
Hitchcock’s The Rear Window- An Example of Trieletical Abduction

C.S. Pierce’s abduction is a consequence of pragmaticism. Pierce’s wrote about trielectical thinking. That is something like an internal three-part thought process Wankel engine. It is obviously a little better than dialecticism. Jeff (James Stewart) could look out his rear window, input sense data and make inferences about the material observed. Reasoning about present and absent common human behavior and the behavior of the salesman and his invalid wife who were observed through their distant rear windows Jeff abducted a theory of murder. How did Jeff observe facts and have a conversation with himself (and others) to elicit a nominative thought process to abducted a tentative conclusion?

Deductive reasoning should generate a conclusion supported strictly by the premises; each of which must be valid. Inductive reasoning allows new items to be created from various premises without as much technical rigor or validity. Abductive reasoning is a third way of tying various abstract observations or facts together that precipitate inferences about various premises that may or may not be related in such a way as to form a valid theory. It is interesting that Pierce’s third way is a third method of practical logic in parallel to his three-part way of subjective cogitation about percepts and reason. I like Pierce’s work yet I feel it is not correct today as a model for neurological processing of thought. Contemporary advances in neuroscience have made a different model than a trielectical system. Abductive reasoning could emanate from the subconscious however, formed from a myriad of sources of data stored in memory.

Jeff’s nurse, a woman of practical knowledge, immediately agrees with Jeff’s suspicion. Jeff's girl;friend, a wealthy society woman, is quite skeptical and tries to persuade Jeff that his opinion is a diseased one, until she sees the salesman packing up a large trunk with rope, herself. At the moment she changed her mind completely to be in complete agreement with Jeff. Perhaps witnessing a part of Jeff’s narrative at a further point of the story line such that it would be in complete agreement was the clincher that made her flip flop. It might alternatively have bee the meaning of seeking a packing trunk to her. She may have found it subconsciously troubling in meaning as Jeff one day too might pack a trunk and move somewhere far away in the world to pursue his photo-journalism profession she is not part of.

Jeff’s war buddy Detective Tom has a skeptical opinion. Without a body, hard evidence or eye-witnesses of a crime he is unwilling to validate the abduction line of murder that Jeff provides. He explained to Jeff that the law won’t allow a search of the salesman’s apartment without a warrant, and there aren’t sufficient grounds for a judge to issue a warrant. Tom also has counter-abductive premises of the salesman’s innocence; such as the exit of the invalid wife that morning to catch a train and a telegram from her to the salesman saying she had arrived at some distant place. The salesman’s apartment lease was also nearly expired so the timing on moving was reasonable.

Tom would not relinquish his incredulity until hard evidence dropped into his lap when Lisa found the ring of the salesman’s wife . Ye I knew much earlier that the salesman was a murderer recognizing instantly that the little dog that resembled Judy Garland’s little dog Toto, digging in the garden of the perp, smelled something foul buried deep below. An additional abduction I made was that Lisa being such a sweet rich woman could not have been wrong in throwing all her support behind Jeff’s theory. That simply is not the way Hollywood wrote mystery stories in that era.

Lisa at the end takes high risks and proves she is actually a smart, wonderful, brave woman whom Jeff is too lucky to have devoted to him. Unless the script was completely at the extremity of the bell curve and Lisa was actually the killer just toying with Jeff whom she knew was being a voyeur for eight weeks with his broken leg in a cast looking out his rear window, the conclusion had to be that the villainous philandering salesman that got rid of his old, invalid wife in order to secure a newer and better upgrade was guilty.

John Locke's Self-Aware Cogito; Rather Like Descartes'

In book four chapter ten of The Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke makes some good arguments for the existence of God. He also describes the position of the cogito metaphysically, as it were, rather reminiscent of Descartes. To exist is to be aware of existing. Reason leads to God, and that brings me to a point Locke didn't make about the existence of objects and other people.
Locke could have written that mathematics that one did not invent oneself are proof of the existence of reason in some sentient being. One could not believe that Euclid, Pythagoras or Einstein's abstract works weren't at least evidence of reasoning going on in some self-aware being and not a natural occurrence by non-sentient mass.

In book four chapter eleven I believe Locke finds sensations and sense data distinct from ideas. Ideas arise from sense data, and sense data from external objects; well, objective sources and non-self sources may be plainer than objects for terminology.
Referent objects may be the entire mass-energy of the Universe. Even great office buildings of more than one-hundred stories are simply arrangements of atoms that humans experience as solid because of human physical structure. If people were made of neutrinos they would find the solid building less substantial than vapor. Like the office building, the language and proofs of much of Locke's essays are embedded in the field-criterion Universe of being an element in-the-field given unto self-aware being. That is they work to a relative, circumstantial scale.


