
How Russians Address Elections (interference or Not)

I was adding some news feeds to Feedly.com that is an adequate substitute for google news (they don't allow me to get rid of CNN, The Washington Post, and a few other sources that dominate, and found a Russian news page in English that is interesting (besides U.S. news sources that shall remain nameless in order to protect the innocent) .They still dress in the red hammer and sickle flag in Russia? I would think they would have made something new with a hologram in a top corner.

The page at the following url has genuine photos from polling places in a Russian election.


Fake News About NG-SAR-The Machine Gun Hasn't Got the Power of a Main Battle Tank

Fox news has a story reporting that the new Army machine gun NG-SAR intended to replace the SAW has the power of a main battle tank, and that is completely wrong. The weapon's chamber pressure is approximately the same as a tank's cannon  at around 60-80 K.S.I. yet the volume is tiny comparatively hence the NG-SAR hasn't got anything like the power of a main battle tank at a 'soldier's fingertips' as Fox reported.

It would be good if one could pack the explosive power of a M.B.T shell into a machine gun bullet, yet the machine gun bullet also is substantially smaller than a tank round.

An M-1 uses 105mm and 120mm rounds of four varieties  while a SAW uses 5.56mm bullets and the new NG-SAR probably something about 6.8mm Tanks use explosive rounds as well adding more power.



1 k.s.i. = 1000 p.s.i., 

80 k.s.i. = 80,000 p.s.i.



A higher chamber pressure increases the exit velocity of a bullet from the barrel of a gun. Gun-powder has volume limits. Probably electric guns have a much greater potential for exit velocity for several reasons comparable to putting one's foot on the accelerator and brake simultaneously before releasing the brake.

In theory one could build a large electric machine gun on the moon and use the Earth as a practice target testing to determine if the bullets could penetrate all the way through and out the other side of that planet. Just kidding. It might be useful as a tool for shooting dangerous asteroids though.


Axis of Collusion Subsets Explained

Election collusion candidates + aggregate voter support

Insider wealth A +Collusion media group B \ Russian Executive Director A'

Payments + Sales + Marketing loop 1

variables A, B, C through Z...

unreal numbers vs real numbers ( voters, illegal voters, aliens over the wall, citizens under the wall )

assumed viewer totals vs configured viewer totals

= intended influence prior to election outcome

Minus adverse influence from video games

brainwash, syncopation accelerator, pleasure fuel mpg rollback smog and water quality

deposit globally, consolidate power, 1%, everything

Oxford axis of Harvard axis of Judgments

Wall Street, EU, Chinese Communist Party * WWW subset simeq 2/3 global capital > Clintons

To sum it up, the abstract collusion process presently favored is like detaching the retina (voter sensibility) from the optic nerve (seeing the truth) causing political blindness. A strong media punch in the eye with heavy handed propaganda does the trick.

By Artwork by Holly Fischer - http://open.umich.edu/education/med/resources/second-look-series/materials - Eye Slide 4, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24367146

Is That How Corporatism at Google Works?

Google News after weeks of my trying to screen out stories from the Washington Post, C.N.N. and N.P.R. still dumps the stuff by the bucketful whenever I look at Google News. Apparently the 'hide stories from this source' button is broke and Google has no interest in fixing it. Still they don't get rid of it because they want to seem like they aren't supporting required propaganda and brainwashing of Americans with Hate Trump news stories.

Actually I couldn't find a news consolidator web page that was worth anything. Apparently I will need to make my own page with rss feeds of news source myself, yet the internet companies are supposed to do stuff like that.

Google used to have a good page that one could easily select news sources from and delete the leftist-globalist-corporatist ones that require the daily hate and brainwashing of the minions, yet google ditched that and apparently went over to the dark side of the force.

If the news is a carefully promoted and unavoidable corporate screed of bs content all the time it would make being an American really really dull.

Strong Leaders Like Putin May Be Effective When Government and Economic Reform is Requisite

The United States today has trouble reforming government. Instead of reform it keeps the same bureaucrats in office and adds new government agencies. Government grows rather than reforms. That is a problem of a vast left-wing bureaucratic government in quasi-democracy.

The creeping expansion of large national democracy along the inertial flow of ad hoc unionism is like the expansion of space-time in the Universe. New bureaucratic elements requiring increased payments grow from out of nowhere moving the galaxies apart.

