
Are There Enough Mathematics Profs Teaching Philosophy of Octonions and Quantum Physics

Reading an article in Quanta mag on-line https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-octonion-math-that-could-underpin-physics-20180720/

I discovered a post-doc mathematician looking for a job in her field of Octonions and the standard model. Apparently some PhDs have a difficult time getting work at a decent college that would afford them research as well as instructional time. It would be unfortunate if the Doc in the article were not able to go ahead with her research field of what is essential the philosophy of the mathematical structure of the standard model of physics.

The standard model math algebra model could be improved to allow better field descriptions. It is possible that gravity won't fit into the theory directly, yet with better math something about gravity's points of contact with the strong weak and electromagnetic forces could support inferences about the nature of gravity

How is it possible that anyone very good at a special field of math with applications to quantum theory would not have lots of opportunities at public Universities; too many scholarships going to future NFL stars?

SecDef and Military Industrial Complex Face MOAB with Iran

In the lead up to the Iraq war President Saddam Hussein threatened the Mother of All Battles would follow U.S. military regime change intervention in his nation. History shows that the battle was something of a dud and it was the victory that was costly with nearly a decade of lavish no-bid military contracts by the Bush administration and some thousands of casualties to garrison the nation during a civil war. Iranian President Rouhani also threatened a MOAB if the U.S. gets geographical too close,  needlessly for there really isn't or wasn't an intention or build up to war on Iran.

The United States may have a certain built up inventory of arms that some military-industrial people might like to spend so they can sell or buy as the case may be, newer and costlier stuff. Iran's President should not incite or feed the beast of war with threats that basically are empty-in case he doesn't really know. The technical capacity of the military sector of the United States is quite a bit better than Iran's in quantity and quality. It's air defenses would last a couple of day, and its forces would be minimized in a few days from a variety of technical avenues. 

Personally I would like Iranian-American relations to go back to the pre-Shah basis of reasonable amicability or at least non-belligerancy, yet the U.S.A. hasn't had well balanced leaders since the Reagan administration although President Trump is trying. President Rouhani could actually serve a useful measure for progress if he could keep in mind the difficulty any administration has in presenting a broad-spectrum fairness with the traditional constellation of enemies or semi-enemies these days. SecDef Blumpayo shouldn't go out of his way to antagonize people even if he is well-connected.

While President Obama gave Iran quite a lot he blasted the heck out of other U.S. foreign relations problematic nations fairly aggressively-as in Libya and Syria causing great loss of life and political instability. It is good to have zero mass war and civilian casualties rather than protracted budget sapping conflicts. The U.S. Government doesn't seem to care so much about spending a half trillion or so on a war; the Iraq war in the log run cost about 3 trillion dollars.

Thirty-Four Biliion $ Bailout of Coal and Nuclear Power Isn't a Spoof

President Trump should directly end the Dept. of Energy's silly, troll-like plan to give the coal and nuclear power industries $34 billion. Neither industry is good for national security (unless nuclear winter happens). One is a target for terrorists and unfriendly states that would poison the nation for hundreds of years and catalyze promotion of civilian casualties, the other is a direct assault on the viability of the oceans for sustaining sea life and global warming of the atmosphere besides.

President Trump as a forward looking guy who supports a moon base and fast space establishment for humanity should not be backward looking on energy. Being an innovative leader is what made America great (one of the factors) and other nations follow the lead. Being a leader in retreat and stagnation instead of reinforcing green energy technology and urban infrastructure that is sustainable and reduces cost of energy just buys bad public relations.

Don't revive the decaying corpse of coal and nuclear power Mr. President; and leave the high Arctic of Alaska free as possible from the devastating destruction of fossil fuel footprints.


The volatility of oil and its use in political social conflicts internationally is reason enough to go solar and ditch the fossil fuels. Until someone monopolizes the sky or can put cloud cover in it solar power will be hard to use in trade embargos



Was the U.S.A. Shaken by 9–11?

 The United States isn’t generally attacked at home. President Clinton had bragged after creating a new military intelligence super-agency that it would not be possible for anyone to attack America without us knowing about it first. Meanwhile his administration allowed Muslim terrorists to learn how to fly jumbo-jets in the U.S.A.