On John Locke's Book II-An Essay on Human Understanding-Chpt 13

Locke's Book II-An Essay on Human Understanding-Chpt 13

Locke's thought is quite interesting in this chapter. He is considering RenĂ© Descartes' ideas to a certain extent and deliberating on why Descartes's Meditations were incorrect. Locke doesn't care fro the idea of extension as a virtual definition of body. Locke also considers the nature of space, and I like that quite a bit for I invented some of the same thoughts myself independently-just a few hundred years later than Locke.

Locke pointed out an argument people make that if space was really nothing there should be nothing between any two objects such that there would be no distance. That idea would apply to distant stars too of course. Locke has many other great ideas yet many of the metaphysical and epistemological sort can be readily recognized as anachronistic in light of quantum theory. I think its possible that epistemology has fully updated the facts that are relevant to the paradigm of Locke in Book two, yet I cannot say what philosophy knows overly well.

Locke makes an interesting comment that Descartes' idea of body as extension has a logic that requires everything to be one- in unity pervasive. Of course current physical cosmology has a singularity that extends to be the entire Universe and everything in it, so in that sense Descartes was right on the money.

Locke make a great point about relativity however in points 8-10 of chapter thirteen. I think it is better than one might find anywhere else. It brings one to the idea of experience however and the complete phenomenal subjectivity of names and things-in-themselves.

Epistemological objects are part of a unified field- a monism with component attributes that can be regarded by observers as qualitatively so different that they comprise plural objects. Human beings and human minds exist in a unified field. They may make names and categories about experience within that field, yet every idea about what occurs in it is what is permissible by the non-contingent and non-subjective nature of the field. Space for instance is now known not to be empty (it has virtual particles and other elements of the unified field, or Higgs field that may be an emergent quality of some other kind of field.

Humans may say whatever they like about the field elements and its consistent aspects that reproduce in common experience. Even mathematical relations though are subjective and possible only within criteria the field supports. If Riemannian geometry of a select form is an implicit fact of the Universe then whatever mathematics exist that can be consistent must cohere within that mathematical paradigm.

The relations and relativity of body, mass and substance in the field that is the field extended and perceptible for human experience is phenomenal. That is the problem of quantum weirdness about it; it is a steady state with consistent values of a field that includes the observer. It is possible to make practical guidebooks of physics about operations within the field. It does not seem realistic to talk about 'real objects' or the reality of things-in-themselves. Humans can interpret the extended field in one way, yet that is probably not the only way it is. Insects may view the Universe in infrared for instance and have an entirely different way of relating to it. If one found space aliens with very different and non-human form they might seem the Universe or field experience in a way dissimilar to that of human experience.

I will reiterate something of Locke's distinction between primary and secondary qualities in chapter eight. For Locke primary qualities seem to be elements that exist in an object while secondary qualities just produce sensations in the perceiver. Of course the problem exists that all percepts occur subjectively.

 A baseball removed from a freezer may be cold to touch, yet the coldness would not be regarded as a primary quality, yet the state configuration of the atoms of the baseball (imagine a baseball made from Bose-Einstein condensate) would be a primary quality.

For John Locke, secondary qualities depend on primary qualities of an object to produce sensations in 'us'. Locke provides a metaphysical map of the way percepts are transferred through some particulate way into sensations and ideas that are experienced subjectively.

From my point of view the complete complex of compresence (Russell's term) of being a sentient perceiver with self-awareness in a force-energy field that is a Higgs field/Universe where the way force is structured and allocated enables the self-aware experience of sensation within-the-field as part of the field, makes several of Locke's distinctions somewhat ancillary to a philosophical effort of the 18th through 20th centuries to describe the mechanics of perception, sensations and so forth. That paradigm is less than technically correct for the quantum immersion paradigm where even language can be regarded as producing contingent and secondary qualities. The word of God is the sole primary quality (if one follows the call of God). It is reasonable to guess that God enables the Higgs and all possible quantum configurations to be determined himself.

China May Have Been Behind Cuban Beamer Attack on U.S. Embassy Workers

Last years X-Files particle beam, audio attack on U.S. and Canadian Embassy officials in Cuba that caused brain injury may have been caused by Chinese Communist agents or, alternatively, X-tra-terrestrial space aliens. The attack has recurred in China as new reports find that a U.S. embassy worker in Guangzhou, "across the river from Hong Kong", has suffered a similar experience.

