
Value Theories in Contentious Political Economic Contexts

Lawyers and philosophers obviously take a different approach to language and analysis. Sometimes attorneys seem to be on stilts because of their insider position in society in regard to law, government and so forth. Winning points may seem to be of more value than finding the truth. One might discern that trend in Congressional budgeting. Definition of words and language and theories about that such as W.V.O. Quine developed in 'Ontological Relativity' let us consider lexicons as sets with unique values that may or may not have meanings coinciding with homonyms of others. It is a paradox that 'value theory' itself could be construed as having different meanings, definitions or values within which capitalism may or may not be included.

Is capitalism not more than an economic theory and monetary theory not also a value theory criterion? Von Mises and others considered the nature of capital-is it in money or in factories, social power and etc. without reaching a particularly persuasive conclusion. Capitalism may be an event-process comprising acquisition of economic power however capital itself is a value theory component in so far as what is regarded as valuable is a variable set by consumers as well as physics. Hollywood stars may pay a lot for cocaine and value that more highly than growing potatoes on an acre or two of land (or not) for instance, while shells were valuable as a money item to some natives of New Guinea and others believed gold to be the Texas T of the time.

The United States has predominantly had one value theory in recent decades-especially the 'me decades' of the 1980s and 1990s when material girl values and blimped up banks empowered with Monty Carlo algorithms, computers, mortgage derivatives and globalism arose ads phenomenalities in an existential pursuit of financial power and consumption. That is well known. Spiritual values were in decline along with innumerable traditional values even as the ecospheric decay such as the ozone hole, global warming, acidification of the ocean and biodiversity loss were considered to be externalities to the organizational use-truth value theories of corporate profit above all social responsibility.

I think some may misconstrue ideas about God and time. God always was, eternal being has no temporal beginning. The 'in the beginning' phrase from the book of John would be in relation to the temporal creation of things such as any given Universe.

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