
More Smoke From the Demo Smoke Machine (Must Be a FIre)

The new charges by Special Investigator Mueller against Paul Manafort concerning witness tampering are more of the same sort of thing that is interesting yet seem more like a fishing expedition than else. That is there should be some real and substantive charges about the actual premise of the investigation rather than such as are friction about the investigation.

I would think that if S.I. Mueller investigated any random selection of Wall Street execs well enough he could find some chargeable offenses. That might apply to many tax returns of the top income earners of the nation as well. Though people should be as truthful as boy scouts in government and enterprise sadly they are not usually that meritorious.

If Hillary Clinton had won the election it is doubtful that a special investigator would have been appointed though obviously won should for a world of reasons. S.I. Mueller needs to do a credible job but there wasn't a solid causus beli for the investigator's office to start with; there wasn't a crime that required investigation. Instead the Democrat Party losers were clamoring for an intifada and way to attack or even reverse the election result. Harassing the President or finding some way to impeach his election effectively was the purpose of the Russian collusion lie; as if the Democrat Party are stalwart anti-Russians since Russia is no longer dominated by the communist party of the Soviet Union.

Back in the day the reds were the communists and associated with the Democrat extreme left. Now the media have labeled the conservative right as the reds because they are not communist. The true blue anti-Russian, anti-free enterprise Democrat Party has Special Investigator Mueller to help with a McCarthyite role of unAmerican activities, yet it really makes the nation seem like a farcical banana republic kind of place.

President Trump Could Ask the Eagles (rock band) to White House

The NFL Superbowl champion Philadelphia Eagles don't want to visit the White House. They have commitments to take a knew someplace I guess, or at least knee-taking practice. So the President rather lamely rescinded their invitation to darken the doors of the White House. Though Glen Frey died in 2015 it is possible that the Eagles rock band would reunite to play a couple of their hit songs from the 1970s (with a guest to take Glen Frey's place) on the White House lawn on the 4th of July.

Fundamentally, knee-taking should be left for prayer and special half-time drill teams that have pom-poms and tall marching band hats. Amateur knee-taking by pros in other fields often seem rather silly and pretentious.


Microsoft Begins War on Open Source (i.e. Linux) Operating Systems

Microsoft apparently has resumed it's monopoly seeking ways and is buying a large piece of the open source software developer platform Github. People hate windows not because its a commercial rather than free operating system, The problem with windows is that its like telemarketers dominating your telephone line. That just is not an acceptable condition for adults that want to use a computer without being controlled by the computer and compelled to serve all of the commercial Microsoft related products that appear every time its used.

Microsoft will want to eliminate or suborn all of the working open source (free) operating systems that actually work for millions of people efficiently and wrench the entire idea of free computer operating systems that work effectively. That isn't good for Americans and anyone else that likes to get work done on a computer without issues arising. Microsoft would rather tariff everyone and get in the way if it can than to allow computers to work like a utility without problems.


Microsoft and Wall Street tend to view computer users as consumers to sell to. The commercialization of operating systems render them less than optimal for producers with all of the distraction and invasive machinations interfering with purity of owner purposes and goals in real-time.

A Latvian Gambit (3m) Blitz Chess

I played black in this game.


Incentivize Start of Moon Colony-Research Base

Incentives need to be made to start the first moon base and perhaps Mars as well that are fungible. The first group to establish a moon base that is self-sustaining for 20 people should be given the naming rights for the facility on the Moon and or Mars in addition to a billion-dollar cash prize.
image credit N.A.S.A. moon crossing the earth

Shouldn't U.S. Quit NATO if NATO is Anti-Semitic?

Should the United States remain a member of N.A.T.O. if that organization is anti-Semitic?

Probably the U.S.A. could form a new alliance with England, Japan and Italy (and even Russia) and jettison the alliance with the people that worked the holocaust, are former commie states with lots of symps, and won't pay adequately for their own defense.

Israel is probably worth bringing into the new ADHOC Defense alliance since it is usually better at military activities than several NATO member states. In fact it might be best to look for an all-star team globally to bring into the ADHOC defense alliance.

Will Pres Trump Use Nuclear Option for Pardon-Selfie?

President Trump may have the constitutional power to pardon himself according to the eminent attorney Rudolph Guliani. The question arises therefore; will the President pardon himself and when would he execute the pardon?

 There is little doubt that most politicians and criminals would pardon themselves of anything and everything they could. If a President does pardon himself voters may develop a bias against him and prejudge him, her or whatnot at the next election, and vote for an opponent.

If Special Investigator Mueller charges the President with criminal activity able to meet the Democrat Party's high expectations the President can just pardon himself on reading the indictment. So many people would be disappointed though since they have high expectations for the President to be completely above the fray and of impeccably outstanding character. The Presidential pardon-selfie would definitely be new and tweatable.



An Owen's Defense Reversal (3 minute Blitz)

 I was trying a tactic of getting a pawn imbalance in a game with the Owen's defense and trailed throughout; as much as +7 for white. Then on move 19 white made a tactical mistake- not uncommon for players at this level, and that was that. The engine eval went from +7 to -8, just like that.


Will Aaron Rogers Finish Career at Denver?

Rogers may sign a new contract before the season starts yet he may play without one. An exit to Denver whenever the Packers decide to let go (and with the proper consideration) may let the aging quarterback take up in Payton Manning's tradition and get some numbers out of the aging arm.

Denver has a good defense and can't seem to settle in with a permanent QB. Given that condition could continue another three years the prospect for a late thirties Rogers migration to the mile high city seems like an actual possibility. Then Rogers too can throw the ball to Kansas City.



USA May Face War With Syria Ahead

Syrian President Assad has threatened U.S. forces. If Syria actually attacks U.S. troops in that nation with more credibility than the Gulf of Tonkin resolution had, and if the administration decides to fight Assad's forces, it should not enter the contest half-way. The U.S. should get a judge to sign off on a declaration of war and then send a minimum of 100,000 troops as soon as possible to secure that nation after a couple of weeks of air assault.

Israeli defense forces could help to sort out the good from the bad. When U.S. troops withdraw Kurds and Israelis together could administer the country until a new fair and balanced Syria is established with homelands for Kurds, and a protectorate for Israel looking out for Christians, Alawites, Shi'a and Sunni.


Intellectuals; Another Endangered Specie

It will be an interesting time for people of the future. Between AI and ten billion human like robots by 2040 Musk expects to exist there ma...