Of course it also might be that those U.S. Government workers had been listening to or watching C.N.N. The sharp glare of intelligence intrigue is challenging to see through.



Spinoza and the Author of the Pentateuch

  I have a different point of view on the topic of Moses authoring the Pentateuch. Even today the authorship of the Pentateuch is controversial among Christians and atheists. Spinoza could have run into the Papacy as the absolute authority on scripture. I have no problem like that. Today the problem is the popular wise guy atheism of the broadcast media if any.
16th and 17th century Holland was a challenging time for religion. The reformation and Catholic traditions met uneasily. Protestant sects had theological differences too. Spinoza was really out on a limb in being a self-standing, free-thinking theologian.
Spinoza was cast out of his Jewish synagogue. People have written that his theological ideas run toward pan-theism, yet he appears to have been Christian too if one can rely on his letters. In either case each way of thinking would be inconsistent with membership in a synagogue I suppose, unless they all become reformed Christians.
I will provide a quote from wikipedia- “I do not think it necessary for salvation to know Christ according to the flesh : but with regard to the Eternal Son of God, that is the Eternal Wisdom of God, which has manifested itself in all things and especially in the human mind, and above all in Christ Jesus, the case is far otherwise. For without this no one can come to a state of blessedness, inasmuch as it alone teaches, what is true or false, good or evil. And, inasmuch as this wisdom was made especially manifest through Jesus Christ, as I have said, his disciples preached it, in so far as it was revealed to them through him, and thus showed that they could rejoice in that spirit of Christ more than the rest of mankind. The doctrines added by certain churches, such as that God took upon himself human nature, I have expressly said that I do not understand; in fact, to speak the truth, they seem to me no less absurd than would a statement, that a circle had taken upon itself the nature of a square. This I think will be sufficient explanation of my opinions concerning the three points mentioned. Whether it will be satisfactory to Christians you will know better than I.
  • Letter 21 (73) to Henry Oldenburg, November (1675)”
  Let me explain about Moses. I believe he invented the aleph beth as a linguistic syncretism made possible by an Egyptian hieroglyphic literate Prince escaping to Israel with his Hebrew Semitic people. Moses received the stories of Israeli history from the captives in Cairo as well as from other sources. He was a consolidator and led his people to the promised land. Moses foretold that one day a Jewish leader would devote himself to writing down everything Moses did and said. I believe it probable that fellow was King David.
  King David devoted himself to the word of God provided in various documents as a legacy from Moses centuries before. David's son Solomon commissioned that they be formally consolidated and assembled as the Pentateuch. Some scholars believe that a J writer was the first to work on the project, and there were others that followed. The topic has quite a lot to it and few knew about that until the 20th century. After that it became more common knowledge for theologians.
 Spinoza ran into the problem of secular establishments that would repress knowledge. Unions do that too in areas besides scholarship. Corporatists and communes also perp repression when they regard people as products for marketing or alternatively nails that should not stick up and require hammering down. They repress this or that individual inconvenient for their public social narrative. Kierkegaard's method of Socratic irony questioned social zeitgeist and social organization. Skeptics are not the only philosophers to discover faulty thought. Socrates worked on that in his dialogues too of course.
I am sure Thomas Hobbes was a well-intentioned scholar. For me though his Leviathan is far too much. He could have equally been describing the Devil's absolute power in hell. Saddam Hussein was the perfect Hobbsean absolute ruler. Perhaps the west should feel some recalcitrance about ending Hobbes' Leviathan fulfillment figure. For myself I think it's the aftermath that was tragic rather than the demise of Saddam Hussein.

Hume's Existential Historical Analysis (Essay I-III-11)

