
Mind Over Matter

Some wonder if human beinginess is nothing besides biological drives. It isn't a new interest.

 One has biology and one has thought. Thought differs quite a bit from organic matter. For thousands of years people distinguished mind from matter and believed in the rise of thought over matter and soley organic being. Recent times have brought a regressive movement of reductionism wherein thought is regarded as phenomenal and a meaningless rider on matter.

 Actually it is incredble that sophistication can lead to sillyness.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Thinks People Should Obey Laws; What Next!

The Attorney General of the United States; Jeff Sessions, recently expressed the radical opinion that people should obey laws and that government is good for social order. He compounded the inflamatory rhetoric of his extremist point of view in citing Biblical scripture to support the point. A constellation of mainstream godless atheist media publications soundly rejected his scripture quotes and provided much scripture to indicate the Bible supports their mainstream left-corporatist hatred of Jeff Sessions and all things Donald Trump'd.

Illegal entry into the United States is a crime — as it should be,” he said. “Persons who violate the law of our nation are subject to prosecution. I would cite you to the apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order.”

Government may or may not be good. Hugo Grotius in 1625 examined that problem of laws being a good or bad thing in his paper The Laws of War and Peace...

 "For you, who know the fate of men and gods, What is, what shall be, shameful would it be To know not what is just.

3. Such a work is all the more necessary because in our day, as in former times, there is no lack of men who view this branch of law with contempt as having no reality outside of an empty name. On the lips of men quite generally is the saying of Euphernus, which Thucydides quotes, that in the case of a king or imperial city nothing is unjust which is expedient. Of like implication is the statement that for those whom fortune favors might makes right, and that the administration of a state cannot be carried on without injustice.
Furthermore, the controversies which arise between peoples or kings generally have Mars as their arbiter. That war is irreconcilable with all law is a view held not alone by the ignorant populace; expressions are often let slip by well-informed and thoughtful men which lend countenance to such a view. Nothing is more common than the assertion of antagonism between law and arms. Thus Ennius says:

Not on grounds of right is battle joined, But rather with the sword do men Seek to enforce their claims.

Horace, too, describes the savage temper of Achilles in this wise:
Laws, he declares, were not for him ordained; By dint of arms he claims all for himself.
Another poet depicts another military leader as commencing war with the words:
Here peace and violated laws I leave behind."

Antigonus when advanced in years ridiculed a man who brought to him a treatise on justice when he was engaged in besieging cities that did not belong to him. Marius declared that the din of arms made it impossible for him to hear the voice of the laws. Even Pompey, whose expression of countenance was so mild, dared to say: ‘When I am in arms, am I to think of laws?’"

Jeff Sessions cited the Bible in support of his radical notion that government is a good thing. If it was that does not mean that governments cannot do wrong. One  need merely consider the governments of Bill Clinton and Adolph Hitler to realize that. 

In theory, governments do exist for social order and it is incumbent upon citizens of a democracy to obey laws and respect their own self-governing structure. A government needs to upgrade its administrative laws in response to new external challenges to its existence. Illegal immigration and foreign invasion are external challenges to social order.


Special Invs Mueller Shouldn't Dup Comey's Maladroit Election Machinations

When Special Investigator Mueller warned about Russian mid-term election interference he crossed a line he should have remained behind. If he has solid information he should have gone to Homeland Security rather than the broadcast media. He sounds like a Democrat from the 2016 contest and that was the problem with recently chastised former F.B.I. head James Comey when he let Hillary Clinton's e-mail security bungling off without a charge or valid special investigation.

There is little to no chance that any Russian government agent or anyone else will be able to stuff the ballot box electronically. The security supposedly is good enough. Since Mayor Daley of Chicago threw the 1960 Presidential election to John F. Kennedy election officials have been more eagle eyed and aware about keeping box-integrity.

Russians may be able to propagandize via adds and fake news along with the unlimited contributions of the rich to political action committees that are hardly neutral, Russians can compete with the mind-numbing blather of commercial television network programming and the Hollywood celebrity horseshi_ that attacks American though annually. I think it is hardy a valid concern of a rational government to attempt to socialize control of free expression while seeking unlimited material trade globally. Intellectual properties and free expression  are actually more important to national and citizen liberty than commodity transfers.

Is anything from the media really supposed to be credible and unbiased? Can Russians command even 1% of the national election palaver and propaganda?

