
Trump Finally Chooses to Nuke Democrats on Court Choice

President Trump urged the Senate to make his day and just nuke the Democrats. Democrats nuked Republicans under the Obama watch and nuclear retaliation is a must if republicans are to have credibility and get their judicial nominees affirmed. Its just that sort of era...



Lutheran Church of Norway Bites the Dust

    Norway's Lutheran Church officially became apostate a couple of days ago with homosexual marriage. Maybe it's because they want to subvert Magnus Carlsen who is in a chess slump dropping in ratings to 2835, or perhaps because it has royalty that hate Trump and all godly things, the U.S.A. and common decency...Plainly homosexuals should have the same civil rights as everyone else, however common sense would have avoided making a mockery of heterosexuality and the historical protections of marriage for women and children, not allowed homosexuals to adopt and molest children, and simply created whatever legal snares and encumbrances for homosexuals that they felt they needed.--Marriage needed to be reformed if anything and perhaps limited to 3 times in a lifetime in order to not make it a joke and secularized convenience. http://www.reuters.com/.../us-norway-gaymarriage... 
     I wonder if Facebook isn't a kind of socialization agent for leftist ideals that produces a net information deficit for the U.S.A.? Shouldn't there be an America-book limited to citizens?


N.A.S.A. Should Prioritize Venus Study

N.A.S.A. should form a group with the goal of terraforming that planet. Russia, Japan, the U.K.and U.S.A.-ought to build a moon construction test base that would experiment with advanced low gravity engineering for habitation and industry. Sections for government and private projects would be built up.

Venus takes a full year to rotate so half the planet doesn’t cool off every 12 hours, more or less like Earth. It’s also closer to the sun than Earth and has more volcanism. Cooling it down will require a lot of research. Probably making a permanent orbiting space station around Venus
with a design that could be mass-produced and provide orbiting shelters through the solar system eventually would stimulate exploration.

One imagines spheres are good forms for basic-space stations. They could become as plankton tests that fall to the ocean floor.

Coccosphere of Emiliania huxleyi consisting of overlapping placoliths
image credit-
Alison R. Taylor (University of North Carolina Wilmington Microscopy Facility) - PLoS Biology, June 2011, Cover ([1]), CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15662212

Good, Bad and Ugly Billionaires

Good billionaires are not globalist opponents of U.S. national interests. Mark Zuckerberg could be regarded as a kingpin of the N.W.O. evil empire wherein all things work for the concentration of godless atheist riches.
Over-reliance on politicians with deficit spending gimmicks instead of environmentally rational business growth for U.S. economic health was not a good idea. Secure borders are valuable for labor and existential security. The left should quit hating the U.S.A. and its history and learn to love God and His Son Jesus Christ.

The Democrat party evolved to being anti-American globalist subvertors of all things traditional or godly as they were molded toward sycophantic globalists concentrating riches for the 1%. They are either drowned in treason or stupid. Zillary at top would not have decreased the widening gap between the 1% and everyone else.

Ugly Americans now wage a war of godless atheism on their fellow Americans acting as if civil rights means no more than supremacy of the left. For them the real war is the one made on the U.S.A. for-themselves.


Ideas about Self-Driving Cars etc.

How will self-driving cars do on snow and ice? Slip and slide? They would speed up long distance drives continuing when the owner tires. Specialized cars designed to deliver freight could create new business ops for anyone able to buy a unit?

Self-flying drones could let terrorists increase attacks on Mediterranean shipping. Designer viruses could cull the planet's people leaving only Hollywood personnel alive. The bio-apocalypse clock must be a few seconds from midnight? The D.N.A. brave new world is of recent vintage and a greater danger than fusion packages for life on Earth capable of writing.

The Left Also Censors

The left is as strong as the right at ad hoc censorship. Each has an “it’s our village” outlook.


Pshrinking Alaska Government

Alaska’s legislature hasn’t needed to act like a normal, responsible government that must live within its means with taxation per capita since the start of the pipeline era. Prudhoe Bay oil meant state politicians just needed skill at spending. A big government union formed to swell bureaucracy 40 years. Like other governments corrupted with prosperity from easy natural resource extraction described by Peter Maas ‘The Violent Twilight World of Oil’, economic diversification suffered arrested development.

In comparison to the glory years an income tax is needed. State government unions are a vast left-wing obstacle that need be overcome to scale-down government. Bringing the state out of a great depression will require saving the Permanent Fund from predation of government and unions. Rebuilding a new state government finance foundation before the P.F. is plundered rather than after is a great challenge considering how much like crack or meth addicts state and federal budget makers are these days with vast deficits seeking to make the poor suffer cuts to support insiders.

