
Less Than 50% of Americans have a Full-Time Job

When President Obama took office 65.5% of Americans over age 16 were employed, now that number is just 58%. While the unemployment rate has dropped six tenths of one percent from 2009 when it was 7.8% to just 7.2 percent now 2% near the end of 2013 ten million more Americans over age 16 were out of unemployment. In 2008 there were just 80 million Americans not working. Even so, some conservatives of talking of an estate tax to recover food stamp costs from the poor and more tax cuts for the rich.

Breitbart reported that only 47% of Americans have a full-time job. The Gallup Poll reported that just 43.6% of young adult (18-29) have a full-time job.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyZvO6OpE9U Is a Balanced Budget Necessary-Will Public Debt Hurt the Economy (video from 1996)

http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/06/news/economy/employment-rate/  employment rate near 30-year low

I saw an ad on Youtube offering 'Virtual Employees' that one could supervise closely from anywhere with Skype or whatever. Not just have dentures made in China and Fedex'd to the U.S.A.. Sump pumps, binoculars and whatever small yet costly articles (that may pay reasonably in the U.S.A.) will increase their flow offshore.

Then the Democrats want to flood the U.S.A. with cheap Mexican workers legal and illegal to take the jobs that can't be outsourced. I suppose that's why Democrat leadership encourages their constituency to be stoned so they won't have the intellect to think about it.

Reform Points Against Basketball's Bigotry

Some believe that the purpose of capitalism is to concentrate wealth. During the Second World War when the tax rate on the rich was 90% America’s rich suffered. Finally after the end of the cold war Clinton deregulations followed by the Bush II tax cuts lowered the rates on taxes to 35%. Yet it required the first black millionaire President to make those tax cuts permanent by singing them in to law proving that the nation’s affirmative action class millionaires are loyalists to the rich too. So how can affirmative action theory be used to further advance the concentration of wealth? Plainly that can only be accomplished with more diverse sports millionaires.

Plainly the N.B.A.’s allocation of points per field goal has worked against an egalitarian assortment of player personnel in the league. As professional players setting an example for civil society one would expect inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness in the point distribution. Reforming the bigoted, anti-affirmative action N.B.A. point structure is the better approach to assuring social equality with a fair concentration of wealth to the owners.

Because of the history of slavery created by foreign slave importers in the colonial era, straight white male basketball players would get one point per field goal, descendents of former slaves two, underrepresented Hispanic players three, vastly underrepresented Chinese players four, women five and a pair of homosexual players making a one hand each on the ball field goal ten points. With that redistribution of points per field goal market forces can go to work bringing basketball social equality an invisible hand of government making brilliant behind the back passes.

It would be fair for the U.S. Congress to appoint a points allocation Tsar to determine if endangered basketball player species require new points distribution to bring their numbers up to a sustainable level. N.S.A. and I.R.S. behavior monitor teams could over-watch the citizens to detect sentiment of non-compliance wherever it may exist in the homeland or in the dar al harb.


Should the U.S. Navy Form Close Ties With Japan to Secure Pacific & Cut Costs?

The 21st has been called the Pacific century-not necessarily in reference to the prospects for peace. Like ancient Rome pursuing foreign trade and neglecting nits own development the United States has invested in China, India and elsewhere globally and made a mess of its own economic affairs. As some analysts belief the que sera sera state of letting political currents drift where they natural do through neglect and demographic inertia under the influence of elites it may be reasonable to anticipate the further rottenification of American political leadership, although, if the Republicans can find some John Candy star quality Presidential candidate perhaps with an anti skull and bones Rhodes scholar to run as a team the nation’s economic house may return to something with full employment flipping burgers and paying exorbitant rents with lots of gasoline exhaust air pollution for all.

So with Chinese expansion in economics and militarily developing hegemony over the Pacific Rim the next half century and the U.S.A.  becoming unable or unwilling to afford a good military alone perhaps bringing Japan into a serve aboard American warships and vice versa military partnership would be a better way to offset the Chinese threat. Though China ought to be something of an ally since our war with Japan 70 years ago enabled the nationalists and communists with Flying Tiger help to roll up the Japanese Imperial Army of occupation where the rubber meets the road is war the missiles fly and concessions in trade and power are made. It is necessary to evolve relationship internationally sometimes and nit would be a good idea to have Japan working on stealth zeros of hypersonic speeds even if they are drones to share defense costs and reduce tension with the Chinese the next 100 years.

India isn’t such a big problem-maybe electing Bobby Jindal President would show India that America is serious about economically and religiously evangelizing their nation closely even if godless atheists in Boston and D.C. don’t prefer that.

What WIll the Political Forms of D.W.S.W.M. Be in 2014-2015

One wonders how the D.M.S.W.M. movement in America will develop in the final two years of the Obama administration. The movement has been of tremendous service in lowering the overall portion of the national income of the poor and middle class while promoting the apposite prior underprivileged. S.W.M.’s wrote the liberal constitution of the U.S.A. and that liberalism has bestowed upon the non-S.W.M. class the mismo (same) rights as themselves overtime including economic opportunity. Yet the question arises as a result if the inclusion of the anti-S.W.M. faction, Marxists, atheists and so forth will compensate for the decay of the economically creative class, the economic egalitarianism of the 20thn century in the U.S.A. and several other substantial points of civil rights for all rather than racial and gender power transfer within a wealth-is-concentrated and American economic and political power and independence lost to globalism.

