
Should Foreign Political Action Committees Be Allowed to Place Adds?

Can foreign governments form their own political action committees to influence U.S. election results? If so, must they openly declare that they are foreigners seeking to get support for politicians that will cause harm to a particular sector of the U.S.A. (such as the Clintons) or that would benefit foreign billionaires (maybe the Clintons?).

 Americans saw adds on FB paid for, apparently by some with connections to Russians.

It may be that foreigners are prohibited by law (U.S. law) from directly contributing to U.S. politicians. The Clinton Foundation received contributions from numerous or innumerable foreign rich people and received favors such as State Dept tours for doing so. It is not clear that there is anything illegal about buying advertising space on FB that support anything that isn't prohibited by international law.

Maybe the Trump administration should establish a foreign agent political action committee criterion that would allow any sort of foreign group to register and take out adds to influence U.S. elections, though appropriately labeled adds noting foreign origin.

One wonders if it is constitutionally acceptable to ban foreign based political action committees from existing, as purely evil as they may be, though of a variety less so than more egregiously criminal forms of evil.

International law may be well advised to take up the issue of foreign influence on extraneous nations, as well as the role of multinational corporations in supporting political action committees or elections in foreign nations, in regard to registering officially and receiving some sort of sanction for failing to do so. 

International Political Actions Committees (IPACS) might be registered that operate openly and lawfully anywhere they are not banned by a receiving national government and some global duplicity might be eliminated.

All That's Left (poem)

All That’s Left

Gentle waves slosh in slow breakers
stones too wet receive the dreams
in timeless mist of entropy
the aesthetic, silent infusion of song

Green is a treason for numbers
that cry for profit of increase
where infinite circles reach greater
expanses against relativistic effects

For gravity is all that’s left
from a counter-punching organization
replacing infinite fractions with wholeness
increasing ambient sentience in one
Loch ness like monstrous equation
that being and becoming
multiplies complexity while it simplifies
starry crescendos and planets orbiting tighter
as spaces fall away
land time goes by.


Tensioned Sail WInd Power Generator Idea

Perhaps others have developed the concept of using a sail on land to generate electrical power, I don't know. Yet because the thought occurred to me I write a note about it here in order to let others research or develop that concept.

Fundamentally one can catch a lot more wind with a large square sail than with the much smaller surfaces of propeller-like blades. People have let wind provide the mechanical moving energy directly for centuries instead of using an indirect means to directly convert a large area of  a sail to mechanical and eventually via an alternator- electric power.

The larger the the more force would be exerted upon it in a wind. There would be two masts on a turntable connected at the corners to a tensioned line and various reduction gears that would turn an alternator via the extreme force on the tensioned connector cables.

The tensioned cables could be spring-loaded, or they might compress in-line elements connected to reduction gears, or they could be fashioned in numerous configurations such as around pulleys and with compressible springs etc.

A strong point about land sails for generating electric power would be the low cost of sails as well as low maintenance and installation costs. probably someone thought of tying sails into mechanical systems before, yet I don't want to fail to note the concept anyway.

One Percent Reigning Fire from Above (poem)

One Percent Reigning Fire from Above

Concentrated wealth and power high, above
crowds on the street oblivious, too
staccato music gun sights of late night
drawn on a mile wide target, for bear

Bullets rain fire, drops of hell
slapping bodies on a Sabbath, with sharp
tax cuts for a 1% ,raising legions of demons
upward reaching for gamblers, lost

Country people doped down, adds
casualties to the party-dream, sounds
of pathos, like hydrogen fusion explosions
in miniature lives that matter too

Power corrupts and absolute tax cuts
concentrate wealth and power absolutely
disarming stockyards
where the crowd played

Un till, first responders arrived
twasn't pobvious lempr slobaganda
that could be shunt down for a buck

with a thong.


Shouldn't Republicans that Voted Against Repeal Produce Their own Versions?

Senators Murkowski, Collins, and others that voted against Obamacare Repeal should produce their own acceptable versions rather than sit a chesire cats voting down anything that appears. Republicans should be able to communicate adequately to know a priori what is wrong with a particular bill such that it gives to great of offense to particular senators and then avopid the embarrassment and not bring it to a vote until its fixed. That seems like basic logic and political competence one should expect from pros.


Russia 3rd Rate Hacking Behind China and U.S.A.

Apparently Russia isn't the only nation that has a lot of hackers. Five years ago China and the United States ranked ahead of Russia in world hacking ratings and that sat probably hasn't changed.


Microsoft is soon set to release a quantum computer language that if learned and exploited by patriotic U.S. hackers will give America a boost past China to take the world's top spot, even if that isn't politically correct.

Assuredly Russian hacking efforts to stuff ballot boxes technologically such as Mayor Daley's Chicago machine reputedly did for J.F.K. may be matched by a planet-ful of hackers including even some American one perhaps of each major party.

Puerto Rico; In Need of Nation Rebuilding Military Exercise

President Trump should send the crack nation-rebuilding team improved since the Iraq debacle, to Puerto Rico to field test their nation-rebuilding skills. Quick. They may be needed in North Korea eventually too.