Kids of Adult Criminals (Including Illegal Entry to USA) Should Be Well Treated

I am no expert on custody and child protection laws. I wonder though, if Americans commit crimes and take their kids along, do they usually keep custody of the kids?

Apparently it a crime to illegally enter a nation; well, at least the United States. Adults bringing children with them on their criminal venture are seperated after arrest and the insiders and Democrats are howling after the President on that issue.

The kids forced along on the crime because they weren't willing to ditch their parents should have good surroundings while waiting for their parents to process through the legal system. Of course they should have quality education in the while before returning to Mexico or wherever they are citizens. Probably teaching them how to use the Internet would be a cost effective and useful area to invest in since it doesn't take too long and could help them down the road.

EPA Head Pruitt May Piss In Nation's Water Supply Before Leaving

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt is trying to reduce water purity-our precious bodily fluids rely on water, with a bite on the laws that protect water quality.


Chief Pruitt may be leaving office soon. Apparently he has poor management skills in addition to bad ecological conservation an recovery skills comparable to a blind man's appreciation of The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci.

President Trump is doing fine work, yet he is guided by business dollar velocity criteria far more so than ecological awareness. The degrading ecosystem may be Donald Trump's Achilles heel that makes him a one-term President. His best hope, if he continues to expect rotten ecosystem management because its too difficult for his business peoplen to innovate new technologies and policies that allow enhancement of the ecosystem rather than destruction, will be that the Democrat Party again run dopey, immoral, intemperate lunatics against him- even if they use cocaine and marijuana and say the ecosphere is cool man.


Kings Gambit Accepted; Fischer Defense- 3M Blitz

                                             I played white in this video. It is a sort of ideal result, so I uploaded it.

Some Media; Not James Comey, are Biased Against President Trump

Apparently the FBI needs a little adult supervision to keep its agents from back flipping and shooting fellow dancers. I knew an old minister (and a good carpenter) who jokingly asked his son and I if we needed adult supervision when we 50 somethings were working on a building facelift. James Comey was insubordinate- perhaps loyal to his former boss (my speculation) and some FBI people thought they could stop Trump from being elected. They should have applied themselves better and thought about getting the President not to appoint Scott Pruitt to the EPA .

There is no final resolution to the Clinton emails and the possibility of foreign collusion in her phone being cloned by a foreign government so they can read it first before the media. At least Scott Pruitt is trying to muddy the nation's waters by attacking water quality regulations before he leaves office.

Maybe Special Investigator Mueller deserves some of the blame for the insubordinate atmosphere, if it exists pervasively, at the F.B.I. Those guys just aren't like J. Edgar Hoover at all. I am not sure if that is good or bad.


The Inspector General named Horowitz's report looking into former F.B.I. Director James Comey’s handling of the Clinton emails/election era 2016 conundrum was released. It found that Comey harmed the F.B.I. somewhat with improper actions. Thus it appears the President is moving closer to the day when he won’t have special lawyers back-biting like a pack of wolves chasing down a deer in the forest.

Some of the left-wing media are acting right-wing on the President’s canceling war games in Korea as a token of reconciliation to Dictator Kim Un. They need to be on the opposite side of anything as critically as possible. Only a troop increase with new weapons on the DMZ would satisfy the peace mongers.

Eventually Washington will turn to more serious issues, such as; Did North Korea collude to elect Donald Trump?

Was Einstein Racist or Descriptive?

Several publications have declared Albert Einstein's diaries tainted with racist stereotypes. He made a journey to the far east in 1923 and observed the mass of humanity in China, perhaps in Shanghai. He called the Chinese "“industrious, filthy, obtuse people” and compared them to robots"- quote of Einstein from the Guardian via Haaretz.



Apparently the media are so desirous of deconstructive scandals and sensational headlines that they forget historical reality of an era and believe that Einstein should have viewed modern China circa 2018 with political sensitivity and pc language as if General Relativity had wormholed and superimposed 1920's and 2020s space-time coordinates. 

In 1923 China was in the midst of revolutionary issues with the Republican government. There was a revolution in 1925 and two Republican governments north and south helped drain the economy. The infamous Shanghai Green Gang bled the city. Dead bodies were common laying in the streets. Women and children were exploited. People probably were filthy and obtuse keeping their heads down and trying not to say anything that would be held against them at the summary war court and heresy trial.

