
Russia and U.S.A. May Open Facebook Consulates/Appoint Sect's of Twits

After Russia ordered 750 U.S. diplomats out of the Moscow embassy in retaliation for U.S. retaliatory sanctions in retaliation for something else, the Trump administration retaliated by ordering the closure of the Russian consulate in San Francisco. When Barrack Obama was President we had good terms with Russia and diplomats were drinking, dancing one hand free in the high life .

Pres Trump explained Russia is helping America save money for supplying party supplies for so many diplomats and he would return the favor. It is believed that each nation plans to build new consulates in free Facebook accounts and have a Secretary of Twits administer the sites for each respective nation and perhaps block U.S.A- Russian trolls that retaliate in kind.


Blitz Chess (3M) Modern Defense Against 1.E4

I played black in this 3 minute game.

Pres Trump Doublles Down Russian Consulate S.F.-Ft. Ross Closure

President Trump ordering closure of Russia's Consulate in San Francisco made the historically satisfying for America-for-Indians-only people rather happy perhaps if one thinks about it symbolically. Russians were the first Europeans to make a settlement above San Francisco building Ft. Ross in 1812.

The order proves the President is a true American-first kind of guy.



Shouldn't MLK be on New $20 Instead of Tub-man?

The Obama administration decided to kick Alexander Hamilton into the gutter like an embarrasing turd and replace the image with the face of Harriet Tubman. Why not MLK? Wouldn't that do more good globally?
Martin Luther King, Jr..jpg

Tub-man sounds apropos for a modern super-hero. I would also like to have a Turn-man who is a super-hero video capturing people that make turns without signaling as if they provide telepathic notice to everyone.

Congress Should Make Harvey Solar Tax Breaks and Subsidies for Electric Cars

Hurricane Harvey may have wrecked a half million vehicles that will need to be replaced. There is no better time for congress to act to move part of the nation toward non-polluting electric cars. Curtailing greenhouse gas emissions as far as possible ought to be a priority for the U.S. government. This is a moment in history where the U.S. Congress could take several steps to show the electorate that it is not worthy of a disapproval rating greater than its present 79%

The Congress should also act swiftly to eliminate taxes and to provide whatever financial help that is possible to Texans that buy solar panels. The new roof tiles that produce electric power should also be given a special status.


England has already acted to ban sales of fossil fuel automobiles in 20 years or so. The U.S. government should itself do something at least to support a Texas reconstruction with solar power and electric vehicles.

Does Mueller’s Conspiracy With Schneiderman Violate Ethics Norms?

Evidently Special Prosecutor Mueller has enlisted the help of NY. state attorney general Schneiderman to attack President Trump’s 2016 campaign manager Paul Mannifort and therefrom President Trump.

The power of a special prosecutor is equivalent to that of a federal district attorney, perhaps for every district, and such may collaborate with states attorneys generals on criminal investigations and grand jury matters, yet a special prosecutor is under no compulsion to do so.

Former F.B.I. Director Mueller has apparently taken that dubiously ethical step in order to thwart President Trump’s potential power to pardon Mannifort of any federal charges. If the New York Attorney General and state of New York could charge and convict Mannifort under state criminal law (as yet no indication of substantive charges potential has been presented to the public) the President could not pardon him since he can only pardon federal convictions.

Such a tactic to lever cooperation from Mannifort in order theoretically to evade state charges seems a key ethics violation by the special prosecutor who is supposed to be conducting an impartial investigation into what Rolling Stone has called Russiagate. In Russiagate theory President Vladimir Putin cooperated with Donald Trump to put a silver stake through the heart of Hillary Clinton and put Donald Trump in office.

Mueller’s tactic follows the President’s pardoning of Arizona maricopa Country Sheriff Joe Arpaio on federal charges too quickly to be a coincidence. The brazen attempt to nullify lawful Presidential powers and even to influence the conduct of the executive branch of government seems like a breach of neutrality of the office of special prosecutor and together with the weird conduct of the last F.B.I. Director Comey during the Presidential campaign raises the question of what sort of people have been appointed to lead the F.B.I. ?


