
Truth Theories etc/Touch Screen Germ Pools

Correction- I cited axiology as = Truth theory when actually axiology equals value theory.
Value theory is one excellent field of study. The United States has one value theory primarily and that kind of monetary monomania can actually fail to respond meaningfully to external challenges.

On truth theories there are theories such as coherence theory, correspondence theory a  disquotation theory, constructivist, pragmatist, concensus etc. that are well worth thinking about.


Consider a man training arduously for the world championships at two-thumb data entry flexing his thumbs on an international aircraft. He had left a bus station just an hour before where he needed to wait for a ride to the airport. He sensed the danger of the bus station amidst the crowd and looked in the reflections of a plate glass window to see if his rival's agent was following. The guy is a bit paranoid and works for a confederal government.

Two-thumb data entry world record holders are an elite crew comparable perhaps to opposable-thumb champions at grasping objects in trees millions of years before. They may strive to overcome competition at text messaging in hard-to-be-heard on a phone locations like a Seattle Seahawk's home game.

On the airplane the messages entered on the touch-screen were enough to write a small book before the end of the flight. Walking through the custom's station and 3rd degree of Homeland Security he exploited a new requirement that he wash his hands before entering the U.S.A. to cut down on germ transmission to Americans from abroad. Yet he made a critical mistake failing to put his micro-tablet touch screen in a handy touch screen decontaminator on the way out of Homeland Security.The touch-screen data entry champion put his thumbs back on to the germ pool of the touch screen that recontaminates his digits immediately after hand washing bringing a fresh, unique collection of bugs from the Middle-East city he had been training in.

So one may ask; is there any truth to the concept that touch-screens are germ storage facilities defeating hand-washing in America and wonder where the answers will be found. In a way there is a temporal element to truth-values; some truth values exist for a while, some truths are undiscovered yet, some truths transform into falsehood after a while (i.e. it is raining outside now), some truths are implicitly logically absurd or false (water is always dry) and some propositions are not falsifiable.

It is useful to remember that one cannot prove the particular with the universal. God is the Universal and people are particulars. One can argue reasonably that God is the Universal and the particulars with the particulars having limited intellect as if they were denouements of power quanta with limited range and in a field of protocol. There are consequences for the individual spirit-units believing that nothing is real and everything subjective as if they caused their own hallucinations inclusive of that of existence so they might ask if they were capable 'who programmed that computer to think it exists'?.

If the federal government believes that reality may be entirely subjective, or of that isn't a sort of popular idea on Wall Street in the age of fracture, won't that adversely affect public debt management? If  government is largely incompetent with challenged ideas about the reality of reality how can it be brought back closer unto sober neo-empiricism, as is the underlying secret fact of pragmatic investors seeking to rule the world?

Isn't political economy management like directing a flood of river water? There are prosperous flows and debt causing flows surging over the river banks. Government cannot just watch and let nature take its course and remain a government. Neither should it try to contain and control the flow without regard to the real role of the watercourse way in nature or mankind's place in nature under God. 

Government should pragmatically try to direct the flood sufficiently to accomplish the natural interests of the citizens of prosperity, health, recovering ecosphere and national security with equal justice for all. That can be done with smart leadership applying this and that measure here and there rather than through one daft piece of legislation. King Canute economic management and the alternative theory of nothing is real haven't a good historical track record.

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