The American broadcast media has undergone a metamorphosis since the late 1980s into a K.G.B. style tool for the rich. It presents the points of view of a very restricted political class non-representative of the majority and the genius of individuals. Jean Paul Sartre said that the fundamental relationship of the listener (or viewer) to broadcasters is impotence. Politicians have been therefore happy to be embedded with the media for political control of the silent masses. Politicians could have reallocated the broadcast wavelengths to local, independent citizen podcast in Delta quality burst transitions on micro freqs with digital radio receivers. Any citizen could have a local broadcast minute or more if they wanted…well, approaching a century of elite media control maybe democracy is in decay with corporatism replacing it.

In the near future it may be possible for the N.S.A. and the I.R.S. united to assure that no American is thinking of not reporting income or buying anything the government doesn’t know about or regulate. It is remarkable that the tax cut for the rich and cut the size of government without balanced budgets unrealism is accepted and basic budget perfidy accepted so easily. The D.M.S.W.M. movement seems to allow a fundamental acceptance of Federal incompetence and corruption on things economic with happy meal labor reporting a better job picture even in the worst of times.

The promotion of the G.L.T.H.N. (Gay Lesbian Transgender Hermaphrodite Neutered) minority power putsch with the belligerent attack on sane sex heterosexual marriage is largely a result of the Z.P.G. politics of the elites united with the Affirmative Action D.W.S.W.M.  It doesn’t make for a rosy economic outlook for some of us in 2014.


About My Poem 'Rage Against the Meatheads'

The nature of reality is of course a perennial philosophical question. One must have regard for Zoroastrians because of their history of experiencing terrible purges by the Moslem world in Iran. That said Nietzche and Schopenhauer each were influenced by Zoroastrian dualism making inferences about morality-in error I think- in response to the metaphysical paradigm developed in their subjective world views.

One might have a Higgs field paradigm for a Universe or interpret material solid state physics in numerous ways yet other than deriving a natural law paradigm from the evolving Universe as perhaps Cicero did in his day, the better transcending moral structure coheres within the soteriological expression of the Gospel.

Schopenhauer's 'Fourfold Roots of Reason' was a brilliant continuation of Kant's 'Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics' that is a sort of precis of the' Critique of Pure Reason'. Schopenhauer however derived from Zoroastrianism and perhaps a little from Augustine a pessimistic belief that the world is simply evil and illusory-hence a reference indirectly to Brahmanism too. With the world being evil (as if it were only the political world) morality may be dispensed with for many. That same paradigm applies to contemporary politicsbased on atheist interpretation of evolution.  Nietzche's eternal recurrence metaphysics criterion drew him to infer that morality is de trop... I disagree.

I ought to say that God evolving a Universe within solid state physics that are in-themselves contingent is fine with me. Phase changes can occur anytime-and God is eternal rather than within the temporal field

The Planets are Cold Syrup (poem)

The planets are cold syrup
thick in the night
frosts rime over the worlds held in absolute zero
like aloof beacons screeching through never land
sweet with possibilities
they are cold dreams dormant through time

Everything said through electrons
dots with the dashes of interval
rhythms scaling up ladders to nowhere
bricks in the xy axis of rational number's infinities
have phenomenal moments of meaning
like the shadows of great volcanic slopes
changing as the planets rotate around.

Will Obamacare Pay for Steroids for Boomers?

Obamacare is an onerous and impractical way to deliver cost-effective medical provisioning to the poor, even so one must consider its practical value if any.

Plainly the military and civilian applications of steroid muscle recovery boosters are substantial. Will health providers regard steroid supplements as valid medically when it creates better health for the elderly? While it is easy enough to imagine tired, worn down soldiers in a cold environment perhaps with malnutrition and injury benefiting form steroid boosters it is less common to foresee the benefits of keeping the elderly in good muscular condition when natural muscle repair capacity of the body decreases.

Synopsis of the Gospel of John

Recently I have been reading a well known book on the New Testament by Berkhof. Written long ago its analysis and commentary is quite good. Periodically I may publish my own commentary on Berkhof's commentary. Some readers of the Bible never consider regarding it analytically and that is fine, yet after many years of reading the Bible it is also fun to abstract its structure. Berkhof was quite good at that.

John is the gospel differing from the synoptics significantly. The disciple was an elder when the book was written for the churches of Asia at the request of the Bishops. Berkhof provides insights into why John’s gospel is so theologically deep and contemplative seemingly rather than simply matter-of-fact about the works of The Lord.