The new Russia formed from the carcass of the late vast left-wing bureaucratic Soviet Union. In the chaos of its fall vultures picked over the carcass looking for profit taking and territory. Boris Yeltsin appointed the young Vladimir Putin before he died to Shepard the new Russia in its time of wholesale reform.

A strongman somewhat short of being a dictator can accomplish in reform with extraordinary power what cannot be accomplished through democracy. The inability of new ideas for reform to be implemented is a traditional weakness for a democratic society. Ossified economic structures are fought over and get extra investments but If F.D.R. had not inherited a chaotic time during the depression followed by the Second World war it is unlikely that he could have reformed the U.S> Government so far as he did. The genius of Barrack Obama in corrupting the nation by forcing Obamacare upon it was the ability to create a new government agency by appealing to the corporate establishment as well as vast left-wing collusionists for increasing government globally and synergistically giving birth to a monstrosity.

The Veterans administration is notoriously deficient at providing adequate service to veterans. It could have been united with the national constellation of poor people's clinics and expanded to provide direct medical service for Americans that couldn't afford medical service otherwise as a non-profit. A much needed back national disaster emergency medical system able to treat 20 million casualties should that ever be necessary also would have been created as an ancillary benefit of increasing the competence and scale of the V.A. hospital system.

The attacks on President Trump follow the left and corporatist media desire to resist government reformers even potentially, and to have a corrupt business as usual. The prospects for ecological economic reform or for the reform of capitalism to make it more egalitarian and to assure that all Americans have adequate working capital is plainly impossible. President Putin though was able to direct Russia through its chaotic rebuilding period and still troll the U.S. left and media over elections meddling through advertising and cell phone hacks. 

It would be wrong to have a semi-dictator in normal times, and never in the United States, yet from looking at the success of Russia, it does obviously have its advantages in times when emergency reform is required for survival.


Arab Imperialism; Responsible for European Terrorism?

So far as I know, Arab imperialism, if such can be said to exist without an empire, might be attributed to ISIS that sought to create a Caliphate. Terrorism against Europe wasn’t a good idea as it was bad P.R. for ISIS obviously,yet Arab terrorists have traditionally targeted European soft targets for numerous reasons, all of which were bad.

Britain passed the Balfour Mandate that got Zionist aspirations firmed up. Terrorism against Britain has been a long-term policy of terrorists therefore. The jihad by the *mufsidoon* against Christian nations tended to be a neo-populist movement to increase Arab prestige and gain concessions and political power from leftists first by the Muslim Brotherhood and offshoots that hated anyone including Europeans that supported the creation of Israel with U.N. resolution 242 then by entities like the P.L.O. 

Arnold Toynbee wrote about Islam as being a rival civilization to Western Civilization. Like the Nazi werewolves after the end of the Second World War or as John Wilkes Booth and certain die-hard confederates after the American Civil War some Muslims dream of the glory days when they were attacking Europe on all fronts except the Arctic, and victory.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Hamin al-Huseini was as much of a collaborator with Hitler as he could be. He was “*the leader of Palestinian nationalism before and after the war*”.  


There is a long association of anti-Jewish terrorists with Germany indirectly that shared similar opinions about Jews and Zionists. I am not sure that the distribution of contemporary Muslim terrorism on Europe occurs as often in former axis powers as it does in former allied nations.

Muslim terrorism rather than just Arab terrorism; for they must be said to differ since the House of Saud has sponsored Wahhabist Mosque’s in Europe that tend to support terrorists yet probably hasn't perped state terrorism itself directly. Palestinian terrorism isn’t synonymous with Arab terrorism, and some of the ISIS terrorists that moved into Syria and Mosul were disaffected people from all over the world as well as pro terrorist mercenaries rather than just Arabs from, for example, Riyadh.

Europe has some fairly loose security and immigration policies developed when the population didn’t have much to worry about from international refugees and terrorists form outside Europe flooding in. European policy still hasn’t upgraded its attitude toward external challenges and neither has the American left.

Not only should Europe and the United States develop more secure frontiers, they should increase direct investment in poor African countries. In 2015 direct foreign investment in those nations was about a half a trillion dollars. That sounds like a lot yet amidst such a large chunk of the global population it isn’t.

Direct foreign investment by the first world in the third world or second world shouldn’t resemble colonialism nor be primarily to the advantage of corrupt leaders that share nothing with average citizens. A proactive ecological economic foreign vestment policy needs leadership from governments; yet they can’t really even accomplish that for their own nations (ecological economics or a reformed, egalitarian capitalism).