The United States has transformed its government into a large bureaucracy that is essentially unreformable. When the machine doesn’t work its idea of itself as competent and authoritative is shaken. New agencies are promulgated, more power is given to the government by political sycophants in Congress. That is the usual response of an ossified democracy that needs reform yet cannot even allow creativity to arise in high office.
The urban infrastructure of a major city was shown to be vulnerable to attack. The lessons from that could be applied to every city on Earth with many rises; they are not too difficult to bring down with the right technology.

Models for World War Three used in the Cold War era had many scenarios about cities being used for war-even if collapsed and Stalingrad-like fighting proceeded in the rubble to stop advancing Soviet forces. In the case of the collapse of the World Trade towers, it is debatable about Americans being terribly shaken though not stirred by the event since the media reports that after all and they are sensationalists. The government seems to have been looking for a replacement for the lost Soviet enemy since the end of the Cold War and the Muslim terror problem arrived in a timely way.

Americans Aren't Racist Not to Lump in the Mid-East With Asia

Apparently land east of the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea is regarded as Asian. Indian is Asian yet not so as it is a sub-continent. American farmers might think of India as India, yet Thailand as somewhere in Asia. China is regarded a a great soy bean consumer yet also Asian.

Japan while being Asian is slipping away to a status equivalent to that of England that is European yet independent from it. There is no American racism regarding Japanese island of origin over more northerly or southerly Japanese islands, though some Americans regard Hokkaido as more rugged and wilderness oriented.

Increasingly, perhaps amid the sophisticated urbanites of too expensive to live in cities, Stan nations are considered Muslim countries rather than Asian with the possible exception of Turkmenistan that because of the eponym is associated with the near-east state of Turkish people that have persecuted Armenians, Serbs and Kurds and supported the Eurasian nation of Germany in the First World War.

Australia is ineluctably considered to be Asian and its people though mostly of proto-Caucasian or Caucasian ancestry, Asian. The famous actor from Australia Mel Gibson, though playing a Scot with an Australian accent in the movie Braveheart is regarded as being of Asian origin though he was ostensibly at least born in New York. There was no birther controversy about that.

After the U.S. Withdrew Forces from Everywhere

Venezuela might surge into all those vacated nations and conquer the Eastern Hemisphere. The Swiss might quit being neutral and cut a deal with Cubans to create a vast right and left wing investment entity with a wall dividing the people to form a corpus callosum political conformity with nothing exchanged between the two except virtual reality. 

 The Chinese would develop spinning Costner-electron storage units on a very large scale cheaply to support electric oil spill skimming drones. The UN would create a Big Board of nations with instant votes on the number of US or Venezuelan troops they want stationary there, yet the U.S. might disregard the election results and send special forces to Mars to help with construction instead of returning to foreign entities. 

 Without some troops pinning down the lion’s tail in S.W. Asia the wildcat might begin to prowl with growls reverberating all the way to Belgium.

The American Dream Passed On

The era of the American dream as it pertained to post-World War Two expansion for the poor and middle class with good jobs and the ability to afford a home is dead. In the present, discussion about dreaming may have replaced doing as there are no longer clear and present opportunities to advance.
The population of the United States was much smaller following the end of the Second World War- about 144 million, land was cheaper, homes and aspirations for average people smaller, and the difference between the rich and poor not too great since F.D.R. had set the upper tax bracket at 90%.
In the low-tax Internet era with high speed quantitative trading and globalization native American dreams have preponderantly passed away into history. The build now is for the consolidation of wealth and rich globalists buying up everything. The capacity to prevent the construction of low cost homes or storage units is inherent for those able to afford opulent, expensive structures hence construction is generally designed to enhance the wealth of the most rich.
Obviously, innumerable social niches exist in such a large nation immigrants can find while serving the interests of the most rich. Those niches may practically seem like the American dream-for-foreigners.


In the Future, New Ways to Sink Carbon to Seafloor

Scientists studying the carbon sequestration cycle of the ocean have looked at micro-organisms in the ocean's depths that consume phytoplankton falling dead from higher up that have consumed carbon.  When the 500 micron small phaeodarians eat the dead carbon-rich stuff falling their way the carbon never makes it to the seafloor. Instead it has the potential to remain an active element in the global warming cycle, I would guess, as they are consumed themselves by sea life travelling up.


