President Trump is a great guy, immeasurably better than Hillary Clinton in all things, and Bernie Sanders might be anti-Semitic since he is against funding Israeli defense needs. Even so, the new tax plan is little more than a public enslavement act.
the new Trump tax plan from the bottom up. Here’s how it works…
bottom 1/3rd bracket are dirt and not economically significant. Fifty
million of them alone have less than ½ of 1% of the national income
second bracket-ostensibly the middle class are regarded by the most
rich as the new poor class. They will protect the class above them a
little because they are insecure.
top third class is really, for the most rich 10% of the top 1% that
own a third of all U.S. wealth, the new middle class. It has numerous
petty millionaires who work in the Senate and will protect their
class interests. That is a good class for the most rich to hide in
protected by their Senate servant class-peers making tax law.
of the oldest political arguments, in fact a foundational one for
democracy, is that between the demos and oligarchy. Socrates
supported oligarchy and corrupted youth to believe that oligarchy is
a good thing, and the democracy ordered him executed.
Trump’s tax plan with just three tax brackets provides a large
insulating class for the top 1% to hide in. It’s an amusing ad hoc
union to benefit plutocrats. The super-rich are not like those
marginally qualified for the upper third of the nation’s income
earners. They are a danger to the freedom and democratic form of
government. Yet if properly harnessed they can be of service to the
people and environment rather than dooming it to their whims and
over-concentration of wealth present de facto oligarchy.
Defending democracy requires taxation on the rich sufficient to
prevent their purchase of the democracy and control of all economic
networks through ownership. The top 5% of income earners should be
charged a 65% tax rate. The founders revolted against foreign
aristocracy that was domestic aristocracy too; Presidents since
Ronald Reagan have given them love as if they were sweet toes to
lavishly suck.
those super-rich people wanted to accumulate even more wealth they
would need to just produce more and be of more benefit to the nation
rather than extend domination over every aspect of the economy
stagnating innovation and controlling the media that conditions the
electorate about public issues and who to victimize. A
feedback-control loop need be formed with taxation that prevents the
rich from becoming royals yet allows them to work to increase wealth
with the entire average worth of the people proportionately
Lives Matter protest about all sorts of issues rather superfluously
because the issues are over generalized. The takeover of the economy
by the super-rich that will reduce Americans to little more than
lasting wage servitude and that is something they could meaningfully
protest about, and should., or would if they were not trained to just
react with race content as their red flag. If the super-rich would
just wear red for a few days B.LM. might more readily recognize what
issues to charge. Maybe Americans have been conditioned to become
dopey slaves of plutocrats and nothing can be done about it.
Time will tell if the people are really lost without a clue about the
founding father’s political philosophy.
corporate tax rate being lowered to 20% might increase revenue or
not. The proposal seems somewhat like President Reagan’s
supply-side economics that got the ball rolling on the deficit build
up. I read somewhere that multi-national corporations pay no net
taxes because of deductions and clever accounting as it is, and that
U.S. corporations pay less than 5% as it is, so getting anything from
them could be an improvement. President Trump’s tax plan just
requires some simple modifications and could be given a chance.