Poor education, desperation, jealousy and the primitive desire for expropriation of land and wealth are reason why terrorist attack Europe. The EU does have a lot of godless, atheists of course and that also helps draw Muslim radicals with the traditional Dar al harb paradigm in mind.

Immediately After U.S. Economic Collapse (when it rains it pours)

Maybe  the question of what nations would survive U.S. economic collapse with a spring in their step and a song in their hearts is actually too complex to answer meaningfully- like making an accurate model of the weather five years ahead. Because wealth is concentrated in the U.S.A. and foreigners own a lot of properties here, it is rather difficult to describe a U.S. economic collapse for-itself. Does it mean that the very rich lose money- even Warren Buffet may have billions and billions invested overseas and in China. If the rich lose their shirts should the poor or middle class care?

Warrent Buffett seems to prefer U.S. investments. Yet S&P 500 multinational index stocks have a lot of international exposure. Where the wealth is of the 1% is rather amorphous. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/17/a-stubborn-investing-rule-shared-by-jack-bogle-and-warren-buffett.html

The tragedy of the rich becoming less rich is meaningful only so far as it would affect an American’s standard of living who isn’t rich, adversely. If Bill Gates loses his American fortune and has to survive in Kenya on beans and bush meat programmers that formerly worked for Microsoft might need to go online to work for the Chinese or French- who can say?

U.S. economic collapse that means the government is broke and needs to get out of business and allow reorganization would make the 50 states consolidate into a few regional republics and one or two socialist-corporatist entities. Boston was one of the founding locations of the nation and may be left holding the bag on U.S. public debt (it would only be a few dozens of trillions probably).

Safety is also a concept with numerous meanings. In the breakdown of social order those nations that mostly ban gun ownership by private citizens very likely would number among the most dangerous places to live. States with farming surpluses would be good prospects. Russia and the Ukraine might be alright places to live if the planet is in great chaos and the people own an average of 4.3 guns per household. Afghanistan might be alright for Afghans since they are fairly independent people that know which end of a gun is the working end.

If the U.S.A. Quips the U.N.

As a permanent member of the Security Council the U.S.A. has veto power. Without U.S. membership there would likely be a lot of votes condemning the United States or the interests of friendly nations such as Israel that the U.S.A. has supported in the past.
The U.N. could perpetrate quite a lot of wickedness without adult supervision (joking). Being a member of the U.N. is an opportunity to defend oneself in person; self-defense is important. Without a U.N. ambassador from the U.S.A., the U.S.A. would in effect be convicted in absentia after the trash talking had taken full swing.

Summary of the Real Transcript (in part) of President Trump's Talk With Vladimir Putin

President Trump speaking with Vladimir Putin at Helsinki recently about building golf courses in Russia after he is exonerated from getting 348 electoral votes because of G.R.U. machinations, inadvertently disclosed to the Russian President that he is actually part American Indian- Cherokee, and 23 and Me had verified his ancestry.

President Putin was quite impressed and said that he was agreeable to investing in First nation projects in Amerigo Vespucci land if President Trump would repay with interest certain debts John Paul Jones left unpaid in Russia during his naval service there back in the day.

The project President Putin mentioned was a new Coffee Shop franchise for dogs with canned product too in order to allow New Yorkers to share a morning Joe with their dogs (a special decaffinated brew with soy). As President Putin described it, the Starbarks stores would sell human and canine coffee appropriately packed with anti-worm and anti-coffee lake CPU viruses.


What If...

I believe President Trump would have agreed to relocate U.S. whiskey production to Moscow if he was ‘in Putin’s pocket’. President Putin would have required Donald Trump to wear a turtleneck sweater and a Tonto hat to Helsinki. Yet that would just be for openers.
Vladimir Putin would be made President of Harvard University if enough pressure was applied to POTUS. Through controlling Harvard President of Harvard Putin could control the United States and compel everyone to learn Russian to reach the elite levels of Wall Street.
It is terrible to consider. The U.S.A. would go back to the Gregorian calendar. School lunches at college would have mandatory vodka rations and a half potato. President Trump would dance the Cossack dance at Christmas festivities while singing Go Ye Volga Boatmen and Frosted Flakes boxes would appear with the President’s picture on it.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...