
Federal Apartheid & Chinese Globalism

One wonders how long the racial apartheid lands for American Indians can be defended in the global political context of non-race based nationalism? American liberals have traditionally defended Amer-Indian apartheid reservations for humanitarian reasons. In the modern paradigm that may sound like Lester Maddox or George Wallace advocating racial segregation now and racial segregation forever on special set-aside lands.

                                          Tlingit Culture Center Juneau Alaska Dec 2013
 Reservations were created during an era when colonialism with set-asides for aboriginals was a convenient way to relocate the savages. If that had been done by Napoleon for Berliner’s, if he had won that war maybe World War Two could have been pre-empted when a German Geronimo took the lead. The French Revolution liberated Haiti and brought the mobile guillotine to lop off the heads of monarchy-aristocrat supremacists enabling democracy to take hold. Depriving Germans of their reservations even today is a continuing source of trouble with neos seeking to breathe free of racial competition for First Peoples of Europe (pity the Neanderthals)

So long as the U.S. Government exists as a nationally independent body and the U.S. Supremes hold apartheid-race reservation lands constitutional it likely will defend the land selections for race/tribe clan-only use. However with the co-option of the U.S. Government through public debt, lobbyists and globalism the time may come when a heavily indebted and lobbied government votes to end race/tribe/clan apartheid reservations in Alaska and across U.S.A.

Even before the full corruption of the U.S. Government is ripe and it drops like a rotten fruit to the ground of global tyranny under the U.N. or a Plutonomy union with Chicom billionaires it may decide to have a season of business tourism and flood Alaska with subversive gang members, cash and honey pots to infiltrate, takeover clan leadership from a number of angles. China’s Pacific Rim presence may become a flood and business surge so large with a robust economy that it may seek to convert Alaska like Africa or Australia into a resource colony as Britain has before.

U.S. policy on economic development isn’t certain, except that Wall Street keeps getting richer while the Federal Reserve is issuing zero interest loans and buying U.S. bonds. Globalism means investing overseas and degrading local population standard of living and political autonomy.

It is challenging to explain why an Adolph Hitler acceptable racial purity policy for ‘First Peoples’ in the U.S.A. that could apply equally well to a Germany and Europe being flooded by non ‘First Peoples’ from Africa and Asia is o.k. for non-whites but verboten for whites that doesn’t seem racist. Anti-racial purity policies are popular in the corporate world and are used to exploit local nations in justifying illegal immigration. What is plain is that duplicity is at work, democracy in decline and wealth is being concentrated. Whose fault is that?

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