Trump’s Tax Plan (Public Enslavement Act) Needs Four Brackets, Not Three

President Trump is a great guy, immeasurably better than Hillary Clinton in all things, and Bernie Sanders might be anti-Semitic since he is against funding Israeli defense needs. Even so, the new tax plan is little more than a public enslavement act.

Interpreting the new Trump tax plan from the bottom up. Here’s how it works…

The bottom 1/3rd bracket are dirt and not economically significant. Fifty million of them alone have less than ½ of 1% of the national income together.

The second bracket-ostensibly the middle class are regarded by the most rich as the new poor class. They will protect the class above them a little because they are insecure.

The top third class is really, for the most rich 10% of the top 1% that own a third of all U.S. wealth, the new middle class. It has numerous petty millionaires who work in the Senate and will protect their class interests. That is a good class for the most rich to hide in protected by their Senate servant class-peers making tax law.


One of the oldest political arguments, in fact a foundational one for democracy, is that between the demos and oligarchy. Socrates supported oligarchy and corrupted youth to believe that oligarchy is a good thing, and the democracy ordered him executed.

President Trump’s tax plan with just three tax brackets provides a large insulating class for the top 1% to hide in. It’s an amusing ad hoc union to benefit plutocrats. The super-rich are not like those marginally qualified for the upper third of the nation’s income earners. They are a danger to the freedom and democratic form of government. Yet if properly harnessed they can be of service to the people and environment rather than dooming it to their whims and caprice.

The over-concentration of wealth present de facto oligarchy. Defending democracy requires taxation on the rich sufficient to prevent their purchase of the democracy and control of all economic networks through ownership. The top 5% of income earners should be charged a 65% tax rate. The founders revolted against foreign aristocracy that was domestic aristocracy too; Presidents since Ronald Reagan have given them love as if they were sweet toes to lavishly suck.

If those super-rich people wanted to accumulate even more wealth they would need to just produce more and be of more benefit to the nation rather than extend domination over every aspect of the economy stagnating innovation and controlling the media that conditions the electorate about public issues and who to victimize. A feedback-control loop need be formed with taxation that prevents the rich from becoming royals yet allows them to work to increase wealth with the entire average worth of the people proportionately increasing.

Black Lives Matter protest about all sorts of issues rather superfluously because the issues are over generalized. The takeover of the economy by the super-rich that will reduce Americans to little more than lasting wage servitude and that is something they could meaningfully protest about, and should., or would if they were not trained to just react with race content as their red flag. If the super-rich would just wear red for a few days B.LM. might more readily recognize what issues to charge. Maybe Americans have been conditioned to become dopey slaves of plutocrats and nothing can be done about it. Time will tell if the people are really lost without a clue about the founding father’s political philosophy.

The corporate tax rate being lowered to 20% might increase revenue or not. The proposal seems somewhat like President Reagan’s supply-side economics that got the ball rolling on the deficit build up. I read somewhere that multi-national corporations pay no net taxes because of deductions and clever accounting as it is, and that U.S. corporations pay less than 5% as it is, so getting anything from them could be an improvement. President Trump’s tax plan just requires some simple modifications and could be given a chance.


Would Sen. Payton Manning Stand for the National Anthem?

Reports say that former football quarterback Payton Manning may be interested in running for the Senate seat that Tennessee Republican Bob Corker is leaving. Manning has a reputation as a somewhat brainy quarterback, hence he may be as able as former quarterback of the Bills Jack Kemp at negotiating his way through politics.

It is an irony that the NFL is somewhat unpatriotic in pr these days full of youth socialized during the Obama administration to take a knee during the national anthem to protest the state of race relations of police in the U.S.A. I wonder if people expect too much from those   (police) high school graduates and shouldn’t look elsewhere for solutions to law enforcement procedure problems; such as eliminating poverty.

If each NFL player that takes a free knee during the national anthem were instead to contribute $50,000 to the United Negro College Fund each game it would probably produce better results and scholars than were NFL players on football scholarships.

Solar Power for Puerto Rico- Enough Federal Support?

FEMA relief for Puerto Rico should include a substantial solar panel element to help the people move more off-grid and less reliant on energy networks that obviously can crash for numerous reasons. Two hurricanes will leave many people without electricity for months. Yet 12 volt off-the-grid solar and wind energy systems that can at least keep lights in the darkness going without pollution are easily to install, and can be removed when Hurricanes strike and set outside again later.

Puerto Rico had already planned to acheive 20% power by 2135...why not expedite that?

Storing energy in 12 volt batteries and using 12 volt tech that is very common in cars lets people use those cigarette lighter plug ins and adapter with little effort. LED lights have gotten much better than years ago and use little power. It is rather sad to hear reports of so many people waiting to buy gas powered generators and waiting in line to buy gas when there is so much free sunshine lighting Puerto Rico up every day.

I should note that 12 volt wind power systems are also easy to install and tech installers for emergency sites like Puerto Rico could be trained in a day or two how to wire simple 12 volt systems up for homes.

It would be great it Puerto Rico had a surfeit of electric powered 4 wheelers and fuel cell charging stations...to cut down on recovery and immobility time.




Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...