Carbon is the basis for organic molecules so the idea of inventing a method of getting carbon in the ocean to bind with some artificially added molecule to sink to the sea floor to stay out of the way for hundreds or thousands of years is dicey.


The ocean surface to a few hundred feet has a limited ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Organic chemists as well as oceanographers may be searching not only for discovery of how the carbon cycle works in the ocean comprehensively, they may as well search for methods to increase it efficiency and capacity to absorb and process carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

NFL Protests That Seem Against the U.S.A. Still Have Support

The Democrat Party's racist, anti-American platform that's for Mexican takeover of all the U.S. states with good independent house repainting prospects apparently has continuing support from NFL players down with the NFL's we hate the U.S.A. and white people- take a knee during the national anthem, protests.

The National Football League take-a-knee protest is a symbol of anti-nationalism. The NFL hates the nation or some people in it. They are not protesting the low, low taxes on their high pay for play.


NFL viewer numbers were down last year because of the protests against the U.S.A. and a white male President from the GOP being elected to the Presidency. If the take-a-knee during the national anthem protests continues, the number of people paying to watch the games probably will decrease further.

NFL players arrive through Universities that have given scholarships to jocks, and that is implicitly corrupt. Scholarships should go to scholars and Jockships to jocks. Keep in mind that women wanting equality with men demand an equal number of 'scholarships' for jocks thereby doubling down the corruption of American educations. Jockships could be awarded of course, yet how many of those should be granted by public Universities? There is no scholarly logic for it. Neither is there logic for Jockships for women other than through the gender equality road and pleasure principle. Biologically studs want to show their stuff to impress impregnable females while women, alternatively, have no need of a Jockship to become impregnated. No scholastic logic anyway.

Who really cares though if the NFL bites the dust eventually? The NFL is full of hyper-aggressive physical types that save the public the cost of sending them to prison for assault on ordinary people. Those hyper-aggressive individuals incur brain damage running their helmeted heads into one another and that may be a good thing as it shortens their life spans and keeps them out of public affairs with their brain-damaged minds.

If they were all Christians and peacefully disposed toward studying philosophy when not training for space exploration missions they would not be in the NFL. As it is, if even half of the players volunteered as reserve soldiers training for special forces war missions their protests could be taken as something more than as stylized hip expressions of brain damaged empty-headed, over-paid thugs with nothing better to do.

Can Mueller Get Enought Dirt on the President to Put Democrats in Office?

  Special Investigator Robert Mueller commissioned to look for possible Trump ties to Russian agents helping him to get elected (most U.S. politicians look to Russia {where lives Prince Vladimir the Elector} instead of people like Paul Manafort for election help) is doing his best to find enough dirt to keep negative GOP headlines going into the news propaganda machine. Recently SI Mueller subpoenaed a former New York madame who was involved in the Elliot Pulitzer tragedy. Theoretically there is a chance that she knew of illicit ties (not sm) of prostitutes to Donald Trump or Trump beneficiaries of sex related services traded on the will-provide—for-favors sex market of that fair city (allegedly).

Paul Manafort is being held in the dungeon under the torture chamber of Warwick Castle of Bostonshire.

 The nation may be shocked that prostitution occurs in New York City or is alleged to have occurred. It was supposed to happen in Boston or Las Vegas in notorious districts of ill repute- and the President lives far from Las Vegas yet too close to Boston although Russian agents have been observed in Harry Reed's home state.

If the President has had any sort of association with the New York sex activity scene undercover agents should infiltrate that and discover any potential leads to Russian agents. Already SI Mueller's agents have broken into the office of the President's former lawyer and seized tapes of Presidential conversations with his personal attorney with the permission of a court warrant. It is reported that the two discussed payments to a playboy bunny. The attorney with sufficient coercion appears to have flipped and betrayed the President’s trust. Yet the main damage is to the concept of the security and trustworthiness of the attorney-client privilege. Muller has demonstrated that anything said to one's personal lawyer can and will be held against you in a court of creative, disingenuous law.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...