
Canada Attacks U.S.RIght-to-Work

The Canadian government has seized the moment of the Houston hurricane debacle to attack and demand the end of U.S. right to work laws in the American states that has it.  Canada light Britain wants global control of American workers. They seek to make of them subjects of her majestic and aristocratic union under plutocratic power. Canadian PM Truedeau may find sympathy with Texas governor Abbot who just let in hordes of Mexican relief workers to do the work he must believe Americans are incapable of. 

Mexico is not a rich nation and should keep its relief ops for its own citizens. Canada is something of a political pimp nation seeking to make America dependent on the dope of political powerlessness that the corrupt experience as they let themselves become dominated by globalists. Globalists fundamentally do not support national democracy in the United States with sovereign borders and little wiggle room for the corrupt. Americans need the right to work and to have relief from a dystopian commune of corporate unionism.

Instead, like traditionally corrupt nations that rely on default politics to corruption, corruption shapes political and social development rather than democracy, logic and self-determination. The left believe that existential corruption makes a better world. It doesn't.

Canada is a rathert sheltered northern country without tens of millions of illegal aliens surging into it to take jobs. In comparative isolation it is easier for advanced nations to have unionism. Yet the strong unionism is broken by cheap labor and especially surplus labor from foreign nations that work illegally. Like California with two different economic labor forces (one is illegal), and tow different wage scales, Canada has a different labor and wage scale than the United States and Mexico. The United States cannot afford force unionism upon workers and employers with an already large illegal work force; ordinary Americans would then not have jobs. PM Trudeau's demand is an attack on poordinary Americans.

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