
Why Lawyer-Presidents Harm U.S. Economy and Morals

On the topic of what requires more faith, science or religion; consider the diverse nature of science with millions of experiments. Sometimes the data acquired leads to conflict scenarios for applied science. Radithor was a bottled health beverage sold to American sports elites in the roaring twenties. Its warming ingredient was radium. The new thing isn’t always the right thing. How bad are excess antibiotics in the ecosphere? 

To a certain extent an era of corporatism coincides with a period of legalism. Legalism morphs into authoritarianism and oppression of citizen test-subjects. Litigation can dominate political and corporate free space for enterprise displacing individuals with better ideas. Faith in science develops a requirement for faith in corporate financing power or big government research funding. 

Electing lawyers to political office to make public policy is comparable to feeding cattle ground up dead cattle pellets inducing prions in political brains and mad cow disease in the populace. It’s as bad an idea as having the CEO of Morgan Stanley serve concurrently as the federal banking regulator or the Chief of Exxon setting the rate of the oil depletion tax allowance. 

Lawyers making laws for-themselves establish the ultimate Soviet Style class bureaucratic sluzhba for insiders without a clue of what people want or society needs in the free world. As the ultimate insiders passing laws to benefit special interests confidant they have the muscle to force through and defend their favorite laws, going so far as to pack courts with simpatico lawyers for rubber stamping approval of corruption without need for consent from a political power minority of opposition, public debt and moral decline metastasize. 

Experts on everything in their own view because they occupy high ground on the legal and political battlefield the populace couldn’t hope to storm without heavy casualties fighting uphill against established lawyercratic rulers (if they weren’t doped out with media soporifics and dissimulation in support of the ruling class) bad ideas multiplied by the factor of lawyers in politics become a Medusa’s Gordian knot of laws. Free enterprise is qualitatively repressed in the mass corporate-government lawyer filters of power when it has potential to alter the insider edge deleteriously or economically. Remember Gillette’s suppressed shave crème; The Hot One! 

The failures of public policy made by lawyer-politicians are multiplied by the hubris of too much faith in themselves and proprietary interests being good for society as a whole. The exploitation of Adam’s Smith’s ideas about enlightened self-interest applied to lawyer-politicians is a tragic debasement of philosophical thought influenced by Adam Smith, and even modern science has experienced some debasement of its currency value because of Gresham’s law that bad money follows good. 

Tabletop fusion and miracle drugs claims need to be verified rather than exploited for instant political gains comparable to claiming low unemployment just before and election that facts will controvert later. The Economist in an Oct. 2013 issue had a special section on ‘How Science Goes Wrong’. Page 13- “Amgen, found that they could reproduce just six of 53 “landmark” studies in cancer research.” The economic motivations for rapid assertions of scientific progress make for shoddy science. Amid the good science arises a lot of bad. The Economist editors mentioned the principal of ‘trust but verify’. One may have faith that matter and energy can be reconfigured for the human good or that the Universal configurations of matter and energy in the past were of a given shape, yet uncertainty enters into anything except those things of faith that one may have in Spirit.

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