Hume thought hereditary monarchies have non-violent transitions in comparison to non-hereditary. Yet we know from reading Shakespeare and the history of Byzantium that is not so.
Hume assumes the Roman Republic was a democracy that didn't work as the plebes in cities ran it to ruin. If one reads Livy one learns about the Roman Senate and its power as well as that of the consuls and master of the horse during war. Those were not powerless people. The plebes never came in to their own until they demanded Caesar have power, then they made his emperor. I believe Hume's Roman analysis is very poor. 
 Hume believes that monarchs treat provinces better than democracies. It is strange that he overlooked America in his analysis. King George III was the reason for the rebellion. The U.S. government sometimes has treated its 'provinces' or territories better than the states. Puerto Rico received billions and billions for hurricane relief in 2017-18 for example. I think Hume realized who buttered his bread in the England of his day- the nobles. Maybe they should have been named something else such as power goons level I, II III etc.
 Spanish monarchs allowed slavery in Latin America as did England in what became the U.S.A. Slavery was brought to half the world in fairly modern times thanks to monarchy. About 16 million aboriginal Americans perished during the era of Spanish royal power. it wasn't a pretty time.
  Hume use the term "government after the eastern manner" a couple of times. That might have been a bete noir of the time. Oriental despotism was a cliche. The Chinese imperial court was terribly lax. It was apparently quite authoritarian at times as was I suppose the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan.
  Hume posits various pure forms of government (three forms actually) and describes them as strong or mild versions and considers them in a mildly Aristotelian (the Politics) way, ineffectively. I agree with Hume's method of existential historical analysis yet he needs better though about human social organization. There are an infinite number of possible forms of human social organizations; well, at least as many forms as their are configurations of pieces on a chess board. The goal is to make the pieces work well together, and to assure that all the pieces have equal rights of value though some are more powerful than others. Human for some cause lacked the insights provide by the mathematical concept of Hilbert space permutations applied to political structures and ideal ways of responding to emergent issues, such as is possible today.

On Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion's Conclusion

David Hume was a great British philosopher yet I must stipulate that his work seems especially dated to me. Some concepts seem wrong or off key so far as they have any claim to scientific accuracy. The Essay Concerning Human Understanding is a kind of epistemological work. The 'copy principle' of mind and perceptions that is used in Human Understanding tends to be the criterion for that on Natural Religion too. In a way it is all kind of social solipsism with impressions drawn from historical circumstance. Some may of course feel that Hume was being a deadpan existential relativist concerning religion. At the end he seems to recognize the irresistible logic for it although he may be doing so while having already disqualified all human knowledge as historical circumstance. In particular per example the problem Hume found with cause and effects was taken badly for generations. That seems an unrealistic way of viewing empirical, material affairs. Newton's third law for example, of action and reaction, easily can represent cause and effect even if there is a proceeding cause of the proximal cause.

Hume's concluding discourse by Philo is apposite to the Christian paradigm that he seldom mentions- the unspoken natural religion he is often speaking of. In fact it is a surprising logical affirmation of certain important Christian theological points. God is unapproachably perfect and good and is offended by sin. Mankind has original sin and could in no way have a relationship with God except through an intermediary acting to renormalize saved elements of humanity to God. That individual is the Lord Jesus Christ. I shall quote the relevant section from chapter twelve pages 248-9; “It is contrary to common sense to entertain apprehensions or terrors upon account of any opinion whatsoever, or to imagine that w e run any risk hereafter by the freest; use of our reason. Such a sentiment implies both an absurdity and an inconsistency. It is an absurdity to believe that the Deity has human passions, and one of the lowest of human passions, a restless appetite for applause. It is an inconsistency to believe, that, since the Deity has this human passion, he has not others also; and in particular, a disregard to the opinions of creatures so much inferior. To know God, says Seneca, is to worship him. All other worship is indeed absurd, superstitious, and even impious. It degrades him to the low condition of mankind, who are delighted with intreaty, solicitation, presents, and flattery. Yet is this impiety the smallest of which superstition is guilty. Commonly, it depresses the Deity or rather indeed endeavour to entertain, suitable notions of his divine perfections: As the only persons, intitled to his compassion and indulgence, would be the philosophical Sceptics, a sect almost equally rare, who, from a natural diffidence of their own capacity, suspend, or endeavour to suspend, all judgment with regard to such sublime and such extraordinary subjects. If the whole of Natural Theology, as some people seem to maintain, resolves itself into one simple, though somewhat ambiguous, at least undefined proposition, That the cause or causes of order in the universe probably bear some remote analogy to human intelligence: If this proposition be not capable of extension, variation, or more particular explication: If it affords no inference that affects human life, or can be the source of any action or forbearance: And if the analogy, imperfect as it is, can be carried no farther than to the human intelligence; and cannot be transferred, with any appearance of probability, to the other qualities of the mind: If this really be the case, what can the most inquisitive, contemplative, and religious man do more than give a plain, philosophical assent to the proposition, as often as it occurs; and believe that the arguments on which it is established, exceed the objections which lie against it? Some astonishment indeed will naturally arise from the greatness of the object; some melancholy from its obscurity; some contempt of human reason. that it can give no solution more satisfactory with regard to so extraordinary and magnificent a question. But believe me, Cleanthes, the most natural sentiment, which a well-disposed mind will feel on this occasion, is a longing desire and expectation, that heaven would be pleased to dissipate, at least alleviate, this profound ignorance, by affording some more particular revelation to mankind, and making discoveries of the nature, attributes, and operations, of the divine object of our faith. A person, seasoned with a just sense of the imperfections of natural reason, will fly to revealed truth with that he can erect a complete system of Theology by the mere help of philosophy, disdains any farther aid, and rejects this adventitious instructor. To be a philosophical Sceptic is, in a man of letters, the first and most essential step towards being a sound, believing Christian; a proposition, which I would willingly recommend to the attention of Pamphilus :