Corrupt insiders don’t diversify and raise fair taxes to pay for necessary services. They burn the house to keep it warm. Projects that create an enriched environment and economy aren’t considered. The rich grow richer...  

Matter was all that mattered in the capitol.

Diversification was a theme for reform posted in public venues for decades ignored by the sort of  people that ignore global warming, judicial perversion, habitat destruction and poverty for decades. Now that a little of the end of oil as the god of state finance has moved in to Juneau development of the predictable union-gangonomics follow. The  big consume  easy  economic  prey  as  on  the expedition  of  Washington  Adolphus  Greely.



Alaska State Budget Problems

It's new ideas needed for the new era. It isn't 1974 now. Change constitution to let private schools get equal k-12 funding. Save on education facility and union cost. Cut gov. size & leave PFD alone. Support wind,solar and geothermal instead of oil. Build rainshelter for homeless to sleep under near bridge. Act like a supporter of free enterprise instead of Rube Goldberg oil schemes.



Democrats Helped Concentrate Wealth

Obama signed permanent tax cuts into law and helped concentrate wealth. He used deficit spending to fund government while letting the national infrastructure continue decay. Fewer Americans were employed at the end of his second term than in the past 30 years.

President Roosevelt raised the tax rates on the rich to as high as 75% and created numerous new programs to put people to work and make new national infrastructure. After five years or so of growth there was a recession that was cut short by the need to meet military challenges posed by Germany. President Roosevelt made Americans more optimistic and did bring the nation out of a great depression.

President Reagan took a different policy to stimulate a national mired in what was called the Carter malaise. That was the very high interest rates and inflation along with the protracted Iranian hostage crisis following the rather dismal conclusion of the Vietnam conflict and the end of the wild and crazy war year protests and counterculture left the nation feeling rather postpartum.

Because President Obama raised debt and cut taxes while letting the infrastructure rot and failing to secure the Mexican border to create significant ground-breaking infrastructure projects though supported the enrichment of Wall Street banks that allowed the rich to grow richer... 

 http://www.bbc.com/news/business-38613488  8 Billionaires as rich as half the world's people) wealth became concentrated in the U.S.A.

The U.S. left acted as if civil rights meant no more than special interest rights for particular constituent classes. The democrat party was encouraged to lose its historical basis during the 50s and 1960s of being concerned primarily with economic class interests and act as if it were still the 1970s, or even the pre-Jim Crowe, pre-1964 civil rights act, pre-Rowe v. Wade era and riot as if Rioter's Lives Matter was all that mattered in the U.S.A.

If the Democrat Party platform was simple to concern itself with raising the economic well-being of those earning $0 to $50,000 regardless of race, gender or perversion it would have its oars in the water at least a little instead of not at all. Democrats should move forward as it once did supporting the idea of national material progress rather than developing cultural multi-personality syndrome seeking to make the nation a global village with donkeys and huts and public markets with lots of dope. President Obama seemed to support retiring as people as early as possible so they could smoke dope and be indifferent to the idea of ecospheric and economic reconstruction with new technological methods.

President Obama bailed out a failing corporation-Chrysler, thereby keeping an air polluting gas guzzling fossil fuel maker in business. Michigan would not even let Tesla sell its cars on other franchised dealer lots in that state and if it could its sales of electric vehicles might increase, yet even so the President pumped up the major source of air pollution in the United States today instead of letting technology advance on the free market as he should have.

A forward thinking President might build a cross-the heart X of Japanese electric bullet trains across the U.S.A. from Seattle to Salt Lake, Albuquerque, Dallas to Jacksonville on one axis and new York to Los Angeles on the other. There would also be a Chicago to New Orleans bullet line.

Instead of reinforcing existing establishment populous corridors and organically building those up with thoughtless, dogmatic inertia that compounds existing social problems and lavishness, the new X bullet lines would allow very low cost trans-continental seasonal migration for the homeless to warm places in the south. Much of the south and Midwest have rural towns with areas that slumped after the 1970s for economic reasons with vacant buildings that could easily be converted to seasonal housing.

Spur lines might connect to the low cost electric train travel to serve additional areas. One would expect that many drivers would choose to leave their fossil fuel vehicle at home and take the train to rent an electric bicycle wherever they go at the distant end.


Wrangell'd Pulp Fiction

I have published a collection of my short science fiction stories and novellas from the early days (with a few more recent) that have some sort of relation to Wrangell Alaska being written there in part at least or mentioning it.


Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...