
Should the U.S. Navy Form Close Ties With Japan to Secure Pacific & Cut Costs?

The 21st has been called the Pacific century-not necessarily in reference to the prospects for peace. Like ancient Rome pursuing foreign trade and neglecting nits own development the United States has invested in China, India and elsewhere globally and made a mess of its own economic affairs. As some analysts belief the que sera sera state of letting political currents drift where they natural do through neglect and demographic inertia under the influence of elites it may be reasonable to anticipate the further rottenification of American political leadership, although, if the Republicans can find some John Candy star quality Presidential candidate perhaps with an anti skull and bones Rhodes scholar to run as a team the nation’s economic house may return to something with full employment flipping burgers and paying exorbitant rents with lots of gasoline exhaust air pollution for all.

So with Chinese expansion in economics and militarily developing hegemony over the Pacific Rim the next half century and the U.S.A.  becoming unable or unwilling to afford a good military alone perhaps bringing Japan into a serve aboard American warships and vice versa military partnership would be a better way to offset the Chinese threat. Though China ought to be something of an ally since our war with Japan 70 years ago enabled the nationalists and communists with Flying Tiger help to roll up the Japanese Imperial Army of occupation where the rubber meets the road is war the missiles fly and concessions in trade and power are made. It is necessary to evolve relationship internationally sometimes and nit would be a good idea to have Japan working on stealth zeros of hypersonic speeds even if they are drones to share defense costs and reduce tension with the Chinese the next 100 years.

India isn’t such a big problem-maybe electing Bobby Jindal President would show India that America is serious about economically and religiously evangelizing their nation closely even if godless atheists in Boston and D.C. don’t prefer that.

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