Hume ended Kant's dogmatic slumber, though I cannot recall what it was Hume wrote that stimulated Kant to think along lines leading to the Critique of Pure Reason. Perhaps it was Hume's propensity for reasoning about things itself, even if not perfectly in key these days. The idea of the prime mover of causality may have been Hume's target in devising his thought leading to the end of causal relations. I would tend to have a modern point of view on the topic myself that would view matter in its quantum context; as emergent elements in a Higgs field as particles containing elements of force. Hilbert spatial representation and physical content bring selected and necessary states of configuration into being. In the steady-state quantum configuration of matter in-the-Universe mass follows thermodynamic principles. Not to labor the point, I believe one need use a fuzzy logic accounting system for attributing causes and effects. High pressure and low pressure, high temperature and low temperature, Boyle's law, equalization of pressure and temperature and allocation of a force follow consistent lines.

Hume wrote in chapter twelve of the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion that “still it must be acknowledged, that, as terror is the primary principle of religion, it is the passion which always predominates in it, and admits but of short intervals of pleasure.” I don't agree at all that mankind has stimulus-response S/R conditioning and fear of worse in eternity as his primary motives. Knowledge is an end-in-itself that mankind tries to get. A sentient being has just so much that he or she may do; physical and intellectual things running even toward the spiritual. Seeking a knowledge of God for-himself rather than trying to explain away all of human experience and interests as biological activities solely and dismissively are quite opposite activities. The former seeks to enlighten the mind while the latter acts to extinguish thought.

David Hume's approach is one of reason, yet it is revealed knowledge; grace from God, that is the credible reason for belief of Christians,  rather than a posteriori logic.

Mainstream Media; Mostly Foes of the President

It is amazing checking out some of the news pages on the internet such as MSN. The overwhelming majority of the articles are plainly foe points of view concerning the President. CNN seems something like an intifada against the President seeking for new angles to attack by the hour.

The mainstream media is owned by the rich. Corporatists have a very different point of view about national sovereignty, and it is not a democratic (not the party named that) point of view. President Trump generally supports American national interests while the media do not.

Corporatists seek to make collectives of society that are malleable to coercion passively. They have some scientific support as well as that of homosexual leaders. Humanity is regarded as biomass that is over fecund and needs to be trimmed and without self-determination except insofaras it benefits the most rich.

The problem (well one of numerous problems) with rule by the rich is that it is unhuman and promotes the most corrupt values. It is as bad as mindless communist collectivism or crowds of fans at N.B.A. games in urban deserts where all the wildlife is gone and global warming gasses are the primary wild product many don't believe in. Collectivism and corporatism minimize individual rights and try to put the dirty wool sweatshirt over the head of the masses so they may be beaten down and plundered. Individualism is descried as is actual democracy and free expression because that could increase taxes on the most rich.

The democrat party itself is a tool of the most corrupt globalists and Harvard elements. Since the Carter administration it has lost moral bearings. Kennedy, Clinton and Obama destroyed it. Each worked for the downfall of the U.S.A. and strong U.S. nationalism in their own way. In some respects Boston is the root of all evil in the U.S.A.


Does FBI Have Right to Infiltrate Partisan Political Campaigns?

It hadn't occurred to me that the Obama era F.B.I. led by an Obama appointee would infiltrate Donald Trump's Presidential campaign with an informant. If Richard Nixon had thought to send infiltrators into the Democrat National Committee he could have avoided sending crass burglars to the Watergate Hotel.

Of course, if captured the President and F.B.I. Director could disavow any knowledge of the activity. Yet it seems that some believe the victim of an FBI  political spy campaign have no right to self-defense.


Select Factors Affecting Einstein's Religious Ideas

Einstein was a German Jew that had to leave Germany with his family and move to Switzerland because of the rise of the Nazis and that unheal...