
The First and Second Neanderthal Extinctions

I hate to write anything that might be misinterpreted as racially biased. Neanderthals are a sensitive topic in some parts of the northern world; Europeans have as much as 3% Neanderthal genes, and it has been a political insult to say that politician x has more than his share of the Neanderthal genome.

People wonder how or why the Neanderthals became extinct. Generally people have had the bias that any human-like forbear that became extinct was dumber than homo sapiens. The idea was that human beings were smarter, faster-thinking killers able to put the Neanderthals down after having sex with them to a limited extent.

Animals simple kill and eat as part of their nature. For human beings to believe they were smarter than Neanderthals in effect is to say that killing is smarter. Smarter=Better Killer. Plainly that concept is juxtaposed between a pair of somewhat contradictory points; animals that killer better succeed in evolution competition, and killing is smart, yet humanity is better than animals because they can think of abstract things and not just kill and eat.

Smart = killing efficiently
animals kill and eat
humanity is more than an animal because they kill  better than animals
the conclusion is false

That basic way of thinking is somewhat discouraging until one realizes that the criterion is descriptive of original sin (of being a thermodynamically formed animal) and that a spiritual rebirth of salvation through Jesus Christ and God transcends the difficult criterion.

Yet the Neanderthal's first extinction...

Scientists discovered recently that Neanderthals learned to make tar from birch bark with a subtle firing process more than 200,000 years ago...at least 150,000 years before humanity did. Therefore Neanderthals were the first technologists and chemists...not too dumb.

Neanderthals were big-boned northerns able to withstand the rigors of the Wisconsin ice age in Europe and battle with   the elements while humanity was living down south in Africa. With the beginning of the end of the Wisconsin ice age humanity wandered north. Probably hominids had been wandering north for millions of years-as weather and sea level changed, yet homo sapiens was rather late in the game in moving to Europe. Instead of a war between smarter homo sapiens and Neanderthals it is quite possible that the thin-skinned and smaller boned human beings simply interbred with and out f'd Neanderthals that could not find any way to build a wall between themselves and homo sapiens. Possibly smarter Neanderthals drowned in the flood of homo sapiens from Africa. Generally Neanderthals were history by 40,000 y.b.p. although some malingered about.

The remaining Neanderthal gene pool of Europe and North America is once again being drowned over time by a flood of southern migrant genes in a sort of genocide. Not even the evolutionary practice of building up skull thickness with thousands of concussive NFL head to head contacts will preserve the heritage of the Neanderthal remnant as prolific thinner f'ing drowns the final plus 1% genetic content of the better-than-human Neanderthal faded into history.

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