
Were Protestors Demanding Code Pink Secure Borders Last Weekend?

Hundreds of thousands across the nation protested the prospect for border security that would stop illegal immigration to the United States. With millions of illegal aliens in the nation already one would think that more than 'a few hundred thousand' would turn out to create what civil disorder they could. The Democrat Party left and globalists that regard the United States as a perennial turkey dinner to be had for the taking want to get rid of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of Homeland Security as well. Maybe they would like Code Pink to patrol the borders and hand out happy meals for anyone crossing through the wilderness on the southern U.S. border.

President Trump may have an eye toward the November election and order all of his staff to wear sombreros to work. Maybe the President will have an official Marine Corp mariachi band accompany him as he tours the nation trying to build support for Republicans. e should know though that its pretty tough to persuade the Borg of anything; the collective class identity doesn't really comprehend individual civil rights. They work for class interests like the Borg. Everyone must share the rem same values of the Democrat Party Borg or be regarded as a hater. The Borg believes that haters should be dabbed.


“There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.”
- -Mark Twain


Maybe Electric Ships One Day WIth Fuel Cells and Hydrogen

Ocean shipping burns dirty fossil fuel contributing mightily to global warming gasses. If shpping were to transition to electric engines with large hydrogen fuel cells or hydrates and even carbohydrates for hydrogen storage the ocean could become a somewhat cleaner environment. Ships would still be a nuisance and threat to whales though.


wikipedia entry on hydrogen storage in carbohydrates; "Carbohydrates (polymeric C6H10O5) releases H2 in a bioreformer mediated by the enzyme cocktail—cell-free synthetic pathway biotransformation. Carbohydrate provides high hydrogen storage densities as a liquid with mild pressurization and cryogenic constraints: It can also be stored as a solid powder. Carbohydrate is the most abundant renewable bioresource in the world.
In May 2007 biochemical engineers from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and biologists and chemists from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory announced a method of producing high-yield pure hydrogen from starch and water.[20] In 2009, they demonstrated to produce nearly 12 moles of hydrogen per glucose unit from cellulosic materials and water.[21] Thanks to complete conversion and modest reaction conditions, they propose to use carbohydrate as a high energy density hydrogen carrier with a density of 14.8 wt%.[22]" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_storage


Blitz Chess- Muzio Gambit

This was a fve minute time control.

HOT Alternative to ICE on the Border

Inventing alternatives to Immigration and Customs Enforcement all would be expensive. ICE is hated by those that seek easy civil invasion of the United States for the purpose of foreign conquest. Socialists tend to hate the USA when it resists global control and so will protest the existence of ICE and the President's willingness to enforce the laws regarding keeping the border secure. Why, they wonder, should a Chief Executive Officer enforce border security laws?

Getting rid of ICE would require an intermediate power on the border. If ICE is abolished the opportunity exists to create new government agencies arises. A Special Forces black ops division of the military with about 200,000 troops could be established while reducing the size of the Marine Corps 200,000 and shifting downsized Marines of quality to SFBOP. Initially SFBOP would be a civilian agency and would handle customs and immigration enforcement learning much about illegal aliens and disguises, methods of operation that would be useful later in another career as SFBOP soldiers.

A word about SFBOP assignments and qualifications later after their border security role is over and the agency is shifted to DOD gradually while civilians merge into a new Human Operations Tasks (HOT) agency patrolling the border. The 200,000 SFBOP would be an elite force with the skills of  seals and rangers. There task would be as a rapid response force quicker and more numerous than the 82nd Airborne.

Human Operations Tasks would be able to summon law enforcement at state and local level into part-time, local support roles in identifying and arresting persons illegal in the United States. They would wear brown camouflage uniforms except when in urban areas. Urban attire for HOT workers should be custom designed cargo-pocket Levis or Dickeys alternatively with Nehru shirts and optional camouflage bullet proof cloaks with stealth invisibility features if DARPA made those yet.

Plainly the makeover of ICE into two new forces of SFBOP and HOT would be time consuming and expensive. HOT would need new vehicles to patrol a modernized Hadrian's wall on the border-perhaps Elon Musk's Tesla corporation could produce solar-power electronic vehicle to ride along the top of the wall with a solar fuel efficiency.


Why Have Google News Settings That are Ignored?

Every day I select the news feed option of hiding all stories from NPR and the Washington Post yet the settings are ignored apparently for the leftist propaganda just reappears some time later. Instead of naming the option 'hide all stories from the SOBs', Google should choose the more realistic name 'delete the vermin swine pig-dog rants to the deepest level of Hades', and actually honor the preference.

ICE Has 19 of Its 20,000 Agents Call for End of Ice

News agencies have reported the astonishing fact that more than a dozen ICE agents have signed a letter calling for the end of Ice. Nineteen of twenty-thousand agents is quite a high number; even alarming. One would expect 100% loyalty to the way things are in any government agency. Well, at least one or two would expect that,. I wouldn't myself expect that.



What American Socialism is Today

Law enforcement in a democratic society can be a nuisance to socialists. Socialism is a good excuse for supporting any sort of illegal actions that can be construed with populism for someone somewhere including an external proletariat pressuring to illegally occupy the United States. Socialism is a convenient excuse for social irresponsibility so long as one's narrow private self-interests prosper. Socialists need never make any sort of sacrifice personally though they may, if so inclined and without concern for the legality.