Undoubtedly the Chinese were also industrious hard workers having little choice about taking it easy or cleaning up at the spa. They may have seemed robotic to Einstein who could not even speak Chinese. China was not the best place to be Chinese in 1923.   


Einstein apparently liked the Japanese. A pure race he commented. One should not be racist by being against races pure or not. Japanese may have been more insular and defensive, enjoy baths and had a more orderly society with some good aesthetic (art and landscaping) values in the 1920s. Japan was 50 years into the Meiji Restoration and had a steadily increasing economy and industrial sector. Island nations can be places with swift progress or failure as the geography allows total government control. Japan was stable and would have resembled to a certain extent the German social environment Einstein was accustomed to rather than the disorderly chaos of China.

Einstein commented on the Chinese population growth, as have many others. The Chinese government finally forced one child families during the 1960s and forced abortion in order to halt population growth at just 1.3 billion souls. In the 1920s the appearance of a rapidly expanding Chinese population mired in social chaotic revolutionary strife with very corrupt leaders and widespread poverty must have seemed like a poor prospect to Einstein for all of humanity.

For pc and pr reasons the media seem historically obtuse, as if they were robotic and incapable of reasoning beyond their social-economic programming. That is fairly amusing since Einstein did not foresee the Second World War and holocaust. Ortega y Gasset foresaw the Second World War at least in his book ‘Revolt of the Masses’ published in 1929.

The reason China has had the population problems it does it that it is a very ancient society and was ruled more than 2000 years by imperial governments that viewed people as subjects and property. The living condition of the subjects was of no interest to the royals except as it served royal interests. Without peer development and equal private property ownweship rights for all, righteous physical spacing wasn't part of land development. Instead, people were bred like herring for royal use.

The World Cup; Sharing the REM of STD's Globally

I hadn't given a thought to the value to diseases waiting in the microworld to infect humans across the globe of pro sports extravaganzas until I noticed this url  headline; https://sports.yahoo.com/russian-lawmaker-warns-sex-foreigners-world-cup-another-race-worse-000304087.html

Giving a little thought to the concept of tens of thousands of sexually active and even promiscuous sports followers and sportsmen journeying to a common event where they can share the rem of sexually transmitted diseases together, it is reasonable to conjecture that they can equally well return home to their originating nations carrying packets of venereal disease new to their nation.

Wave after human wave of sexually transmitted diseases may get a start from major world sporting events. I guess that isn't good though the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico will need to wait until 2026 before themselves getting the chance to receive the world's pathogens related to sports sex transmission from infecting their own nations.


Promiscuity is of course celebrated in the media and Hollywood and society is trained to follow that. Leaders fear global over-population and have conditioned the public to receive homosexuality too as a way to curb population increase globally. Promiscuous sex without any reproductive purpose without a monogamous, hetero relationship has it's downsides and especially so for those nations of the less-developed world with lower standards of health care. One cannot really care too much in today's world though; the powers that be seem to want things that way.


What Would Reconstruction of North Korea Cost?

If Dictator Kim Jong Un opens the economic and social flood gates billions and billions of dollars of investments in physical infrastructure to support business inevitably will surge into North Korea. North Korea will develop state of the art infrastructure for communications and transportation one might guess because of the lack of contemporary ossified infrastructure. South Korea will probably be as large a factor of investment as was West Germany in East Germany after reunification.

West Germany invested more than $1.7 trillion dollars in East Germany, and bringing North Korea up to speed may cost just somewhat less; perhaps a trillion dollars, over a decade or so. Without South Korean investment in the North with the prospect of reunification, the pace of mass infrastructure would find it difficult to support all the business investments' need for infrastructure. Business is a head with no body to support it in most cases outside pure colonial style exploitation of raw resources with only the most minimal infrastructure needed for resource acquisition.


This may be a blind spot in President Trump's point of view toward creating free markets and trade in North Korea. And it is unlikely that the United States can afford to create a 'Marshall Plan' for North Korea that would develop a new technology of microwave toilet systems and pure drinking water. It may be able to afford some ecological rescue investments and a few billion dollars for reconstruction yet one sees how the Puerto Rico rebuild went; costly and time consuming.

After the four leaders (including Dennis Rodman) win their Nobel Prize for Peace, the reality of the cost of rebuilding the north will set in. Its worth the cost.

Inner Peace with Self-Acceptance for Slobs?

If one is a slob one might want to lose weight, launder clothes and clean up the yard. A season of discontent can be edifying.  Change can b...