successor subversion follow-up to burning the capital at Washington D.C. like an Al Qaeda attack during the war of 1812. Apartheid was not slavery-it initially was a way of keeping the savage foes at bay beyond the forts.

Before electronics and C.S.I. law and order enforcement was bad. Murder was too common. An excavation at a non-battle site in the Middle East from the late Neolithic found that the majority of men had died from head wounds. Into modern time law-enforcement was fairly ineffective except with punitive measures such as burning a village to eliminate an insurgency. Social frontiers were established with military rather than police power and unfortunately that included South Africa.

One might have thought that after the troubles of the Nazis and Japanese imperialists ended with the Second World War that the time for South Africa’s apartheid to end had arrived. After all the effort to use military conquest for colonial purposes had halted long before, a year or two, and Gandhi had returned to India from service as a police sergeant in South Africa to reprove settlements  with Muslims on issues of Jammu and Kashmiri independence. Instead what happened what wrenched the works was development of a cold war with proxy wars and Cuban soldiers running amuck across Africa. Dumped weapons stimulated revolutionary wars. A profusion of Kalashnikov rifles and explosives created liberation movements. Doctor Che Guevara gained his moment in the left-wing constellation before perishing in a South America jungle firefight. And then Nelson Mandela had to sit out 27 years in a prison cell. America has two or three million souls in prison cells, some innocent. When some innocent guy is released after 20 or 30 years usually he seems peaceful. I suppose most of the anger has been burned out of him long before because of the futility of emotion-within-self that does no good at all. Emotion is somewhat rational.

It because obvious during the late years of the cold war that apartheid was a propaganda victory in progress for the Red Block. Apartheid needed to end along with the cold war and unsurprisingly it died a natural death in 1994. Nelson Mandela’s main contribution historically was in stabilizing the post-Apartheid South African government. He did that a little better than President George W. Bush stabilized post-Saddam Hussein Iraq. We are skeptical that President Obama will stabilize Afghanistan after 2014 very well.

In the late 60’s and early 70s one could watch Bob Rule, Lenny Wilkins, Spencer Haywood, Walter Hazzard and other African-ancestry basketball stars playing for the Seattle Supersonics. They were not underprivileged nor segregated souls, and so viewing from afar the troubles of South Africa amidst the world of wars, Carlos the Jackal killers and egregious pollution such as at Minimata Japan one might wonder why people could not assure full employment, a good environment and national security for themselves.

In the U.S.A. labor unions that had high black membership along with most others have withered away along with low unemployment. A variety of ways of creating permanent economic segregation for citizens of the United States have developed and Americans with dual Mexican citizenship are being cultivated as a way to let globalists remote control the U.S. democracy and reduce it to a servile corporatist plaything. The media is corporate owned or influenced and agitates to organize corporatist values.  Well, we have poetry at least for consolation.

  Freedom to Choose Jesus

Mapungubwe, Maghreb, Pate, ha nahar, Ibn Tumart
impulse drives contend for the love of God

 Pastor of the mysterious river of time
He put forces of heaven in esse
majestically made life ist
words of Jesus shine as the sun

  Perfect High Priest and final sacrifice
atoning for the fallen nature of man
saving those whom believe to eternal life

 Jesus, tempted at its pinnacle
anon said not a stone of it would be left standing
Herod’s temple gone with fire and wind
transformed to a desolate temple mount

   City of Peace stumbling block
 dome or reconstructed temple
 would it be the platform for the anti-christ
 with broadcast team to deify it in audience share?

  Chumalungma, Yenesei, Yukon, Mare Ibrium
vain babblings and oppositions of science
ambling walkabouts, geo researches, time flows
Isaac and Ishmael forked at Beer-sheba
        humanity must choose at the cross.

From the Sphere at the Edge of a Dream

  For this sphere’s lost soul’s Jesus walked
then into Jerusalem
time talks like irreversible physics
to this being Jesus was
into the being-for-others of social reality

  Deliverer to the In-itself
Redeemer unto eternal life
that cosmos of one/none before the event horizon
three-in-one and every mortal’s dreams
to this being Jesus was
into the being-for-others of social organization
deliverer to the In-itself

  For the people of this sphere Jesus talked
then to Jerusalem and crucifixion
overcoming the demons of hell to rise
on the third day

  The Creator for many is a faith
transcending the temporal ekstasis
thermodynamics of past, present, future
with mercy, wisdom, salvation and eternity.

         Frozen Corner Stones

Grey marble block, granite flaked with white
snow lights in brittle branches
twigs snapped, the immense Christmas eve courthouse
of Burleigh County
freezes alone this night-
its woodwork banisters for moonbeams
and ghosts of cosmic panes

The jail is set for tours on weekdays
against the very minus wind chill factor
it’s neon sign stolen in the Earth’s frigid breath
Christmas eve and the cornerstones be, with inscription
are as everything time has, or will never remember
of this night and the morrow
the cornerstones are visions of molecules fading
into an eternal star field
from the inside, in a blank space
to the outer surface of their appearances.

 http://csrl.org/gs/ Ralp Nader's book on corporatism

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