Socialists don't need to understand socialism at all. They need only feel good about being social and average. Excellence is OK if one is socialist or is friendly to popular social concerns such as abortion illegal drug use, illegal immigration, equal salaries and board positions for the most rich women and minorities etc. Socialism is o.k if it is racially driven to benefit a large internal proletariat with an external proletariat to reinforce it. Traditionally decadent pursuits are alright if they help break down any sort of traditional virtue or objective and competitive social standards.

Socialism is a way of life that can advance the most rich; billionaires, that support an anti-traditional morality establishment, such as the rush of Corporate powers to support homosexual marriage and terminate the CEOs that acted in opposition to it. For contemporary socialism the means and lifestyle of the means is more important than the end. There is no end goal such as Marxist envisioned of a socialist utopia; instead an evolving corporatism can be named as socialism personified.

That is my take on the way modern socialist work. So the inefficiency of Obamacare that expanded health care at tremendous cost yet left many of the poor out (who must travel routinely to find work) was welcome when more practical solutions and systems designs for health care for the poor were available (I made up a few myself). The trouble with American socialism is that it generally follows corporatism criteria and is like goats eating the grass right down to the roots. It kills off any sort of populist reform movements and political changes of any kind that are ecospherically rational.

Capitalism should be reformed such that wealth is not over-concentrated and all citizens have lifetime opportunities for real economic and existential adequate lifestyle. Economics and capitalism could be reformed and made to serve the world ecospheric health immanently.

Developers are Moving to Gitlab from Github SInce MS Bought It

Apparently there are opportunities for developers to choose other host locations for open source software that formerly was placed at the iconic Github recently nuked with Microsoft money. The vast forced advertising and pop-up video technology of Microsoft must have designs on finding ways to exploit information about open sources operating systems from propriatary ownership rights at Github.


If Microsoft made an operating system more like linux without all the time consuming intrusive features immanent in Windows it might find a place in the lives of normal constructive operating system users that are not there simply to consume. Linux is better for workers with computers rather than consumers that like to spend extra money on things such as system security and have silly AI minders even sticking intrusive email pop ins while playing bullet chess.

https://t.co/hN0ce379SC  Watch Gitlab grow

Alternatives to Github...

- Gitlab
- Bitbucket
- git-ssb (on scuttlebutt)
- Dat (Beaker "repos")

Lebron James Could Lead the Human Endangered Species to Ecosphere Renewal?

The NBA champion San Francisco Warriors were not the only NBA team with a black majority that were motivated by racism to insult the President of the United States and the usual invitation to the White House to celebrate their victory. LeBron James also supported the protest a of white man in the White House movement that followed of course, the exit of a black President from office. The NBA is overwhelmingly a black league; the game lends itself to racial preferences because of the few and odd numbers, and discrimination by whites against blacks is politically unfavored these days, so blacks have the court power largely to themselves.

Though James is a damaged item after his public racism against the white President (well, some Democrats called him somewhat orange during the 2016 campaign and Inspector Mueller should look in to that), his fate is still interesting; will he go to the Lakers with a great young front court pair of guards an be the old man, or not? If the Lakers can find one additional star to go with James somewhere, the Lakers may be able to win a championship. Even if they can't, the team personnel would be rather fascinating to watch as they would have more personality than the robotic Warriors with a star guard who looks like he wears a pacifier (there are more fashionable teeth guards available such as most players use).

LeBron James should take a good look at reports from the White House and the way Presidents have conducted themselves and consider if they are treated fairly by the media. The Starr Report on Bill Clinton said that on numerous occasions he "kissed and fondled the breasts" of a woman other than his wife in the Oval Office. If Donald Trump had done that in office would the media treat him with equal kindness?

LeBron James could be a moral agent of good influence if he works diligently at comprehending that President Trump needs to serve all Americans. Black Americans politically don't seem in the public political arena to care about anything besides racial issues. What about eliminating public debt, securing the borders against illegal immigration and increasing taxes on the rich in order to pay off the public debt?

Lebron James should be a leader in ecosphere protection and no-net-loss of ecosphere habitat. A strong push needs to develop to stop loss of species as there is a great mass extinction going on. The public and especially there political leaders are in some ways largely stupid about the need to change the economy from one that consumes and destroys the ecosphere to one that is more in a symbiotic relationship with it. With some thought beyond the black species political self-interests against other species, James could coalesce leadership of all species (comparing races to species as if they were on equal footing with all of the animal species being destroyed while humans over consume, over-drive fossil fuel cars,build highways and eliminate ecospheric health and sustainability).

U.S. Should Build Advanced Drone and Eco-Research Base in Spratly Islands

Plainly the Spratly Islands should have a U.S. Air Force Drone Base that would support ecospheric habitat conservation efforts in the Spratly Islands. Perhaps Vietnam would help staff the facility and man anti-aircraft positions with Sam missiles in order to provide protection from Chinese anti-environment warriors from a rival base of purpose in the region.

Fish and fowl will be the losers ion the power struggle to exploit resources in the South China Sea without ecospheric supervision on the scene.


Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...