Berkhof believed that John’s temperament that made him prone to ‘vehemence of character’ and ‘great strength’ bringing them to miss a little on the subtlety of love. Jesus named John and his brother James Boanerges- sons of thunder. John were corrected by the Lord on several occasions (i.e. Mk. 9: 38; Lk. 9:49;Lk 9:54 & Mt. 20: 20-24; Mk. 10: 35-41). Berkhov believed the correction changed John sufficiently that he became more reflective and thoughtful about the deeper meaning of the Lord’s incarnation on Earth. While the beginning of John’s gospel is brilliant theologically even so we can discern in the Revelation again something of the vehement character of the disciple applied to prophecy.

Berkhof divides the gospel of John into five parts like the synoptics.  In itself that coincidence seems remarkable and possibly a result of book packaging by design, quite a skill set for any publisher of the era, oh well, with God’s help…
1)      The Advent and Incarnation of the Word
2)    The Incarnate Word the only Life of the World
3)    The Incarnate Word, the Life and Light, in Conflict with Spiritual Darkness
4)    The Incarnate Word saving the Life of the World through his Sacrificial Death,
5)    The Incarnate Word, risen from the Dead, the Saviour and Lord of all Believers

John’s gospel is written with the authority of an eyewitness Berkhof notes. In chapter one verse 14 John relates that “we beheld his glory” and in 19:35. “And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true; and he knoweth that he saith true that ye might believe”.

Berkhof’s analysis of elements of the book of John following his treatment of the five sections of the gospel comprise.

1) Characteristics
    A- John’s gospel ‘emphasizes the divinity of Christ
    B- Teaching of Christ are discourses and a couple allegories yet no parables in John’s gospel
    C- John features Judea and Jerusalem and not Galilee as in the synoptic gospels
    D- More definite about time and place of events than synoptics
    E- ‘Hardly any Hebraisms’ because book was written for Greek speaking readers
2) Authorship
Berkhof points out that opinion of authorities of antiquity were nearly unanimous in crediting John with writing the fourth gospel. Berkhof notes that for John Hebrew was a native language and he is completely at home in the cultural concepts yet learned plain Greek very well. John’s Greek sentence construction is not elaborate.

John does not use his known name in the gospel either, instead referring to himself in the third person as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Cf. 13: 23; 18:15; 19:26; 20:2, 3, 4, 8; 21:7.”

Berkhof considers more recent criticisms of John the Apostle as the author and/or that the gospel was written in the second century knocking those down adroitly. Interesting reading though, even if only to discover the basis for such opinions.

3) Composition
      A- Readers and purpose – Likely to the churches of Asia Minor that were having trouble with a heresy of Cerinthus, and also to get the authorized record of a living disciple of Christ while it was possible.
      B  Time and place – Probably between 68 and 98 A.D.
      C   Method- The Gospel of John is of an autopic character, that is, he recollected from memory and did not much use written documents although he was familiar with them, and even presupposes the reader’s familiarity with the synoptics. John remembers the ‘elaborate discourses’ of the Lord and writes of those in his own style, as if they differed little.

4) Canonical Significance- Berkhof reports that antiquity accepted the book of John as canonical from the earliest time except for Marcion and the Alogi. The Alogi it was remarked rather humorously may have been just one fellow, one Epiphanius of a Monarchist sect.


Year Ending Note on Logical Fallacies

Logic is a fascinating tool for distilling the gist-the truth, falsehood and accuracy of written points and perhaps not so much of spoken words, since demotic rave talk and hurry-up inaccuracy plus shortcuts and implicit assumptions that the listener is familiar with the situation hold it to a lower standard of accuracy in explicit meaning commonly. Since it’s about the end of 2013 it’s worth mentioning logical fallacies, what they are and why they are so much fun.

Wikipedia and many other sites have lists of logical fallacies. One doesn’t need to read a text on classical and symbolic logic to benefit from learning what logical fallacies and how to recognize them. Here is a list from a Wikipedia article of basic categories of fallacies though there are numerous other ways of describing them.

Formal Fallacies
Propositional Fallacies
Quantification fallacies
Formal syllogistic fallacies
Informal fallacies

A syllogism is an abstract method for reducing arguments made in language to a simple structure that can be tested for truth value. There are 256 possible forms of syllogism and just 23 are valid. In a text named ‘Elements of Logic’ the philosopher W.V.O. Quine demonstrated how to build a system of logic from the ground up. It’s still worth reading though there are more modern texts inclusive of contemporary systems of symbolic logic.

I suppose that media arguments nearly invariably use distribution fallacies when talking about federal debt, federal budget, the national unemployment rate and so forth. One can use time errors as well as material errors in making quantification and I suppose distribution fallacies. The worst thing is when politicians themselves are unaware of the logical error of their arguments.

Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal in 2016 for Repubs?

With the U.S. Economy rebuilding upon a slippery slope foundation and such large public debt, high unemployment and ecosphere reform challenges its difficult to imagine that many Republicans will be interested in running for the White House in 2016. Perhaps two likely candidates with a chance of winning are New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. With the NFL regular season ending tomorrow its worth looking to and beyond the playoffs.

One wonders if Gov. Christie would be anything like the late John Belushi?

Bobby Jindal by Gage Skidmore.jpg

Image credit of Gov. Bobby Jindal to Greg Skidmore by wikipedia

image of Gov. Chris Christie via wikipedia
File:Chris Christie at townhall.jpg

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...