Theories of Capitalism Don't Include the Political Effects

This is just a blog comment. I believe that classical theories of capitalism and its evolution as a natural selector of the best producers and inventors don't include politics and the effect of capitalism on political freedom and self-determination by the electorate. In theory the demos is free and not controlled by capital. In practice, capital increasingly controls the demos.

The electorate in theory, within a democracy, have equal votes and equal power to determine issues values and select with poltical support and votes the issues that are best. Concentrated wealth and capital especially today nulifies the value of votes with its power and influence. In turn, the expropriation of political power by concentrated wealth supports less intense competition in capital acquisition and the concentration of ownership of capital.

A free market works best if buyer-consumers are free politically and can make uncoerced choices from the market. Market choices are reduced as wealth is concentrated and destructive competition is eliminated from the network of market producers.

Today too many people regard all concentrated wealth as supportive of the political philosophy of capitalism and have little capacity to discern the fact that capital or wealth can be held by those that do not support a maximized or even minimal free market.

Amazon Rainforest Slaughter Continues- New Species Discovered and Lost

The Independent published a brief article on the continuing deforestation of the Amazon (rain forest). New species are being discovered even as the ecosphere locally is degraded by logging. Inevitably some species will be lost before discovery.


381 new species were discovered in the Amazon region

New Amazonian species discovered every two days while the rainforest is trashed by 'relentless deforestation' http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/amazon-new-species-discover-rainforest-south-america-deforestation-jungle-a7921641.html

Image result for pink river dolphin jpg public domainimage credit: WWF

Could Harvey Damage Have Been Minimized With Good Design?

The damage caused by four or five feet of rain to the Texas coastal plain cities may reach 160 billion dollars. That’s a rather unimaginable cost for rainfall and wind damage. One must ask if the damage could have been prevented with good land use engineering and political zoning prophylaxis?


Vast eco-engineering projects have been done before. Pre-emptive flood control and water re-directing such as the Garrison diversion project have altered the flow of North American rivers. Coastal Texas could perhaps use some vast right-wing political and engineering conspiracy as federally directed construction projects for oceanic surge and rainfall flood control for the 'rare' 30 foot sea level catastrophes that may occur ahead. Such projects could have buildings atop them so they are not just useless except once a century or two.

Harvey 1950 poster.jpgThe Texas coastal plain used to be a sea-floor. Ocean levels rise and fall, storms arise and water surges over the land now and then. All that is known. So if one does the equivalent of falling asleep by a river where bears eat salmon and wakes up to find a bear dining on a your foot, doesn’t the careless individual bear some responsibility in addition to the bear that was just going about nature’s work?

If a Texas coastal plain flood and surge control infrastructure is built it should as a goal seek to restore a five mile thick coastal forest behind the stone wall in order to let nature enjoy the ocean-land interface zone.

For some people building anything within thirty feet elevation of the ocean seems dare-devilish. It is known that global warming is changing the sea level and surface temperatures and exotic weather patterns world-wide.  Global warming for conservatives is as unreal as Jimmy Stewart's 6' 3"" invisible rabbit in the movie 'Harvey'; they ignore its existence and effects at their own risk. Texas like Bangladesh is a pathetic scene when the ocean and sky conspire to reveal the fragility of human structures near the ocean’s edge. They are as flimsy as the world trade center under Al Qaeda air-assault.


On Jokes About Hilbert Space, Function Space and Complete Cellular Topology

Maybe there is nothing funny about the topology of infinite space and infinite dimensions. One might chuckle somewhat about an absolute volume of nothingness divided into some function space value sets and diss the locality of those values in comparison to a universal field prior to and more fundamental than all of the infinite dimensions and content-cubicles with n function variables. Plainly though initial substance or form singularity with zero dimension and zero entropy isn’t laughable or understandable for us non-mathematicians.

A zero-entropy state of absolute organization and certainty in zero dimensions is something to think about. One may assume it breaks down as matter and energy and space-time, dimensions etc., and that it may be regarded as having quantum composition as field phenomena, yet assumptions about the eternal null state no longer existing are somewhat arbitrary; the null state could emit a ghost universe of Hilbert space and function space content itself and remain central and omnipresent through all generated spaces.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...