
Kurdish Independence and NFL Player Disdain for National Anthem

NFL players show as little public regard for the national anthem of the United States as would Robert E. Lee or Jefferson Davis. The public wants to debate Francis Scott Keys song commemorating the War of 1812 victory over the British and defense of Fort McHenry because he owned slaves. The Union was a growing item, imperfect as the U.S. Congress is today (or less so), that only over time was able to evolve the free democratic state for all envisioned by the founders who were revolted by aristocratic elites.

The Kurds have been promised there own nation for at least a century (since the WW I negotiations) and with those promises never fulfilled there has been a coincidence of instability. Most of human history including the feudal era is fundamentally a race war-even if the races and tribes are very similar and little different. Kings sired as many as Wilt Chamberlain perhaps, and with a smaller demographic the gene pools of royals and aristocrats were reproduced in common faces. In the United States today the NFL player knee taking during the national anthem of the world’s primary democracy in support of race shows the continuing nature of human social and political structures. Not surprisingly the Kurds have found support mainly in their own race and ethnic identity, and so they vote on independence and security perhaps not trusting Iraq to withhold using chemical weapons again on them someday.

American black concerns with police brutality cannot be allayed in a month or two or by a sudden act of congress. The nation has elected government that is too influenced these days by concentrated wealth and power of course, even so it is through specific legislation that the democracy moves forward, rather than with sensationalist camera grabbing and riots. In seeking general remedies without attachment to anything real, and in seeking special race measures rather than egalitarian ideas for social betterment of all people of a given economic class, the Black Lives Matters movement does err.

The U.S.A. must be bettered and restructured from the bottom up rather than the top down. The nation could hardly go wrong if it created a guaranteed minimum income, free higher education and universal free medical care for the poor. Letting a society fill and be complete from the bottom up in economic classes makes certain that human potential is fulfilled rather than repressed, that progress develops rather than prisons. The nation is lacking concern about the bottom economic classes today and that is reflected in the decaying environment, infrastructure, increase of prison populations and impotent manned space exploration programs.

One may double the number of police and try to improve their training and equipment so they are more comfortable with a network and digital photo capture of resistant suspects confident they can be arrested in time, peacefully. One cannot create such advanced structures without a lot of money though- and that can’t occur with tax cuts. It is therefore remarkable that black leaders don’t ever mention the subject of tax increases on the rich, and that they supported the Obama tax cuts.

In an advanced post-industrial society with 3d printing of building and weapons it should be possible to reform capitalism with conformity to the new means of capital and communication. Capitalism does not naturally evolve to a perfect form of capitalism. With reforming legislation it may evolve into oligarchy or monopoly or be ripe with implicit structural inefficiencies. It is not an economic system as naturally occurring as biological evolution wherein reason may be abandoned and the best possible situation will appear even if most life is exterminated by human actions. If a tyrant owns Wall Street or at least his or its clones then that is the best state possible for capitalism? No.

In a prosperous advanced society wherein the basic ,material and social needs are guaranteed by a social net the development of new ideas, inventions and economic phenomenalities that advance human society and restore the ecosphere should be promoted. Patents should be reduced to just five years exclusivity so that generic application of new ideas can quickly follow, and inventors would receive 10% royalties from anyone using the patented product or technology.

With poverty eliminated and people generally secure and with constant technological companions to record life circumstances crime and police brutality should fade away for anyone. If one wants truth in policing and living, in crime and punishment, rather than making a show in front of cameras, people should seek to change society for all for the good from the bottom up.

And the Kurdish vote on independence should be supported by the United State. It is not improbable that the basic condition for nations of the Middle East will be racial or tribal for some time. Living in peace in close proximity to other tribes within their own secure national borders should be recognized as a practical diplomatic objective for Mesopotamia. There is no reason why the United States couldn’t support an independent Kurdistan that is united in defense agreement protocols with Iraq.

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