
Democrat Party Loses Generations of Liberal Progress Following Homo Agenda

Since F.D.R. reformed the U.S. economy following the depression the Democrat party has pursued socially egalitarian reforms to better the lifestyle of ordinary Americans. Since the Obama administration took office a meaningless drift toward a homosexual agenda has replaced the tradition of real national economic progress. The Democrat Party has evolved to being a kind of COMINTERN global exporter of homosexuality as the new Marxism as if behavior that is fundamentally politically meaningless would itself make the world economy a better place.

Obamacare was probably designed to let homosexuals with AIDS or HIV get insurance at the same cost as the uninfected. The Obama homosexual community activism can’t substitute for the badly needed ecospheric and economic transformations toward progress, full employment and a cessation of increase of public debt. Homosexual theorists are simply wrong about their place in the world and effect on national politics.

The fiction of homosexuals as liberal democrats is the perfect tool for dissolving the economic class interests of the American poor and middle class. Homosexuals are rich as well as poor or middle class. Besides being a transgender element they are a trans-economic class fact including very likely billionaires. When the Democrat Party takes its focus off the purely economic picture and moves into the business of making morality by judicial and legislative decretals the classical historical interests of the ruling class rise with wealth increasingly concentrated through global networking.

Homosexual militants have expropriated the race card unto themselves claiming bigotry to those politically opposing their rapid expansion of power for degenerate social behavior trivializing the real historical problems of balancing and neutralizing racial distrust as elements of social oppression. In this era of swollen conservative homosexual militancy and consolidated wealth for the 1% radio advertisers have boasted of their “human capital” resources as if the era of slavery had returned already.

There have been bisexuals throughout military history. Before bedding Cleopatra Mark Anthony on military campaigns had a record of drunken debauchery with male soldiers. It has always been an aspect of the ruling class that they have had periods of wild Zarathustran type will. Julius Caesar is said to have been a plaything of a foreign king before rising to bed most of the Senator’s wives. Caesar’s family claimed descent from the pagan goddess of love- Venus. Though Caesar was necessarily a populist-like Ronald Reagan, he made himself the first Roman Emperor and ended the Republic that was moribund and corrupt due to more concern for globalism than Roman national interests.

Obamacare-Romney care was tested in the homosexual coordinating center of Boston Massachusetts. The Boston butch bosses thought they could enslave and tax youth into paying for the costs of AIDS and HIV medical treatment for those homosexuals with pre-existing conditions unable to buy health insurance. OF course that worked out well for conservatives in the corporate world interested in collecting rents from healthy youth.

The inexpensive way to provide AIDS and Mental health pharmacopeias to the afflicted would have been with government provided generic drugs costing a fraction of what insurers and corporate hospitals charge. The generic drugs administered by non-profit public health networks would have been a practical cost-effective remedy yet of course the Democrats with the Corporatist-homosexual agenda would have none of that.

Objective, effective economic policy is what is needed in White House leadership. Although there is virtually no chance of a competent President being elected in 2016 able to move toward ecospheric restoration with a halt to species loss concurrent with full national employment without adding to public debt it may be possible to change the fundamental Democrat Party political philosophy tangent toward homosexual behavior as a cure all snake oil remedy for anything while concentrating wealth, increasing public debt and outsourcing U.S. national independence.

The basic challenge facing Americans is American errors in political policy. Health care should reforms should serve the poor first with government provisioning for medical emergency with loans and a national network of public health clinics and V.A. Hospitals. To be a global leader on environmental and economic reform and not rely oink the dubiously trustworthy collection of bureaucrats at the U.N. seeking international funds to devour the U.S. government needs to be a exemplary leader at ecospheric conservation simultaneous with full employment at home within it’s own borders.

Viruses are scary to people anyway, there is no need to push a queer agenda politically to reduce over-population or to stimulate research to counteract de facto ambient biological war by nature upon promiscuity and homosexuality. Almost no one wants loose biological epidemics floating about as a cull upon the herd.

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