
Corporate & Government Data Mining; Egress to the Orwellian State?

One area of spiritual decline for Americans is that of individualism vs authoritarianism. Ubiquitous federal and corporate data mining and surveillance isn't something that the founders would have believed good. It's a real contrast with the American ideals of individual liberty with privacy.

Advancing the Orwellian corporatist state is the way things are, setting up the possibility of distopian futures I would think. 

The philosopher Jean Paul Sartre wrote another book besides Being and Nothingness. The Critique of Dialectical Reason is largely an analysis of social interaction and of the individual's place in groups and organizations. Large organizations such as governments and multi-national corporations have their own social golas, policies and codes of conduct for their minions. It is large organizations threatening the freedom and opportunities for enterprise of individuals. Too little taxation on wealthy individuals owning shares in corporations allows preferreed network location insider algorithms for concentrating wealth. Because the world economy and politics may become totally dominated by networks of corporate wealth and governments repressing individual liberty becomes second nature. It becomes routine to censor dissent through a variety of legal means and expropriate intellectual capital in the trickle up to the insider thugs phenomenon.

Then again, they may be monitoring your keystrokes and looking at you through your computer's camera lens.

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