
Able Danger Was News to Me

Able Danger was a JSOC-DIA investigation into Al Qaeda before 9-11 that became famous (though I hadn't heard of it) for its findings and members being repressed. Able Danger apparently learned about Mohammad Atta before 2000. The Defense Department did what it could to prevent the members of able danger even from testifying before congress.



Along with Gary Berntsen's book 'Jawbreaker' that recounts his C.I.A. field op leadership in attacking the Taliban in Afghanistan, making him something of an expert on such matters, wherein he describes the Pentagon's unwillingness to supplyb spec ops to go with him to capture Osama Bin Ladin at Torah Bora, and later to drop a BLU-72 bomb on OBL for hours and hours and finally the bomb seemed to be a semi-dud, one has good reason to wonder about martinets for the entire 9-11 Op.


Richard Clarke's report about how the Clinton and then Bush administrations failed to take adequate measures to capture OBL also bring one to wonder about hidden elements behind the news.


Lt. Col. Shaffer was the leader of Able Danger

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/18/us/18book.html "Secrets in Plain Sight in Censored Book’s Reprint"

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